
Do you believe in ghosts and have you ever had a paranormal experience?

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Do you believe in ghosts and have you ever had a paranormal experience?




  1. No and no. But I would love to have a paranormal experience convince me of the existence of ghosts. It's just never happened. Anytime I've had some kind of mysterious or "spooky" thing happen to me, I've gotten up and investigated and found a mundane explanation for it. It's a bummer when that happens.

  2. I've seen a couple. but always wondered if it was a figment of my imagination until the night that my daughter and son were staying at my house and Neither of them believe in this stuff, I'm more wishy washy about it. We all went up the steps together and saw a lady in white floating down the hallway.. I said nothing. But they both looked at me and said. "DId you see that?" at the same time. Weird.

  3. yes i do believe in ghosts and i have had many paranormal experiences.

  4. yes.. my brother died when he was 2.. i saw three angels come down and pick him up... then he was gone... my mother still comes around and see me sometimes too.... they are just souls... and they are just making sure we are ok..

  5. I base my disbelief in ghosts on the fact that I've never experienced anything in my life that has required a paranormal explanation.

  6. I research paranormal phenomenon.  So, yes, I'd have to say I do believe.  My first exp. came when we lived in a house that had some happenings that "just weren't right".  I tried to brush them off.  Yet, they stayed in the back of my mind often.

    A few years later we took a trip to Gettysburg. Rather than soaking in the history (though I did learn a lot)- I became very, very intrigued by the paranormal.  

    It was there that I had exp. my first, I can not doubt it, paranormal exp.  It was on a battlefield, in the middle of the night.  I've documented that and the things that have happened since then on our website.  So have other's.  Check it out.

  7. Oh yes, as did my brother and nephew, all on seperate occasions. We ended up looking into it more over Christmas vacation and found out there was a plane crash near my house around 1936.There's a lot more to this story, but I won't bore you=).  It's crazy stuff indeed.

  8. yes, basically because I see & sense them (several times)

  9. Yes I believe and my family has a knack apparently for  having wierd experiences.. heres are a few

    my sister and her boyfriend were driving it was clear out nothing out of the normal and the saw a misty transparent figure standing in the middle of the street

    my sisters boyfriend saw one last week he was up with his friend and they saw it walking around.. scared the c**p out of walked into the bathroom then out and in to another room..

    my cousin was at her sisters house where a nun died and she saw an elderly woman in a white nightgown walk around the corner in the dining room and then walk back she looked away and she was gone..

    my cousin (same one) has an apartment and she moved some little candle holders around and she came back home from work and they had moved back to their original places.. No one had access to the appartment either..

    Her daughter is 16 and had a friend who committed suicide and while she was thinking about him her music box that she hadnt touched in ages because it was just for decoration go off.

    while I was awasy with my family we stayed at an inn that had an old barn turned into a place to stay and the barn was 2 hundred years old.. There were three lofts and my stepdad saw a maid in like those old clothing walk through the three lofts then back down and he looked away to his small (8 year old) son to see if he had seen it and she was gone.

  10. Yes i do believe and had many experiences :) as an paranormal investigator you come across alot... Sometimes more than you can disprove lol..

    Ryan ~Paranormal Investigator/Researcher~

  11. Hey.

    I don't believe in ghosts and didn't have any paranormal experiences.

    Use google or yahoo search for more details about that question.;_ylt=A0oG...

  12. I believe in the human experience of seeing ghost that has been recorded since mankind first learned to record information. I don't believe that all ghost experiences have the same explanation. I don't dismiss any explanation including the possibility of surviving human personality for which there is some evidence to support. Other explanations include misperception, waking dreams, and ESP. (and many variations of each of those explanations).

    Yes, I have had two (possibly three) paranormal experiences.

  13. Yes I do believe in ghosts.

    This may seem really weird, but me and my family all believe that our house is haunted.  Almost everyday we hear really weird sounds, like banging, or footsteps.  Sometimes you can hear whispering coming from the basement and some of the time there are cold spots in random places.  My dogs will start barking or freaking out for no reason, and one time I saw this man walk by my bedroom door.  Other times you'll think you see someone, but when you look again there's no one there.

  14. yes! about 10 years ago i was sitting in my room reading, i had a nail dryer sitting in the window sill, it flew across the room and landed right in front of me!! i swear!! i just heard the crash on the floor , looked down and there it was!

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