
Do you believe in finding out the s*x of the baby?

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or waiting til it's born and why? Me and my girlfriend haven't decided what we want to do yet. I just wanted to hear other people's opinions.




  1. I think i would be too impatient to wait but I guess its all about personal choice. It can be more convient for the purposes of choosing nursery furniture and clothes but some like the suspense and the surprise. As long as your baby is healthy what does it matter

  2. my husband didnt want to know.. at first i did but then thinking about it im like you know what it would be more fun to be surprised at the birth. wait for the doctor to deliver the baby and say congratulations its a... besides no body does the whole surprise thing anymore. they didnt know back in the day what they were having because they didnt have the technology nowadays. so what if you have to get neutrals and so what if people get mad its your baby. i had soo many people like what your not finding out. you should find out on the low so we know what to get.. i just ignore everyone.. and everyone will have their opinions on what it is also ignore. your girlfriend may be like me where get a good idea or feeling what you think it could be. just for fun i did some quizzes and things online to see what it would be boy or girl. and look online at the myths and wives tales its fun. but keep it  a surprise its more exciting.

  3. I don't see why you shouldn't.  It made it more real for my husband and me to find out.  I think its a nice thing to know so that you can tell people (who will most certainly be asking) and so that you can have the nursery ready in appropriate colors.  I have people in my FAMILY that disagree with me, but I think they're just stuck in the past.  Good luck

  4. Personally, I always thought it was kind of silly to wait until it is born. If you can know, then why not know? Saves you from having to buy too much yellow and green clothes early on, for one thing, and you can name your baby early on and know whether or not Jennifer or Jason is about to pop out. Most people talk to their baby in the womb, and I'd rather know who I was talking to. For the life of me, I can't figure out why anyone would want to be surprised by this. It's not a freakin' Christmas present. It's your child! But different strokes for different folks.  

  5. I live in Dublin, Ireland and its kinda a tradition to wait til the birth so thats what we are doing!

    I think its important for the mother to have a nice surprise at the end of all that huffing and pushing!!

  6. I see no problem in finding out the s*x of your baby. It actually makes things more convenient so you and others know what to buy. I would much rather be prepared for baby and have almost everything it needs  by the time it's born than have a bunch of neutral stuff and decide you would rather have blue instead of all the yellow,white,and green colors because it's a boy. I think waiting to find out the s*x would be a nice surprise but only if you have the patients for it unlike me!

  7. I prefer to find out.  I think that it is easier to have items purchased, such as clothing and to have the room ready.  I found out with both of my pregnancies.

  8. People who don't find out the s*x must have more money than me!!!  I wouldn't know how to begin to plan without knowing.  And I am currently pregnant with number 2 and feel like I need to know to help prepare my 2 year old son as adequately as possible.

    Just went for 18 week ultrasound and have uncooperative baby!  Grrrrrrr......

  9. I found out (it's a girl) and I don't think that I would change that decision I am still very excited and I don't feel like a surprise was ruined, it just helps picture your abby a bit better I think. Good Luck with everything.

  10. It is nice to know so you can have the baby's room ready and people know what kind and color of clothes to buy.  

  11. Yes you should know whether to buy a baseball glove or a skirt.

  12. Well, I found out for both of my children b/c I was too impatient and wanted to know what colors to buy for clothing, etc. For our 3rd time around, I could care less what the s*x is. I already have 1 of each, so I want to know what it's like to be surprised for the last one. My husband wants to know tho' b/c he HATES surprises! I, on the other hand, LOVE them! As long as he/she is healthy, that's the most important thing!  

  13. I think it's great to be able to have that option to find out. Personally, I like to know. I found out with my daughter and it really did help me to feel more bonded with her during pregnancy. And not to mention, helped us narrow down choosing a name and getting things prepared. We plan to find out with our next one here in about 6 more weeks!

    My only suggestion is, if you do decide to find out, make sure you tell them not to say a word unless they can tell FOR SURE! Usually, if they sound as if they're just guessing, then it's still iffy.  

  14. Yeah because then you know what sorta clothes and accesories to buy girly or boys x

  15. We decided to wait with our first because we had to buy everything anyway.  We are now expecting twins and are planning to find out so see if i need girl stuff or I will be fine with my boy stuff I already have.  

  16. my hubby and i found out the s*x of our daughter and it was he best thing we have ever done!! it meant we could look a single s*x names and buy clothes. but really it is a personal choice

  17. Depends on your preferences.


    Plan baby shower to get help with clothes, styles, toys.

    Know exactly how to plan the rest of the pregnancy

    Know what to expect and what to do.

    Easier to plan names (dont have to think about the other gender names)


    No suspense, since you know if its a boy/girl

    If you like to wait, and expect the unexpected, then wait until labor, but if you want to know how to plan his/her room, gifts, clothes, everything, then find out when your ready, and you'll be prepared for everything as it comes.

  18. I believe in both ways. We found out because its very convenient when building your nursery and buying things. You would be surprised how hard it is to buy things that are gender neutral in clothing. It also made it easier for others buying things for her. I want to do both though. We want to wait for the next one just to have something to compare. Either way, its just as exciting really.  

  19. i think it's good either way. i mean finding out means you know and you can plan things and not knowing means you have that surprise.  

  20. Well I would want to know. It makes it easier when it comes to shopping for the baby and stuff. We have the technology why not use it.

  21. I chose for my first to be a surprise and I had a boy, on my second I chose to find out as it was a odd gift for my husband who was away from us at the time of my pregnancy.  But I like the idea of the first baby being a surprise

  22. If u want to wait that's fine. Its a nice surprise and also if u don't want to wait to start buying things u can always get it in a soft green or yellow those are gender neutral colors. My spouse and I were too impatient we opted to find out at the 20 week ultrasound.

  23. It's kinda like opening your presents before Christmas, but it does help to get ready when you know the s*x.  xox

  24. Im so impatient i had to find out . i counted down the days and will probably do the same during my next pregnancy. At least you can prepare then =) good luck and congrats!

  25. i would want to find out the s*x because then i wouldnt be limited on what i can by for the baby before its born.

    the only thing you have to remember though if they do tell you the s*x of the baby dont me 100% sure still though because my friend got told she was having a boy and as you do she went out and bought loads of *blue* stuff and at birth a girl come out.

    if you like suprises wait till birth.  

  26. Oh yea, it helps you be a little more prepared and i have noticed others enjoy buying gifts more when buying for a specific gender. Waiting can be thrilling, but i think knowing just made me even more excited to meet him/her! It also helps when picking out names and bedding or room colors!

  27. Some people like to wait and see because that's how "nature" intended it to be, but I found out with mine and would find out again because I found it much more exciting and easier to shop when I knew the s*x. Decorations can be much more detailed when the s*x of the baby is known

  28. yes because then you can get thing ready for when the baby comes. choose a name and get all exited when they tell you.

    hope this helps good luck. :)

  29. Obviously it depends on individual feelings. However I am one of those impatient, have to have everything organised and sorted now type people. So I found out both times asap so I could pick the name, paint the nursery and sort the clothes out.

    I have also found it much nicer to refer to my baby as he/Kian instead of it/baby. Just gives him an identity as a person instead of a growth!

    It didn't ruin the suprise last time either as I still had the suprise of what he looked like and what he is like.

  30. we have 5 children and did not ask the s*x of any, it keeps things exciting and the guessing can be fun. agreed knowing the s*x is more practical as you can buy all the clothes and paint the room in advance, but it is all about the fun.

  31. I think the main reason for them to want to know the s*x is to start buying boy or girl infant clothes and things like that.

    Whatever floats your boat.  On the other hand, some couples like the suprise.

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