
Do you believe in hearing both sides of a story before making any judgements?

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Do you believe in hearing both sides of a story before making any judgements?




  1. I do agree with that however I'll be the first to admit that its never as simple as that and many people make up their minds before the 2nd side is heard. As humans we make snap judgements and these are hard to shake, so yes that is a much fairer way in theory but it doesn't usually work that way.

  2. Yes.

  3. Yes i do because then you will get a better perspective about the incident

  4. Defintely! to solve or to view a riddle or a problem, not only to listen both side of stories but of course use different views to judge it. Believe facts and also ur instinct!

  5. Not always if it is children involved as you have to protect them whatever an excuse the adult has.

  6. yes, but i never used to, & now know there were a few times in the past i should of done this

  7. Yes of course.. how can you  make a fair decision based on one side?  Although sometimes you get into these things and they have a habit of turning and biting you on the bum !!!!

  8. i should but i dont always

  9. Yes usually, but sometimes you only need to hear one to know which side of the fence you're going to jump off.

    Like hearing that a pensioner has been robbed and brutally stabbed to death by a gang of youths in her own home.> i've already made up my mind that nothing she could've done would really warrant such behaviour even in retaliation.

    and stuff like that..

  10. Yes I do. Even then we really don't know the true story 100%, My mother always said, "believe half of what you see, and nothing of what you hear".

  11. Yep, always.

  12. Yes, always.

  13. I go on my gut instincts until I have proof to the contrary.

  14. Yes I do.....

  15. if a judge works to that arrangement, it would be a safe bet to assume that would be the fairest means of finding the fairest answer.

  16. I really cannot add anything to all that Athena has said - only to say yes i believe in hearing both sides. It is only right and fair.

  17. I dont judge anyone...Live and let live..

  18. yes, that is the only fair way to judge a situation. if one of the parties is known to you, it is tempting to believe their version of the account; however, it may cloud or color the issue for your viewpoint, especially if you believe them to be honest and sincere. no matter what level of integrity they seem to have, it is good to remember that most people are biased in their own favor.

  19. Yeah, You kinda have to, to get a fair judgement .

  20. Of course

  21. yes its very very important

  22. I agree with everything proper gander has said but to Athena and Suki - *if* this is about last nights revelations, I for one offered the person involved several opportunities to give 'their side' of the story and they instead chose to close a facebook account and run away from questions asked about their inappropriate behaviour (directly experienced by those asking the questions)

    No apologies were made, just excuses, denial, blame, close account and run.

    I don't feel I need 'the other side' of that story now to make up my mind.

  23. I agree with Proper Gander in that, in the example he has quoted, there aren't really two sides to the question;  there is simply no excuse for that sort of mindless brutality.

    However, when all is rumour and surmise one cannot make judgements with only half the story.  It would be unthinkable for that to happen in a Court of Law.

    I assume you are referring to the latest uproar on current events?  I think everyone should hold back a bit here, lives have been ruined by these sort of rumours and we do need to be very careful in hurling allegations around.  I am not defending anyone, nor am I accusing anyone because I don't know enough about it all and there are elements to the story that don't quite add up.

    Edit:  Baby Cranberry, I don't wish to pick quarrels here but you said in your answer that no excuses were made just denials, blame etc. So what did he deny and who or what did he blame?

    I accept that he seems to have been engaging in questionable behaviour on his 360 page and appears to have sent suggestive emails to some of the females on this site.  There seems to be no real hard evidence though that he has been involved in criminal activity such as paedophilia, which was implied by another user.  If I am wrong I stand corrected.

    What I didn't like was the apparent post from him llast night which gave a link to his 360 and his Q&A profile.  He also said he had fooled everyone and was into grooming. The obvious answer is that he, himself posted it, but why do something so blatant if he had preveiously uttered denials and cut and run?  It did seem like overkill to me and it won't be the first time that someone has been cloned to 'substantiate' a story.

  24. jumping to conclusions is an art practiced by many

  25. No way. Its my way or the highway!!!!

  26. i murder both sideS


  27. of course! i mean any one does that! what ever it takes you should hear first those both sides without judging right away. i'm sorry with my english. im a filipino! hehe!

    owh!! after you hear both sides, THINK! WIEGHT, before saying anything or judging!

    wait? did i answer it??! i think not! hihi!

  28. 100% always and without exception but there is very little of that.  Legal systems and trials are based on precisely that.

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