
Do you believe in global warming?

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Do you believe in global warming?




  1. Yes and the Ice Age, it  is what Mother Nature does and there is nothing man can do to stop it.

    Man can only clean up the air we breathe, but if every country does not do it???

  2. Wow many people have said no. Anyways yes i believe in global warming.

  3. yes BUT I also believe it is and has being going on since the last ice age. If you believe please send all your money to me or my Buddy AL

  4. To some degree, I don't buy the Al Gore doomsday scenario, and I do believe that the temperature goes through warmer and colder periods, but at the same time, we can't be helping, so I think we have some effect.

    Rather than continue to engage in this childish debate, we ought to be trying to collectively determine the likely impact that the rising global temperature (whatever the cause) is going to have worldwide, and find practical ways to adapt to whatever changes, (potential rising sea levels for example).

    Then I think what must be done is try to see what impact human industry and activity have on the planet, and what can be done to reduce that impact, practically, of course, and gradually.

    In general, alternative, cleaner energy is beginning to emerge and will gradually reduce the use of fossil fuels, which are worse for the environment, so I think we're going in the right direction.

  5. Yes. But I don't believe in Man Made Global Warming, and I don't believe anything Al Gore says.

    "The world at least 10 degrees higher than it was a decade ago...Global warming is taking it's effect."

    I wouldnt believe in this though AsianSensation. Google it. You'll find out.

    And I did! And guess what? It turns out that the temperatures have only risen to .07 degrees. And you said 10 degrees higher? And what Al Gore said about 20 feet sea levels were proved wrong on a british court. LOL.

    What a coincidence?


    here are more articles:

    Scientist eyy? Let's see about that!

    lol! Your references pls. GOOGLE FIRST!

    BTW remember the Pinatubo Eruption?

    And please clear this:

    You say you're an environmentalist? So why eat meat?

  6. Yeah, it makes since dont it,

    pollution goes to the ozone layer= ultraviolet rays= sun shining throw= and what happens when the hot sun shines through?

    = hotter hotter hotter= melting ice caps, changes in temp, extinctions from animals, and flooding of coastal cities, you should read more about it, it is really serious.

  7. yes. Every day another penguin dies!  HAHA

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    No, I really do. Is a real sad matter ! WE NEED TO DO SOMETHING!

  8. No way, it's a natural climate cycle the earth is going through, it is not man made.

  9. ..yes.because in some country you can feel the pressure of heat.but if you don't believe it it's okay because somehow,some part of the world still don't feel it.

  10. Look up Pascal's Wager(He talks about god, though It does make a good point).....If you believe it, there is a better chance for success if it is real....then to not believe it if it is real.

  11. No. And politicians like Al Gore are not helping the fact that nature is causing a lot more damage than humans.

  12. I believe its a cycle.

    if you go through history, earth has reached its highest and hottest points and then its coldest and lowest times.

    some of it IS human caused. no doubt.

    the rest is a cycle.

    ps-parts of the artic circle are "freezing back"

  13. Global warming is the wrong word for it, the correct term is climate change. Climate change is a natural process that happens no matter what. Wether or not we as humans are excelerating the process is something I'm not sure about. I personally think we are, but it isn't a such a big deal as people put it out to be. The only real thing wrong with accelerated climate change is the mass extinctions it will cause.

  14. No.  Not the kind that the media is selling us.

    I do my research.

    Also, power to John Coleman for suing Al Gore.

  15. It's not something that you believe or not, it is a fact. The world at least 10 degrees higher than it was a decade ago...Global warming is taking it's effect. There's no doubt to it.....What we can do as humans, is to recycle every resource that we can (energy, water, aluminum, glass, etc) to conserve and keep the world as it is for as long as we can.

  16. No

  17. Thought global warming was more of a fact with all the scientific evidence going around, meh

  18. You cannot believe in global warming since it is based on irrefutable science You believe in religion or a god. Do I think global warming exists?

    Yes. It is as a fact. There is no doubt in my mind that global warming exists and is a serious threat. Every single presidential candidate thinks it exists. THERE IS NO DISPUTE AMONG SCIENTISTS THAT GLOBAL WARMING EXISTS. Scientists are even bribed by big oil to dispute it, but still 99% scientists stick to the truth. It's just a matter of teaching the naive and narrow minded conservatives that global warming's affects are already taking place, and will continue to kill the planet and eventually wipe out the human race.

    Do something.

  19. I can feel the heat .... ....

  20. I believe that scientists need more time.

    About 15 years ago, Time Magazine had a front page story about global cooling.

    Perhaps we are in a global warming trend, perhaps that trend will continue, perhaps it will not.  

    The Media loves a scare story.  For years we were afraid of a war involving nucs.  Recently, we were afraid of a poison gas.  Now we are afraid that people in the USA are too fat.  We are also afraid that people in third-world countries are starving.

    We are afraid of building nuc power plants.  We are afraid of drilling for oil off our shores or in Texas or in Alaska.  We are afraid of building plants which change raw oil into gasoline.  

    So, we turn soy beans and corn into a gasoline additive, and people in third-world countries look at the USA and wonder why we don't grow corn and soy beans and feed them.

    Right now, the fear about the price of gas, and the fear about people loosing homes, is much more important to the Media than global warming.  So, maybe each change in our weather won't be blamed on global warming for awhile, and perhaps, someone will see that some glaciers are growing larger even though some glaciers are shrinking.

    Yes, I believe there is a warming trend, but I also believe we could have a cooling trend before I die.

    You'll have lots of chances to decide what to worry about.  Pick one you can do something about in your lifetime.

  21. yes, i do, and why are people dragging Al Gore into this when without him, many people would not know about global warming? I have seen the proof, heard the controversy, and I firmly believe science proof prevails over ignorant opinion.

  22. Yes, I am feeling bad effects of global warming .Increasing heat & hot weather is due to this.

  23. Theres evidence so yah but i dont worry about it, i know a kid that got grounded because he told his mom he didnt believe in it.

  24. it doesnt matter you should think about conservation and taking care of our planet Global warming or not

  25. well like i personally believe in it... but the thing is the fact that it's man made may be a lie. Try this experement... Fill a glass with water and a couple cubes of ice and mark the glass... leave it until the ice melts... and after it melts the water level doesnt change

    so that may show that the ocean levels are not rising..

    also all the other planets in the solar system are experencing the same effects of global warming that we are... for example one of neptunes moons the one that is completly made of liquid is turning into gas....

    so global warming is real.. but it is not COMPLETLY from human stupidity

  26. Yes... I watched Al Gore's "The Inconvenient Truth" and it was very convincing. He mentioned the Swiss Alps and I noticed that they weren't as snow capped in almost most parts I saw when I was in Europe

  27. Scientist has discovered that billions of years ago the earth was caught in a green house effect much like Venus. The atmosphere was around 8% CO2. However,algae began growing out of the seas living on the CO2 and covered the land. Plankton like creatures took over the seas. Both living of the CO2 and converting it into oxygen There wasn't enough animal life developed yet to eat a significant amount of it so it took over. This was converted into layers of limestone, coal and crude oil deposits by photosynthesis. We are now converting it back into CO2 and depositing it back into the atmosphere where it once was and it will  cause the planet to warm up again. It want hurt the planet, but will change life that lives on it. Could the planet warm on it's own? Sure. But we are influencing that warming trend. By how much we don't now.

  28. hah ,.....nice thing 2 ask.....


    WHERE HAV U BEEN..........

  29. Definitely! Everything is a crisis.

  30. Nope. Just a normal cycle of earth.

  31. Yes. I dont believe it is caused by humans though, only takes 30 minutes of internet research to realize that.

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