
Do you believe in ghosts??????

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Well my whole life I have seen things that I can't explain, and I have ALWAYS believed in ghosts. And I know half of you who answer this wont believe what I'm about to say, but I am Clairvoyent. I can see ghosts sometimes, and sometimes I can tell the future. I say sometimes because I still can't control my powers yet. I have had SO many experiances with the supernatural that I can't even count anymore. Do you believe in ghosts???? And if you do what experiance have you had???? And are you gifted like me?????

P.S I'm only 13 and only like 3 of my friends know.




  1. Yes

  2. Sometimes... when im scared im forced to believe in them... lol... :)

  3. YES I BELIEVE IN GHOSTS!!! i am 14 and my friends think im crazy but oh well :]   they are real and what you are seeing is real.  we had a ghost in our old house that would slam doors, set off the smoke detectors, and play with our dolls when we were asleep.  i hear wood creaking at nite and they are real.  im glad im not the only one! i have grown up with ghosts in my houses.

  4. Yes, but noone believes me

  5. Wow, Clairvoyent? that's some craz shizz!! You'd wanna get practisin with them powers of yours! You could save the world some day girl!!

    I definately believe in ghosts too... My best friend regularly gets hasseled by a ghosts when she's sleeping!

  6. Hmm, this is a concern. If I was you I would seek some sort of help from health care professional. It is neither good nor normal to imagine seeing things like you have claimed. I suggest you talk this over with an adult.

    I am serious about this. At 13 you are only a juvenile and no matter how mature you may wish to pretend to be, you are still only very young.

    This is the sort of thing that people who suffer from schizophrenia undergo. Seeing things that do not exist, and even hearing people talking to them is a very serious matter. As for the person whom is seeing or hearing such things, the experience is very, very real to them.

    Please do not think that I trying to put you down in way, it is just that these sorts of things should not be taken lightly.

    Also, it is never safe to take advice off the internet from anyone – especially in forum such as this!

    So, now we have a dilemma. Do you keep all this bottled up so it manifests into something which you cannot control because you have listened to other juvenile advice as per many of the above? Or, do you listen to some mature, adult guidance, err on the side caution and seek sound medical counsel?

    Obviously the choice is yours, however, I have seen first hand the devastating effects such things as schizophrenia does to people and it is not pretty.

  7. Same kind of things happen to me. Last summer, there was a pool set up in my front yard. I was on the second floor of my house looking at the pool. Out of nowhere, there was a girl that was swimming, and holding onto the raft. If I ignored the girl, I could see the raft was moving weird, and the whole pool looked just like when my friend was in it. My friend was in my room, so we went outside. There was no wind, and I could see the girl, in broad daylight, she looked at me, and I said "Who are ypu, and why are you in my pool?" she looked up, smiled at me and vanished in thin air. My friend said she saw nothing, and the ripples were just leaves falling in. There wasn't even any wind. about a month after that, I had a dream where my cat was hanging himself, and I found him by following that girl. I woke up, and I took the same route that was in my dream. I found the banister where my cat was hanging himself , so I cut him loose. I am 13 and only 2 of my friends know, but they don't believe me.

  8. Yes I do believe in ghosts actually spirits if you want to be official. All my life I've had the same problem as you. In my room, I'll be alone just sitting in my chair far away from my hat rack and a hat will randomly just fall. There is no winds the hats didn't even sway back and forth. other times I have this little bank type thing I got when I was 7 it turns on suddenly, and the lady's voice comes on and says welcome. I take pictures on my camera of my ceiling in our main room. When I look at it, there are many circles or orbs. Many of them. So that just proves ghosts exsist

  9. now we now 2, and I can't say that I encountered ghosts, and can u tell us what kind of experiences have u encountered? 4ex...

  10. My dear friend,

    Yes I do believe in ghosts. I have not seen them but I have seen haunted houses and people possessed with not one but with many ghosts at one time. When they manifest they talk differently and act differently.

