
Do you believe in god? why or why not?

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i believe in something in a form of a God but more of an energy.

i can also sort of defend my belief:

Earth and how humans adapt in it seems way too perfect. The Sun, the Moon, 9 planets circling it, water and air on earth for humans to live and stars and plants and fruit that grow to eat.

...seems a little too perfect to not have been creating by something higher and more intelligent..

anyway, what do you think?

ps. im not religious, more spiritual.




  1. I believe it God because if I did not I would have to consider everything that can relates and ties itself to God and is everything!! And not to mention the unexplained things that happenings in my life. that I cannot or no one can answer.  

  2. I do not believe in any dualistic metaphysics that transcend our access.


    Because it is in no way practical.

    The flaw with complexity necessitates design is that design tends to be complex and thus you wind up with infinite regress.

    If your designer is simple then what makes you think you are an intentional product of the design process.

    If the designer is complex, intelligence necessitates complexity, and you defend your beliefs by appealing to the complexity of your own existence as the intention of a complex designer then the designer would need to be created by an even more complex agent ad infinitum.

    I am spiritual in that I too am impressed with the complexity of my existence and am inspired and left in awe when contemplating my existence.

    But I do not have to have an answer as to whether or not my existence is intentional or accident.

    I can appreciate my existence without or without this information and being that I have not encountered sufficiently convincing evidence to make an assertion that I am the intentional product of an mysterious order of intelligence I do not make that claim I may consider it is a possibility but I simply have no way to know and so I concern myself with other of life's curiosities.

  3. I believe in a greater entity simply because the thought of the universe being completely disconnected and random is too depressing

  4. I believe in God.

    Maybe it was the way I was raised, but I think that somewhere out there, there IS a being who created everything. As for defending it, there really is no way to tell which theory or religion is correct until we die.  

  5. Absolutely.  People say the idea of God is ridiculous, that it is insane to trust in someone you've never seen.  That the idea of a higher intelligence creating the whole universe from nothing is crazy.  I think its a step up from people believing that the whole universe just suddenly sprang out of an explosion, like the 'big bang' theory.  God is there, plain and simple.

  6. d**n skippy!!

  7. No.


    Science, Watch George Carlin, Read Some Nietzsche, also 4 years in an evangelical school and 5 years in a catholic school.

    The world is perfect, lol, Are you kidding me?

    How many people died in Darfur? Over 600k wasn't it?

    God must really hate Africa, I don't know how people can fit those events in their divine plan.

  8. Yes, God is love

  9. I came from an organized religious family, but I prefer to think of myself as spiritual.  I do look at the world around me and wonder what's behind it all.  Things have happen in my life and I shouldn't still be here, but I am.  People tell me that God isn't done with me yet.  That there is something else in store for me.  With that in mind, there must be some kind of presents here on Earth.  Also, if you follow the concept of heaven, then there has to be a h**l.  There is an equal and opposite presents in everything in nature.

  10. I do the only issue is I'm not to religious also I have alot  of questions so it is hard for me to really say I believe because to be honest I'm not sure.:)

  11. There actually a name for your religion,




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  12. no,i just think the idea is preposterous.

    EDIT:i love goerge,RIP.

  13. i dont

    cause when you think about it he cant put his hand over a lady and make he pregnant

    and yet she was a virgin

    besides where did he come from? he just pop out of no where and created earth.

    i believe in ghost and spirits but not him.

    i believe the scieneitfict way

    but it your choice to believe or not

  14. Yes and do just because it ticks off people that don't believe in Him. lol No the real reason is there is too much evidence to believe in God than not to believe in Him.

  15. If you can take a step back and look, I mean really look, at the world around you the answer is quite apparent. A single microscopic cell can divide, and grow into a baby with organs that work with each other to sustain life. A single acorn grows into a majestic oak that produces oxygen that we breath to live. There has to be a God. There are so many amazing things here on Earth that came from someone bigger than all of us. It wasnt created by an accident. It was extremely well thought out and planned so that everything relies on everything else for survival.  I'm not a Bible thumper, but I do read it. I don't go to church everytime the doors are open; but I do go. I don't claim 2 be perfect, but I am a Christian. If in the end I find out I was wrong, I will have lost nothing, but if I were to go through life not believing only to find out there really is a God, I will have lost everything. Its definately better to be safe than sorry!

  16. No.

    Why would I?

  17. Yes, I Do Belive In God! The Reason Being Is Because As You Said, The World Is Really Perfect.. The Only Explanation For This Is That God Exists!

  18. No, I do not. I'm big on science. I can't blindly follow something that was written years ago that doesn't apply to modern society. I used to when I was younger, because I was told to, but now that I'm 16, I've started thinking for myself, rather than having someone tell me what to do and risk eternal damnation. I've been agnostic for a while, and I'm considering LeVayan Satanism--please don't assume it's devil worship, because it's the complete opposite. It's the belief of self, of one's own person.

  19. I'm not me it's a lifestyle I believe that God created man...The theory you opened with...Evolution is too "perfect" the flaw with evolution is that hey if we evolved from monkeys and what not is that we have proof about Jesus and people of those time looked just like us..and evolution theory we should be constantly evolving and nothing has changed in 2000+ year.... Also I believe everything the Bible says because scholar all around the world say the bible is the most accurate book in the history of the world....and I see it as this the bible says that come to know Jesus be baptized and work according to his will or go to h**l....and I see it as look heaven or h**l...if everyone who Deonnot believe in god are right what we just die...but look if iI'mright and what the bible saus is true and people don't get saved they go to h** would you rather risk going to h**l not ever knowing ...or just say well theres a chance....i'de rather take the stand and say look God exist and Im goin to follow him and go to heaven not taking that chance  

  20. Trust in this,there is a GOD.He knew about you before you where born. He created every thing you see and its him you feel.He is trying to show you something,get your attention,make you listen.He left you a book to teach you,pick it up and read it.His son died for your and all of our sins.It is perfect because he made it,except for us,we chose to go against him,We are tha ones that are not perfect.Good luck my friend.I hope you finde GOD,(he is looking for you) .

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