
Do you believe in magic,witchcraft,etc?

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just curious. my friend just found a spell and is going to try it. she says it works and she already has tons of money. i know this is stupid. i'm just curious




  1.   Yes I believe in magick(not magic) and witchcraft.  Tell your friend she should beware what she asks for.

  2. Not even a little bit.....

  3. I do believe in magic and always have ever since I was little don't listen to anyone who doesn't Believe you should always believe, but I think witchcraft because it is evil and could backfire very easily, but that doesn't mean I don't believe in it.

  4. Honestly I don't know how I feel about the subject exactly it is a little shady and I don't know much about it. But I know that if the spell in voles something such as greed or anything like that Karma will take over. I also know that there is black,gray,and white magic so it would be best if you even try any spell that it is in the white magic area and you should never enter the gray or black. Consequences may follow for any spell that is just Karma for ya

  5. yuh. of course I do. But don't believe all this internet c**p. You have to find the real old books that weren't really big hits. Thats where you find the good stuff.

    (not just magic tricks- the real thing)

  6. yes i believe in all of the above and more! just be careful what you do and be VERY specific! this may sound corny but i watched sabrina the teenage witch and some times i just wanted to slap her (her teenage antics made me want to slap her lol maybe thats why i feel like im an old soul im only 20 but i keep telling ppl how im "too old" to do certain things) :)

  7. I do. I have a curse on me right now. I'm about to go get a cleansing to remove it. It is very real, but your friend needs to be very careful. There are three areas of magic: Black, white, and grey. Black is bad, white is good, and grey is good and it turns bad. For exp: a person with a money spell seems harmless white magic, but it can turn grey. Someone could die and you can earn an inheritance , and the spell turned grey.  

  8. some......

  9. Yes. As a Wiccan I practice magic in a religious way.

    However, I doubt this friend of your's is telling the truth. Not only would she have to have a little more knowledge in magic than just reading a random spell for it to work but magic can't get someone a ton of money. She's playing you.

  10. I think I might believe in voodoo. In India we have these little villages where we get all our maids and chauffeurs from, and they all have stories about how horrible things happened because they were mean to a family that practised voodoo.  

  11. No.

  12. witchcraft - yes

    magic (harry potter bullshit) - NO

  13. yes i do,but im told not to do any type of spell :/

  14. Magic(k) exists, but not in the way most people think about it. It's almost like prayer, not demanding something from the universe.  

  15. yes.  doing a spell is similar to praying, it's just sending your positive energies out into the universe and the god(s) to do their work.  there's nothing scary or weird about it.

  16. Yes, I do. I found an easy money spell too. I just have to find a green candle now. :)  

  17. Witchcraft is a very real and can be used to enhance your life when preformed properly.  I would suggest having your friend help you or consult a professional if you are looking to seriously change your life.  Best of luck to you dear.

  18. When I was younger I used to believe a bit - was too scared to mess around with it but now that I am older (30+) and wiser I know it is complete nonsense.  So do the spell to your hearts content, won't mean a thing!

  19. Yes seeing I am a witch.

    Here is a sight that may help her if she is interested in the craft.

  20. Yes, I believe in magic, witchcraft.

    I hope you find what you are seeking.


  21. Well I will say this, I am a christian today. However i have had dealings with that. It is real, and there ARE consequences behind messin around with that stuff.

    Not to mention it is strictly against the bible. The Bible warns of stuff like that. (therefore yes it is very real, and nothing to mess with)

    Good Luck to you

  22. yes, now the bigger question is what does the occult have to do with aliens?

    yea, that's a mind f-ck and a half.

  23. maybe

  24. No, I dont. I think magic is just fictional.

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