
Do you believe in ghosts, check this out and let me know what you think?

by Guest65619  |  earlier

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I never have believed in ghosts, but I got hooked on that t.v. show "ghost hunters" and "ghost hunters international" and I must admit that they do occasionally find some really weird stuff. It had to at least make one consider the possibility. Check out this link and let me know what you think of the pics.




  1. yes i belive in ghost

  2. In order for someone to believe in ghosts, they would have to actually see a ghost.  Until they do, no mater what you say

    or show them they will not believe.  My husband was the same way until I showed him the tapes of the house we live in, now he believes.  Experience is the best teacher.

  3. photoshop what a great program.

  4. I have watched just about every t.v. show that has to do with paranormal, I can say that I truly believe in 2 Ghost Hunters and, A Haunting.

    I have believed in the existence of ghost/spirits since a very early age.

    Seen video like that many times only 2 of these pics I know have been researched and found to be credible.

    1st the Brown lady walking up the stairs this has been researched and investigated many times. No one has been able to disprove this as a factual haunting.

    2nd is the little girl on the landing area of the stairs looking down. This has also been investigated and the results have been the same. Different investigation teams have been there and only some have gotten the same picture. Again researched and found to be a factual haunting.

  5. Mike, they are not ghosts, they are our loved ones spirits coming back to let us know they are okay.

    I don't believe in ghosts, but now do believe in spirits.

  6. Some of those photos have been around for a long time but they are still cool to look at just the same.  Some have been labeled fakes, some not.  I don't know.  I don't get into the technical side of that.   But I do trust what I can see.  And any photo I have taken.

  7. i wouldnt go by everything thats on you tube,,but there are some vids thats cant be explained and a very small few at that,,most people who dont belive the show dont belive in ghost anyway,,,so why watch it,ive worked with a lot of paranormal investigators over the years and i know personally that the guys dont use special effects or trick cams,,,they have had episodes were they caught nothing and still aired it even when the tv company wanted to cancel the episode,they will tell you whats going on ,now if you want staged shows check  most haunted ,,they have been caught out more  times, i myself do a web tv show and we take videos from youtube all paranormal and say what we think.if you would like to check it out click the link below and just click witch show you want to see


  8. Yes, I do believe in "spirits" & "entities".

    I don't believe every picture of supposed "ghosts" that I see.  On that link you gave I noticed quite a few fakes or spoofs.

    Really, when you look closely at them, you can see.  You tube is not a legitimate source for pictures or videos.

  9. well that was interesting, I wonder if they were real ghost, but cool and scary video.

  10. Ghosts are evil spirits. The Bible speaks of them and warns us to stay away from.They are very real. Not everybody see them, though. They can take any form eg. the form of a loved one who has passed away, but do not be fooled into inviting them because they would cause havoc in your life. The Bible teaches that the dead CANNOT MAKE CONTACT with us and vice versa. If you see a ghost in the form of someone familiar, it is NOT your loved one, it is an evil spirit. Stop watching those programs or they will accept it as an invitation to meddle in your life.

  11. No I don't believe in ghosts. Watching that video of Ghost Hunters won't make me believe in ghosts either.

  12. ghost hunters is all set up, its special effects... dont believe it.

  13. No.

  14. Well if I have to watch a ghost movie I have to watch it to the end because then I won't sleep and well I don't belive in them because this people who come up with such things are just trying to make life a little bit fun and why would it suddenly make you believe in them if before you heard about it you never saw weird staff like that?So there are no ghosts!!!!

  15. I believe in ghosts. Im not sure about ghost hunters international, but that is immaterial to my beliefs anyway. Check out the link for a bunch of ghost stuff, and lots of other paranormal stuff.

  16. You can't trust You Tube..or Ghost Hunters. What you should trust is that there are so many reports on here and all over the world for hundreds of years about apparitions etc.  They might not all be true...but maybe if just ONE is true..then that means they're real. There can't be that many "mentally ill" people in the world.

  17. tere r many no time for i hav seen to videos i believe ghost   cnnot be seen in video ........but some r scary especially that one 3 family mems r sitting on steps ghost behind door ,ghost on steps ithink u believe it in a lot ...Frankly speaking i dont believe  .But one thing i fear when i see darkness!

  18. Yes, I believe in the human experience of seeing ghost. What is a ghost remains an open question and I suspect that explanations for ghosts vary by experiences so that many theories may be true in specific cases. Sure sleep paralysis hallucinations is a good explanation in some cases. Then again a surviving spirit may be a better explanation is another specific case.

    While I appreciate the videos (I didn't care for the music choice) allow me to address this from a scientific perspective for just a bit.

    All the video, all the pictures, every individual case in science would have to be investigated one by one. Creating multiple videos and photos doesn't offer better evidence just more of it that requires examination.

    First, all video and photographs that do have a film negative or have been recorded on a one time use CD can be dismissed as evidence. Photoshop and other digital editing programs are state of the art these days.

    Second, can any of these observed effects be explained by known photographic anomaly and can they be replicated by normal means? If this is possible then this is the preferred explanation in science.

    Third, can other investigators replicate the results of the Ghost Hunters team (this can be difficult as that for instance lightning storms can't be replicated upon demand). The effects wouldn't have be exact just close.

    However, if only one team (the one on TV) obtains results that is somewhat suspect.

    Thank you for sharing the videos I enjoyed them.


  19. Alot of shows on tv are fake, some are real.

    Yes there are such things as ghosts. I've witnessed some in front of people so they can back it up as well. On top of this there are books and filims and pictures. Credible witnesses also claim to see ghosts such as doctors and police officers. They are smart and know what they are seeing. Then there are stories from old timers from long ago.

    These people have nothing to gain from telling their stories only embarrassment but are brave enough to come out. Imagine the people who have saw ghosts but will not say due to ridicule.

    Sometimes people have small minds and can't understand anything beyond their limits. If I used the same example for every day life, I could also say lions don't exist because i've never seen one before. Until some people see them they will not believe.

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