
Do you believe in global warming...?

by Guest59271  |  earlier

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*not exactly do you believe in global warming, but do you believe that people can/should try to stop it? why?

-i believe that humans should stop trying to stop global climate change. it's not that i don't believe that it's going to happen, i just don't think people should put as much energy into stopping it as we are. it's bound to happen, and if thats whats supposed to occur to the earth then hey- let it be! there are many many many other planets in the universe and many other solar systems...i feel like global warming is almost self-centered. also, it's the future, shouldn't we try to help things in the present? like g*y rights, or racisim, which is actually effecting people right now...? what do you think?




  1. OK so you want to pay $5 for an orange, $30 per gallon for gas- I like you

  2. If we do nothing, the economic expense of dealing with global warming, will make the causes you value irrelevant to most people.  They're things people who have money care about.

    It's FAR cheaper to reduce it.  Then you can worry about those other things.

  3. We can and should try to stop it, however none of the current treaties or tax proposals do anything effective to stop it.

    Due to China's status as #1 CO2 emitter and their incredible growth rate, this study from MIT points out that all countries are needed to be on board, and that the U.S. must make bringing all of those developing countries on board a key component of its strategy:

    "Our results confirm the well-known fact of global climate change: to meet temperature or concentration goals requires concerted efforts from much of the world over a substantial period of time. With rapid growth in developing countries, failure to control their emissions could lead to a substantial increase in global temperature even if the U.S. and other developed countries pursue stringent policies.

    It is useful to evaluate the global costs and global benefits of achieving such targets, as difficult as that is to do. However, it is not possible to connect specific U.S. policy targets with a particular global concentration or temperature target, and therefore the avoided damages, because any climate gains depend on efforts in the rest of the world. And unfortunately, absent a global agreement a country’s best strategy in terms of its own self-interest is to do little and freeride on the actions of others. Of course, if all behave in this way very little mitigation will be achieved. If a cooperative solution is at all possible, therefore, a major strategic consideration in setting U.S. policy targets should be their value in leading other major countries to take on similar efforts."

    Unfortunately CO2 has gotten so much attention that other important tactics are getting ignored (reducing black carbon soot and minimizing population growth).  It the U. S. moves forward on a major CO2 tax without anything being in place to cover China, Russia and India, then we have failed and our expenditures will be pointless.

    As for racism, we desperately need to can "equal opportunity" programs that have institutionalized racism.  I was not even considered for a transfer in my junior year in college because reserving equal opportunity openings was a higher priority.  My life was changed due to that racist policy.  

    g*y rights is another gem.  "Domestic partners" can get on each others' health care policies in many states, but do heterosexual couples have the same rights to that benefit without marriage?  Not that I'm aware of.  

    We definitely need to stop giving certain special interest groups special entitlements.

  4. No, extremist groups share a common perception about the world. They are anti-science, anti-technology, anti-trade, anti-globalization - not just free trade, but all trade.

    People who embrace extremist views and philosophies believe all large machines are inherently evil, and - worse - science is used to justify positions "that actually have nothing to do with science."

    These viewpoints are naive, including the oft-stated wish to return to a "Garden of Eden." How ironic, that these same people use cell phones, laptops and jet planes as the main tools of their trade.

  5. Look on the Epa's website for information on climate change.  Through basic steps like reducing energy, carpooling, clean alternative energies, carbon trappers, public transportation we can reduce our carbon emissions significantly.

  6. It is hard to believe a lot of the science behind climate change and how much is caused by man. Since we haven't done anything to stop our bad behavior I don't understand why you would be upset over efforts. Because a person is active in one topic, say, g*y rights, that doesn't mean they can't be active about cleaning the air and water that we breath and drink. Taking care of "now" problems is important, but you can't ignore the future. If you see a person about to fall, you reach and help them. It is essentially the same.  America is only 5 percent of the worlds population, yet America uses 65percent of the worlds power generation. We use more than 50 percent of the Earth's resources. Our economy makes up over 45 percent of all business on this planet. For all these blessings, it is important that we lead the way toward better living and not just the best weapons. We suffer dramatically whenever we fail to advance our culture of art, tolerance and freedom. If we pass up these chances to lead, why should the rest of the world have any faith in our abilities?

  7. no, but if it does exist al gore certainly isn't helping it.

  8. I believe that scientists should stop technoligy if it's going to affect the environment, and that cars should use something else that's not gasoline, global warming is scary.

  9. Yes, I believe the Earth has been warming since the last Ice Age.  No, man has no effect upon it.  Having no effect, any and all energies/resources spent trying to prevent it are wasted.  People can do what they want with their own money, be my guest.  I'd prefer to spend mine on my children than supporting more politicians.

  10. I do believe global warming is occuring, but the thing is, even if people don't believe it, why do they still do things like litter? It makes the earth less natural and beautiful. Try to help the earth!

  11. I don't really care if it is real or not, I just want clean air!

  12. Yeah!!!! By the time the earth is flooded out and the seas come over and the sea has engulfed the whole planet in a big wipeout and then gets dried out to a crisp by the dying sun killing the planet it won't be for another few millenias  by which time we'll all be dead by then as will our great great great great great grandchildren so don't worry just enjoy yourself in the meantime and take it all with a pinch of salt.

    Live for the day ,  concentrate on protesting against Racism and g*y rights.

  13. Of course its true...why would the artic circles be melting?  Why is there more in heat in the tropics...believe me i live in Puerto Rico.

  14. Yes, I believe that it should be stopped. Without our presence, the present animals may have existed for hundreds more years, but because of us, many will go extinct if people do not do their part. Sure, you may think that we should focus on things right now, and I agree to a certain point. But we may be dooming our descendants by turning a blind eye. There is no proof life exists on other planets, so we should preserve the life we have.

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