
Do you believe in free speech, or...?

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...are you among the 47% who don't, according to the latest Rasmussen poll on the Fairness Doctrine?

"Nearly half of Americans (47%) believe the government should require all radio and television stations to offer equal amounts of conservative and liberal political commentary, but they draw the line at imposing that same requirement on the Internet. Thirty-nine percent (39%) say leave radio and TV alone, too. " - Rasmussen Reports




  1. 1.  The internet is tremendously successful because the government is not involved.

    2.  The "fairness doctrine" is c**p.  This is the Democrats IGNORNING decades of bias and liberal control over all other outlets, only to NOW seek control over the ONLY medium that Conservative voices finally have.

    3. Democrats do not believe in Freedom of Speech...  or they wouldn't be crying that Ann Coulter called John Edwards a "FA&&OT" and Barack Hussein Obama a Marxist and a racist.

  2. one small problem with your whole premise.

    the airwaves are the property of THE AMERICAN PEOPLE.

    if a company can be shown to not have the interests of the people in mind with their broadcasting, they can lose their license.

    with that in mind, i live in the boston area and i can get rush limbaugh, sean hannity, michael weener savage and all the other right wing wackos on the radio, but have to stream stephanie miller from a radio station in los angeles.

    boston, the bluest city in the bluest state of them all has NO LIBERAL OR EVEN REMOTELY LEFT LEANING RADIO PRESENCE.

    since the ratings of what was the air america station are down by over 95%, it is clearly NOT a business decision to remove them from the air.

    those who think that whatever people want to listen to is what we'll get should remember that these same right wing wackos are the same people who DROVE HOWARD STERN OFF THE AIR!!!  

    stern, you may or may not know, IS THE MOST SUCCESSFUL RADIO PERSONALITY OF ALL TIME - so the argument that whatever makes the most money will always win out is simply false.

    is this fair or representative of the FACT that the airwaves belong to the people and not corporate interests?


  3. Just words. G D America. Just words.  He left that little tidbit out of his speech.

  4. Sure.

    Why not?

    If it can help in solving the misery of living human kind.

    For the good of man-kind.

    In making this world a better place to live in time.

    With the creation of peace on earth goodwill to men for the little ones out there in time.

    Look in the real world.

    The mess out there was messed up by children with self lack of knowledge.

    Taking for granted that free speech is throwing pots and pans in bashing up one another among their own kind in time.

    Luke 9.25,55-56,60

    What do you think?

  5. I believe in free speech.  I think the people, not the government, should decide what to listen to.

    Radio stations put on what makes money for them.  they can charge higher advertising rates when more people listen.  So they put on what people want to hear.

    Government regulation of the political content of broadcasts has no place in American society.  It's more an attribute of a totalitarian state.

  6. I think the Government should mind their own business and the FCC should "bleeping" stop censoring everything that is said on the TV, Radio or Internet! PERIOD..

  7. The fairness doctrine is garbage, but it does not stop anyone from expressing their voice in any way and thus does not violate free speech.

    The reason why it is garbage is that it forces private companies to also broadcast the opposing side of an argument.

    A privately owned company should be able to broadcast what it wants without governmental interference.

    Now, I personaly find it disgracefull that the media has become propaganda machines on both sides and because of such, we as the people do not have the complete factual information on any political subject to make an informed decision.

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