
Do you believe in ghosts or spirits? Why, or why not? Experiences?

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Share any reasons why you believe in ghosts, do you have proof? Any experiences? Anything whatsoever?

Or why not? Any explanations?

Just go crazy and tell me what you like on why, or why you don't, believe in ghosts!





    I do have the whole clip from television...

  2. I believe because I have been seeing and communicating with spirits since I was a little girl. I normally don't see them the way most people would (like in the movies). It happens differently, first I see a shadow or white figure like an outline of someone in the distance, then they realize I can see them and they show me what they really look like telepathically through my third eye. They speak to me telepathically too. Some times they just want to say something  to someone other times they don't even realize they are dead.  After a while once I help them with what ever it is they are still here for, they just are not around as much if any at all. I have experienced some dark stuff too. I can usually tell the difference now from the very beginning. Usually I see the figure in the beginning as dark and black( very black), I get a bad feeling, and sometimes I smell very foul smells. These are all signs that so far have been correct in telling me that it is a dark spirit. Now those who are not fully experienced need to be careful because dark spirits are misleading, they can try to trick you.

  3. I mean WHY NOT?

    People can't just trick themselves into seeing one especially if you were not excepting it on have any information on the place being haunted!

    I totally believe because of many ways

    Well along time ago in my school a kid died from a car accident I still think his spirit roams the portables because I feel like someone is watching me I used to sit at the very back so it old be hard for people to watch me plus I am always looking around I also have a mirror I flash to see


    but I still have that feeling...

    Plus in the girls room weird things happen once the sink wouldn't turn off the thing was jammed and when the janitor unjammed it and left it started spraying again...

    I find that his spirit never will rest in peace...

  4. I definitely do believe in spirits, believe in angels too. Why? Because I can sense them and communicate with them, have had lots of experiences (too much to list here) that have long since made me a believer.

  5. Yes I believe in spirits and haunting's. The reason....

    I have had many unexplained things happen to me.

    I saw the cowboy at Devils Den in Gettysburg back in 1987

    it was confirmed by a documentary some 10 years later.

    I have seen my child be hit by a unseen force that left a red imprint on her chest. My daughters things moved to the door overnight, and shelves being thrown. I have witnessed a k**b turning all by itself, cookbooks being thrown clear across the room. I have even caught one on my camera.

    All the above has been researched. I have tried to disprove it but it can't be duplicated, no matter how hard I try.

  6. I believe in Angels

  7. I had seen a few in Lorain Country Ohio, in the ruins of Gore Orphanage, mainly as shadows and whispers where there is nobody to project a shadow or to whisper.

    I don't claim to be a brave guy, my dad is the brave one, I must confess that I ran back to the car, dad said I was crazy, he was there too and didn't see it or hear it.

  8. Most recently, at around 3 am, I heard someone in high heels walking around downstairs and the footsteps abruptly stops.  I heard singing at night and when I tell it to stop, it would stop.  One morning I also heard singing coming from the medicine cabinet.  I had my hair pulled and I had heard footsteps from in front of the closet.

  9. yes, i do believe. my house is haunted and it doesnt happen all teh time but it happens daughter got hit in the head with a dime flew acroos the room, i feel someone sit on the edge of my bed at nite, and doors open, noises are made, strange smells, cold parts, i time i saw an aparaition, and my dog follows something and barks at it

  10. i believe in ghosts. when i was at my friend home the bell from her room started to sing suddenly but we were alone at home.we have two photos with many spots who represent the entities. we have also recordings

  11. No not all all ,If you think logical it cant be true The only ghost I have seen is When I am ghostly drunk There is a explanation for everything.But like religion and other believes If you want to believe it you Will and there is no right or wrong,but there are defnitly deeman forces out their (hitler and company) but thei are real

  12. Because I was inexperienced and naive, I took it for granted that ghosts existed when I was young.  Being the curious type I investigated, researched and sought out an experience with a ghost.  I was stubborn in my belief, but eventually I had to reconcile those beliefs with the fact that I had seen absolutely no evidence of any sort to lead me to believe for even a moment that ghosts exist.

  13. I do, because I have played a oiji board by myself. No cheating.

  14. yep. i believe. saw a cousin one night in my room by my bedside.  freaked out, and told my mom, who scolded me for waking her because of my 'nightmare'.  we found out two days later she died in a car accident the night i saw her, and at about the same time in a different state.  

    when my mom died, i saw her in the corner of her hospital room wearing her favorite lavendar dress, but there she was lying on the bed with everyone crying around her.

    yep.  i believe.

  15. my dad died when I was younger he wasn't the best dad but the night that he died he came to me and said good-bye that he had to go & he loved me .the next morning we found out that he was gone. I do believe completely and no one can tell me different.

  16. Originally I didn't. I didn't believe in things I had never experienced. Sorry, but I didn't believe in things I hadn't seen with my own 2 eyes no matter who said what. After my now husband moved in with me that all changed. One night I was laying down to sleep when his radio didn't just turn on... the volume was slowly rising... After I called him ( he worked 3rd shift) to find out where the remote was, since I obviously had laid on it and found out he had lost it years ago... I slept on my couch. My daughter at the time that was barely 1 had an imaginary  friend that she would play peek a boo with... My  husband watched my wind up carousel horse start rocking and playing music, we had a cabinet door open and a tupperware lid fly 3 feet across the kitchen and up and smack my cousin in his head, my daughters friend... when we asked why we couldn't see her... very matter of factly she stated after giggling "Because she is dead silly." My daughter was only 4. My cousin... before he was hit with the tupperware lid called me on the cell phone one day to tell me he saw a little girl in the upstairs window of the house... only problem... no one was home, so no cars were there... and the little girl he saw was brunette and my daughter is blonde... so he turned his car around and went into the house... no one was there. Pop cans flew, objects would just disappear... then reappear where no one would or could set them... I am only 5' and the top of the fridge is not where I would put my keys. We always felt watched... and I had one person beg to investigate it, but since he came over on a night we had a party and vomited on my carpet... he wasn't allowed back... no matter what he taped that night... With out telling people... people knew the place was haunted... or was it us as we moved 3 times and kept having the same issues... I assume with my daughters best friend.. I do have to say there was a lot of quiet time though... if someone came over looking for her... or was expecting it she seemed to stay away... but as soon as your guard was down... she would let you have it. I think the worst she scared someone was my best friend since elementary school. She was moving back in to town from out of state and wanted to stay with us until she found a place. I didn't mention my daughters friend as she had been quiet and I didn't want her to think I was crazy... after 1 week she pulls me aside and tells me to tell my husband not to scare her... I was very confused so I asked her what happened. In the middle of the night she woke up to growling at her bedroom door... She tried to ignore it... but it got louder... She was scared... now my husband could leave her alone. After I explain how my husband never got out of bed that night I tell her to tell him... Well he confirmed what I said and we laughed and explained about the little ghost girl... She moved in with her mother the next day. I don't think she was out to hurt anyone... she would just scare them a little... Since we have moved to the new house about 2 months ago... it has been very quiet. My daughter swears her friend is still around... but the old house owner who is a friend of the family is having problems with keeping lights off when there is nobody there.

  17. I believe in ghosts because I have seen them many times.

    I also have pictures, EVP's, and videos that I caught myself.

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