
Do you believe in god ..... ? please share your views .

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i mean is there really a god ? how do we know , because some book says it ? that doesnt really say anything and there are storys like a boy wished for something and it came true . seriously do you believe that ? i mean if that was real , would i still be living where i am and have ezcema and stuff ?

plus how can people be so sure and convinced by storys of 'jesus' . yes the bible says it . but what if someone made it up ? why woudly they , im not sure . but come on seriously .same as other religions .




  1. Yes, I do believe in God. It is comforting to believe, to know that there must be a Creator behind everything that we see and even what we don't. I believe because I know that there is much more to life than what we can understand. "Great are those who have believed yet have not seen."

    I believe in God also because of my personal experiences. To me, it seems like it would take a lot more faith to believe in evolution or the big bang theory than it does to believe in God.

    It's very hard to explain, but I know that something of a greater power than I can imagine had to have created everything!

    You probably want to know why that if God has the power to prevent suffering, then why doesn't he? Or if he is such a loving God why would he let this happen? Because God places the heaviest burden on those who can bear it and is closest to the broken hearted. He loves you and would never leave you and to me, that is the greatest comfort of all.

  2. that's why it is called "faith". you need to have faith that He exists.

    i am an atheist. but i respect all religions and their beliefs.

    i guess whether there is a God or not depends on you. if you believe that He exists, then He does.if you think that He doesn't exists, then He doesn't.  

  3. Well the facts are that no matter how strongly you believe or how many times you go to church that reality is the NOONE can really prove there is life beyond earth. I am a christain and i do beleive but thats all it - faith is believing. In all religions everywhere.

    ''Seeing isnt believing , beleiving is seeing''

  4. I do believe.

    Have you ever taken the chance to open the bible and read it?

    Religion is not true. Jesus is the only truth! How do I know?

    Cuz once you've gotten saved; accepted Jesus.... you'll just see what happens.

    They're alot more non believers in this world but the Gospel has never left ever since!

    Do you think you know enough what Jesus did and what stories there are in the bible? Try to name at least 3 things Jesus did.

    If you don't.... then you should give it a shot and give God a chance.

    If you don't's your choice.

  5. if by god what you mean is a PERSON, then i do not believe in god.

    but i believe in a superhuman force like Nature. there is divinity in every human. if you identify that divinity i.e the better part in you , then you are a god.

    now about that incident you mentioned. the boy's wish coming true would be because of his hardwork. no pain no gain

    eczema and one's living condition are because of living environment and presence or lack of immunity

    so, never confuse god with a person. jesus is a great man . i like and admire most of his teachings. other than that i won't treat him or any other being as god, including my own religion.  

  6. Yes of-course!

    You shouldnt go further to understand the existance of god. Look at yourself from where are u? what about your parents.....what about the helium and hydrogen..... even if you trace back you will get the beginning of all. That is our god. People can give different name but what is important is there is god who is the beginning of all. You can say it Jesus, allah, waqa,...what is important is your faith saves.

    God is in your mind your tought, activities in general is governed by him/her.

  7. "Why fear when I am here"

    My belief in this line helps me fight anything and stand strong.. Call him God or super natural power, wotever it be. I do belive that my creator has created me, watches me, plays games with me and that he shall take care of me.. I am a mere puppet.. Its all in the game..

    Cheers Doode!!!

  8. firstly, i do believe in the existence of god....

    and if you believe otherwise, then ask yourself; who created the whole universe, because the universe simply cannot have popped into existence uncaused......and also, what is the whole purpose of living on this earth

    well basically, the real answer is that there is a god, and he will judge every action and movement you do in this life (which is known as a test), in order for you to either follow the path to heaven or h**l

    btw, if god knows how to, wants to, and is able to prevent suffering, you are probably asking yourself why doesn't he prevent it? well let me tell you something.....the diseases that you have are a test from god. they have been brought down to you to test your patience...

  9. no. nature is god. everything is in our hands. there is nothing in the hands of others. we decide everything.. read vivekananda's books. u will understand better.

