
Do you believe in guardian angels? If so..who is your guardian angel? ?

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My mom!! She died a couple of years ago. I truly believe that she looks after me and my family.




  1. Awwww. im very very sorry for your lost.

    on that note you deserve another hug.

    .....*hug* lol.

    i do believe in gaurdian angels.

    my grandparents from my daddy's side died when i was

    a freshmen in high school. both same year. & one of them

    on christmas eve. ....huh *tears* ; [ ohh i miss him dearly.

    but im okayy! their both my gaurdian angels & so is my other

    grandfather. i know for a fact their watching over me........

    but hey, the ones we lost are in a better place. *bear hug* ; ]

  2. i got SOMETHING guarding me at times u can feel it's presence it seems rather serpent like ... at times it moves someting or blocks things from damaging me or if i toss a light wieght object up it will fall down into a place it's left often . i have a long history with spirits ....

  3. I never believed in guardian angels until a while after my late partner was killed by a drunk driver. There are times I'd swear he's with me, subtly trying to guide me. It's a feeling I usually get when I'm down, so the rational me says it's just wishful thinking, but the sensation is so strong that it's hard to deny.

  4. I still have my mother (thank God) but she is 82, I hope she will be my guardian angel, she is the only one that could guide me thus far so why should it ever change :)

  5. I have lots of them. They don't have names, and I have given up asking.  

  6. My Gramma, shortly after she died she showed up in a dream I had and just walked right on through... She has shown up periodically in my dreams or just as a feeling while I am awake when I am having a tough time, and I always feel better afterwards. I really do think she is watching out for me and my family. I think she took over for (or is co-angeling) with my best friend that died 10 years ago.

    I KNOW that my best friend was with me 8 years ago when I got in a car accident, my daughter and I escaped unhurt from a 9 car pile up that totaled my vehicle, I think I may have even borrowed some other peoples angels that day!

  7. I don't believe in them, but only because I haven't experienced that feeling.  If you feel that your mother is looking after you, I'm sure that's very comforting.  

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