
Do you believe in ghosts/paranormal?

by  |  earlier

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I don't know, for me, it's like God, you just don't know if He exists, or no.

well, don't tell me i'm going to h**l! ok?




  1. i defiantly do.i have had too many experiences to not.

  2. I have always believed in God, spirits, and ghost since I can remember as young as four. I have experienced it all my life, even felt God's presence intervene to me, and what he said. I seen so many spirit, perhaps a few ghost. It is all so real.

    I always thought it was normal, that everyone has experienced what I have, but when I open up to my experiences no one believes in it, I found that hard to believe. What I ascertain is it's a gift to be sensitive to the spirit world, and only if they can see, feel, experience what I do, they would surely believe.

  3. Well I never really believed in paranormal till I started watching Ghost Hunter and I saw some things that they just can't explaine.

  4. I have neither experience anything paranormal nor come across any compelling evidence, so no I do not believe.  However, my beliefs sway with the wind of evidence, so I am willing to change my mind.

  5. um I do belive in ghosts and god

  6. yes i do belive in ghosts...i can see them too... my old house as haunted and i use to see them and hear them...and at my friends house at her alley...i seen a ghost..yes i do belive in ghost...i hope i nener counter with a evil ghost!

  7. I'm very interested in paranormal. Just gotta be careful with it.

    When I was sitting in my room on my bed alone in the dark one night my bed just shook real quick. That freaked me out.

    Then one night I was praying when I was young, in the same room, and I asked God for a sign that he heard me. I had my radio turned on but the volume was low. After I asked if he heard me I heard white noise on my radio and then the sound of it turning through a bunch of stations and then it turned back to the original station I was listening to. I told my mom and she told me God works in mysterious ways.

    There are plenty of other things that have gone on even outside that house in Laingsburg Michigan, but nobody  wants to read that much.

    You can always email me if you do want to hear more or exchange stories.

  8. yes they do. I used to work with them. about God , i  do his work too . You should check out the Calvary Chapel in your area its a laid back modern form of bible study with cool bands playing and its just pretty cool. I do need to tell you that learning about or experiencing the paranormal is so much more exciting and controled when you have faith! its very disturbing , creepy and dark when you study or are experimenting with something when you have a weak will and no guidance or direction. I believe that there is an all good being and I try to be like it or at least do good as much as possible. That is my faith and it makes me stronger than anything I can encounter. without it I would be lost and very afraid and fear fuels evil. I chose to be better than my fear.

  9. I don't believe in ghosts and they are not the spirit or soul of the dearly departed nor do I believe in the paranormal in general.

  10. I don't believe in ghosts or God.

    And we're not going to h**l since it isn't really there.

  11. I don't know.  I've certainly been around unexplainable phenomena but that doesn't mean there isn't an explanation outside the realm of my experience or even science, for that matter.  I do have a particular fascination with some things though because of my experience and curious nature.

  12. Oh yes I do believe.  don't let anyone say otherwise.  My spirituality only grows stronger with each experience.  For me that's what it's all about.  I am interested in ghosts and the paranormal b/c I want to be closer to the One who made me.

  13. There is no ghosts in this earth. May be some sort of energy of died ones will exist in the earth. But those energies don't have any shape or physic. So there is no Ghosts existing in the world.

    Believe in GOD.


  14. At times I do, other times not b/c there is so much fraud involved with the paranormal

  15. yes  i belieave in ghost

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