    Have read so far answers posted here and would like to share with all of you that yes Ghosts exists and they can affect us if we have some give and take account with them. Sometimes when we interfere in their territory then too they can harm us.  

    Undertaking spiritual practice as per the basic principles of spirituality can help us to overcome such problems. I am follower of spirituality and active member of website known as

    We members are actually doing research in this field. You can visit this website and see by yourself as there are many videos too  which shows possessions by ghosts and also some real case studies…

    Hope this will help all of us….

    With Warm Regards,


  11. Yes, I believe in ghosts..and I have had experiences all of my life as well. Though...most of my intense experiences were from age 15-17. I am almost 27 now, but still have things happen once in awhile. I am also into doing paranormal investigations..and like looking up different haunted places online..and then visiting them around my state.

  12. i do believe in ghosts as in my old house i often seen an old lady walkin the landing at night time , i was not scared , i felt she was a lost sole , not wantin 2 harm any1

  13. I am very intriuged by your story and i think that is cool

    I am 14 and i have never had any experience could you tell me in more detail what you hjave been seeing, maybe one of your encounters?

    you can email me at!


  14. Yes.


  15. Yes, I totally believe in the supernatural. Though I have no religion and most of my thinking is dictated by science, there are still things occuring in the world that can't be explained. You are so lucky! I wish I could see ghosts.

  16. I believe in ghosts very strongly

  17. No.


  18. yep i do.

  19. it depends on your religious situation ( so i dont want to offened you) im a christian and it teaches us to belive in the spirts of god or whatever so yes i believe in GHOST !

  20. Yes I do...Can't help it, see them or feel their presence since are four. The older you become the stronger it will become, as long as you stay in tune, open.

    I too am clairvoyance- telepathy- medium and other ESP abilities. I have done things that I never heard of anyone else do, or thought was even possible.

    Like I said it becomes stronger with age, being open and through prayers.

  21. I believe that there is another realm because in the bible it says so and I've also had experience you see because I live in Gettysburg.  I also believe that people have gifts like my mom has that same gift as you but I don't call them powers.

  22. Write down what you experience.  Your records are your best teachers.  Keep a dream diary.  Start reading up on things like clairvoyance.  You are at a common age for learning you are gifted.  Truly, I wouldn't tell anyone until you feel a little more secure.  People like to exploit the gifted and get them to do "parlor tricks"... what am i thinking right now.... that kind of junk.  Don't cheapen your gifts.  Or they want you to raise spirits and stuff like that... silly stuff that you need no part of at 13.

    I have been experiencing phenomena since I was about 5ish.  It was confusing at first, especially when I tried to ignore it.  

    Right now, concentrate on meditation and clearing your mind - it is the basis of almost all else.  If spirits are attracted to you, acknowledge them.  Again, write it down for your private review.

    Good Luck!

  23. OK, you're on: what did I have in my left hand as I wrote this, Ms Clairvoyant?

    Seeing things that you cannot explain is not a proof of the presence of ghost, it is a measure of your ignorance.

    Only 13 and already delusional...

    Edit: wow! Only 60 seconds since I answered and already got a thumb down. I am impressed by the lack of maturity of ghost believers.

  24. Yes I do believe in that and I have almost the same you have but I have not wanted to develop more of it on me cause I don't like me some times. I have hear people talking when I'm alone in my house or whatever I am alone, I have seen people walking when I'm alone and things drooping and moving when no one is around. I have told people sometimes things that may happened to them and bung it happens, I have told people whats wrong with their lives and it is true and so forth. yes but is not funny after all when you feel that immense cold going Thur your Biddy and it freezes you entirely right?

  25. Like many others that have answered your Question I too Believe in the paranormal. Needless to say I've had no experience But I can also predict a few things myself...I wouldn't call them "powers" I usually just call them intuition :)

  26. yes !

    ghosts, elves, pixies, the tooth fairy, government, god, all manner of ridiculous things in fact.

    hope this helps :)

  27. I saw a shadow person once...can you email me and tell me some of your experiences please?

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