  10. Yes i believe in God

  11. Yes, I truly and whole-heartedly believe in God.  

    I also believe and live by God's Word, the Bible.  It contains the mind of God, the state of man, the way of salvation, the doom of sinners, and the happiness of believers.  Its doctrines are holy, its precepts are binding, it histories are true and its decisions are unchangeable.  Read it to be wise, believe it to be safe, and practice it to be holy.  It contains light to direct you, food to support you, and comfort to cheer you.  Here Paradise is restored, Heaven opened, and the gates of h**l disclosed.  It should fill the memory, rule the heart, and guide the feet.  Read it slowly, frequently, and prayerfully,  It is a mine of wealth, a paradise of glory, and a river of pleasure.  It is given you in life,will be opened in the Judgment, and will be remembered forever.  It involves the highest responsibility, rewards the greatest labor, and condemns all who trifle with its holy contents.

    "All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness."

    II Timothy 3:16

  12. one simple line. if there is no god or may we call it supreme power how did the world ( earth and other planets ) came into being. who created them and set up the system that they are away from each other, are revolving on their axis  etc etc. if u set up a new business u set up the modalities also. so u are the god of that business house.  

  13. yes n no!!!

    in short ill say tat m spiritual n not religious...

    ppl can blive n cannot...its their wish...

    n also bliving in god s a way 2 tll u tat theres smon above u n tat he watchs u whn u r doin smthin wrong..

  14. Am having strong faith in The Almighty, God

    Ever thought of ? Where we humans came from? Is this also the result of reactions happened on Earth?

    God is a feeling and science disagrees with the existence of God!

    But if you really have complete faith in God, then you will feel god's existence and feel how is God helping you!

    I don't know about Bible...because i've never read it but I do believe in God

    God is everywhere

    God has fulfilled many of my wishes as well.....but God only fulfills your those prayers which are not selfish and will not cause any harm to anyone

    There's a beautiful belief,

    If God answers your prayers, he is increasing your faith in him

    If delays, he is increasing your patience

    If he doesn't answer, he know that you can handle it!

    We cannot live life, if we will keep asking for proof & illustrative examples on everything

    God is a feeling....which could be felt not viewed

    God is everywhere still we have temples, mosques, churces, mazjids

    that doesn't mean you can't remember God without these or

    God will not answer your prayer if you are wishing for it from anywhere else or  

    God is only present there!

    but, like

    air is present everywhere but we need fans to feel it


    Gos is present everywhere but we need religious places to feel the presence of God!

  15. Are You Kidding Me? Seriously Are you kidding me? How can you not believe there was a Jesus. Jesus was told more than just the bible. There have been painting of Jesus Dating back Hundreds of Hundreds of Years ago. There was Artifacts of Jesus proving that he was alive. The only Religons that I believe are true are Romanian Catholth and the jewish faiths  

  16. Yes Really there is God. have no doubts. It is all ones faith that is all. We are all sparks of that Divine Lord. I have seen God in Prashanti Nilaya, Puttaparti, in Andhra Pradesh, South India. Believe in yourself, help ever hurt never. that is all to realise the God within you.

  17. yaa god is there,god is every where we cant expect god to be seen to us.the work which we are going to do  just do it truely and be confident about that work and if it becomes success just try to do more for reaching higher expectations if its a failure dont be nervous just try and try at last ultimately u'll reach ur destination if we are able to design future ourselves so we are only the god of our future god is there in the work we are doing,and even troubles we are facing dont try to be happy every time just if u get any trouble try to face that in facing those troubles there is a small sort of happyness so god is every where even in our heart.    

  18. Yes I Belive in god .that beliveness itself god

    if any good things happen with us 1st we wish to god

    if any badd things happen with us 1st we give up on god

    then he get relief & we again engage inour work

    only that beliveness can show the correct way & warn interanaly

    when you doing any thing wrong

  19. make your mind cool and heart rememer the god your toughest time...........certaionly HE will listen does not mean your work will be solved instaintly.............rather it means you will find a path.........

  20. there no have to do right thing at right time...believe in your is game play it well.

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