
Do you believe in ghosts and/ or the supernatural?

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Do you believe in ghosts and/ or the supernatural?




  1. of course. we have no idea what is really happening. we don't even know why are we here...where we come from or where we are going to...nothing...or very little.

  2. yes, I do

  3. Yes/yes.

  4. No, supernatural is a excuse used by people to explain things they don't understand and don't feel like finding the answer to. There are a lot of strange things in this world but there is nothing 'supernatural.' Magic is just science fifty years to soon.

  5. Yes I do - weird innit?

  6. Yeah i do as sometimes it can get to the point i feel like i am getting followed sometimes.....

  7. No

  8. Is your name really Dean, just a thought!

  9. yes i do...

  10. yes i do

  11. I believe in the human experience of seeing ghosts. I also believe many explanations are needed to explain different types of cases. Misperception and other reasons given by skeptics are a legit place to start an investigation and anybody past 3rd grade science can easily investigate and eliminate these (unless they are the cause in which case you have an answer). So from skeptical reasons (misperception) to actual surviving human spirits with ESP and other reasons in between may be the explanation.

    I do not believe they are supernatural but rather part of nature (be they surviving spirits or ESP) and normal human abilities that science has not yet adequately described or explained.


  12. No of course not,that's silly.

  13. yes...a little why?

  14. yes why not

  15. Yes. Didn't used to, but very odd, not frightening things have over the last several years. I DO believe in spooks!

  16. yes i do. only because when i was little after my grandpa died i stopped eating for a few weeks or maybe a month. one day i was sitting on my bed and there he was and he told me to go eat. i went to my kitchen told my mom im ready to eat now and i told her why i was and she got really freaked out. also because when my sister was 3 she had an imaginary friend named winki who she said killed his parents. my mom rebuked him and told him 2 leave and she never saw him again

  17. dont believe in either.

  18. In a past era, when religion was more dominant in society,

    it was taken as a given that the purview of religion was

    the "supernatural", that there were things we didn't

    understand, the "preternatural", and all of the other mundane

    stuff, the "natural".

    In recent times, particularly in the past century, science has

    advanced to the point that the word "preternatural" has all

    but vanished from our vocabulary, and the terms "natural"

    and "supernatural" have effectively lost their meaning.

    Science used to be called "natural philosophy" and it

    was pretty clear what "natural" meant.

    Scientific research now effectively defines "natural"

    as being anything that is observable, understandable,

    and which we can describe clearly in precise language.

    So, are there reports of alleged paranormal sightings

    that are not hoaxes? I would tend to think that there are

    some that are honestly witnessed. However, as to

    whether these things are truly new phenomena, I would

    tend to be doubtful. A person may have seen or heard

    "something", but for them to leap to the conclusion that

    the "something" was a "ghost", a "spirit", a "demon",

    or a "space alien", I would say is premature. There is

    a big difference between  a "witness" and an "observer".

    As to whether or not there are "ghosts" I would have to

    say that I don't know. I have never seen any strong

    evidence to convince me that such "entities" actually

    exist. I think that there is a lot that a person's mind can

    manufacture, or can color, or confabulate. So, I would

    tend to not leap to the "ghost" conclusion, without knowing

    more about what people think they are seeing.

  19. yeh i do :)

  20. No. These are just the result of man's creative mind purposely for making movies.

  21. both is very real i had an unfortunate incident with an Ouija bored

  22. Based on my experience and the evidence I have seen no reason to believe in the paranormal.

  23. Yes, I do believe these, I'm only saying this from my own experiences, scientifically there is really no good evidence to support it and also science has struggled to understand these bizarre occurrences. But yes I am a believer

  24. Not really, but I am open minded about it.

    There is just not any evidence to support ghosts, supernatural, etc.  You will find people who say there is, but there is really no credible evidence at all.  

    I think that it is mostly attributable to peoples imaginations running away.

    Think that stories about ghosts, fairies, leprechauns, trolls, etc. are not real.   Just no evidence.   But it is fun to think there is I guess.

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