
Do you believe in ghosts, and if so, have you had a personal encounter?

by  |  earlier

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Personally, i don't believe in them but I just wanted to hear interesting stories. Best gets 10 pts!




  1. NOPE!

  2. Yep, haha i must have said this story more than a fair few times on here;P

    i was alone in my house during my lunch and was walking toward my laundry room when everything basically stopped. I had what i could only explain  an "outer body" experience and so..i saw myself facing the laundry room, and then my "outer body" looked up toward my brothers room doorway and there was a man stnading there. I remember i was so scared! but couldnt do anything. He was old fashioned looking im pretty sure his name was william or something..yeah, after what felt like forever i was back to facing my laaundry room. yeah and when i turned back no one was there. enjoy!

  3. I believe in ghosts. I have never seen one and hope that I never do. I don't think that once you die your spirit is just gone forever. Anything is possible.

  4. yes i do, i have two stories.

    first i was in the Maymount house i saw someone that i thought was in period dress go into a room, and when i asked about it i was told that no one was dressed like that in the house. so i think that was a ghost of someone.

    second i was going down stairs to pick up my wife at her friends house when i felt a barrier of odor of roses, it felt tangible. while driving i stopped at a (green) light why i don't know, but if i didn't a car that ran the red would have broadsided me in the drivers-side with enough force to at least put me into the hospital. both my wife and i think i had an encounter with my guardian angel, if so i say thanks.

    so yes i do believe in ghost and i do believe i have encountered them in some way.

    i doubt i will get the 10 points, but you asked.

  5. Im gonna sound crazy.....

    There was a man in our basement. Just sitting there. He would be there somedays and then not. He would tip his hat and say hello but nothing else. I was petrified but grew into it. Somedays I would be unpatient and would be like "What the h**l is he watching me do the wash for!!?!" but he is gone. I cried for  week... I really came to like him.

  6. def. every since i was younger, if i had a cat that died, i would be in my bed and i would feel feet (acutally, more like paws) walking towards me on my bed. i would look up, and there was nothing there. it still happens today!

  7. This is an encounter passed on from my mother to me...

    In 1995, my great-grandmother was hospitalized due to natural illness. During the night, she had fell into a coma, and claimed of having an out-of-body experience. My mother had specifically told me that while 'floating', she got a glimpse of my grandmother and aunt in the waiting room, even while having certain 'shadows' telling her to find peace. My grandmother, however, decided to return back to her body. So the question is, do I believe in ghost? Yes, I do. I think ghosts are spirits that are between life and death. To this day, I still get chills whenever I recall that story.

  8. yes i belivieve in gost. A few years ago i was in my room (which was next to the bathroom and my moms rooms) and i woke up around  11 a.m.and saw a brith shinning thing walking out of that bathroom it stopped looked at me and went into my moms room after that i couldn't go back to sleep and when the morn came i asked if my mom went to the bathroom and when she told me no i freak out.

    theres one that happened to my mom if you want to hear mail me

  9. i used to live with my sister... one night we were in the kitchen talking.. she told her husband to go put their new born son to bed upstairs... after about 10mins we heard a little babies voice it was like someone just ran in to the kitchen door.. we thought maybe its my niece who was at that time 2 years old..we kept hearing someone running laughing and just having a good time! ... all of the sudden we saw someone run by.. my sister was like u need to go to bed now.. she went to get her daughter.. n saw nothing she was like come out where are u hiding ... believe it or not there was no one there... so she was pissed we went up to her room her daughter was asleep n we asked her husband he was like she's been asleep for the past 2 hours... that really freaked us out.. ever since that my grandma have seen something she says its a little boy.. who just runs around.. every time i think about this it gives me chills!

  10. h**l yeah , i went to bed i wasnt sleeping as i only pout my blankets round me, my TV was off ands u could see my hall through it i seen a man standing swaying over my stairs, i thought it was my younger brother but the more i looked i noticed it was to big to be him, i was scared to shout incase he came into my room i was stuck to my bed with fright and i couldnt hold in but let a cry full scream out my mum and dad were out (in my grandmothers) i kept screaming and screaming then my front door opened and it was my mum, when i screamed mummy the figure turned and waved me to come into the hall, when my mum reached my rom i run to here and she asked what happened when i told her she ran outa my room and down stairs my dad was on his way up and when she told him he run aswell, it was really scarey but when i look back i laugh at the thought of my mum and dad running away haha, but the werid thing was a couple of days before this happened i was having werid dreams about killing myself but i took nothing of it , when my dad was in a friends house he was telling her what happened and she said 3 years ago there was a man who hung himself right at that spot and gave the description and it was the same description of what i seen .. scarey or what :D...

  11. I do, and have not really had an exciting encounter, and most would believe people that say they did is BS, unfortunately.

    Well, I don't know what it was, a "ghost" which had manifested or my eyes playing tricks on me. However, when I went to Poland for the summer perhaps 6 years ago, when I was 9, I woke up one morning - very bright - to see a dark, shadowy person not even 4 feet away from me. I thought it was my aunt, but then noticed that thing would constantly stand there and not move or speak - I've only been looking at it for several seconds - 10? - before I freaked out and went under the covers, falling asleep. Then, 3 years ago I believe (I'm back in the US, where I live) I woke up one December night, and saw the SAME "manifestation" in my room, 7ish feet away. (I could see the clear outline, my room has alot of lights around, such as from the stereo, window, and chargers). It surprised me that it would be back, and in another continent! Well, I haven't seen it again, and hope I don't. If it didn't, as they say, pass over to the other side, I feel bad but am too frightened to help it or whatever it needs heh :(

    And there are several more stories not involving this one, but I'm rather busy and it may take a while :P

    TO TEVY:

    To believe in an afterlife is to believe in spirits, ghosts, whatever, since they are basically a SOUL going to heaven or h**l. It's said that if they left behind "unfinished business", due to them not dying properly, but through suicide or murder, they stay behind on the earth, to finish their "business"! But also, how can you believe in demons but not ghosts? Its absurd. They both have to do with the afterlife! You're saying you don't believe in ghosts, but souls? They are the same thing, honestly. "Holy Ghost" is "Holy Spirit". It just makes sense.


    Also, I'm not sure if they are hoaxes or not, but obviously there are many claims people have seen or felt presences of ghosts. Ever seen Ghost Hunters or G.H. International? They also show a lot more on the television, if you watch. I mean, a hotel that is apparently haunted since many people on different occasions have witnessed a manifestation or any other experiences? It's pretty freaky, but I believe it usually. Yes, overall, I believe in ghosts.

  12. i don't believe in ghosts but i do believe in demons. When humans die their souls either go to heaven or h**l. You can't stay hear any longer once your dead. but i do believe the demons of h**l will more around the earth in a spirit form

  13. The Trinity is The Father, Son & the Holy Ghost, the Holy ghost resides in all the believers so yes I have had a personal experience with a Ghost.

  14. Only humans could think of something so stupid. That is why we never see "ghost animals".

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