
Do you believe in man-made global warming? Did you graduate college? What year?

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Just seeing if there are any links between the opinions and education. Thanks!




  1. Yes.

    My first two degrees were in 1995, 1 in 1999 and 1 in 2005.

  2. This is my senior year at High School. I believe that if there is Global Warming it's because we're causing it. It doesn't appear by itself. But, if we're so smart and we can invent so many things, I'm sure we can find ways to fix it. There's always a step forward. The Future never sleeps!

  3. Yes, Yes, 1998

  4. Yes.  Yes.  Undergrad in 2003, Master's in 2005.

  5. Yes, not yet, I plan to graduate in 2011.

  6. No. Yes. 1989.

  7. Tim

    global warming

    We definitely didn't start global warming, but we definitely do contribute to it now.

    Natural gas (or Methane along with other thanes) for example, is completely a natural contributer to global warming and is derived pretty much the same way as oil. ie. Matter (animal, plant etc) decomposes over time resulting in a anaerobic (hope I spelled that right) decay of non-fossil organic material / gas (natural gas or methane).

    One problem with global warming is that the concept is so vague in the minds of the people. The critical interpretation is basically how it’s explained in school and the news. However most of the public see global warming connected with the ozone and pollutants which cause harmful greenhouse gasses, etc. therefore investigating and fighting for things like alternative energy (ie. Solar, wind, hydrogen, ethanol, biodiesel, etc)

    Greenhouse gases are real and do contribute to global warming. Think of the different gas layers like ozone (o3) that circumference the globe as the clear plastic on a greenhouse. Longer rays of light from the Sun go in and reflect off different thermal masses bouncing back and creating shorter lengths of energy that cannot exist the plastic barrier. These beams then just continue to bounce around inside the green house until they’re finally absorbed completely (some do escape but very few), thereby warming the greenhouse greatly even in cold temperatures.

    Basically there are 2 ways that this reaction (or lack of) affects the planet. Global warming and global cooling.

    1. as we add to the gases in the stratosphere, where the ozone layer is (Carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, etc), we add to the plastic of the greenhouse, trapping more short wave length energy and heating the earth more.

    2. as we deplete the ozone (with chlorofluorocarbons or CFCs), we allow more long wave length energy, which bounces back out to space without heating any thermal masses on earth, thereby cooling the planet.

    It’s pretty easy to see the results..

    Melting ice sheets & glaciers

    Floods & droughts

    Great hurricanes & cyclones

    Seasonal extremes

    Seasonal phenomena’s

    Species extinction

    New & resurgent diseases

    There are many ways to stop both global warming and cooling from accruing or at least slow them down until we can discover a way to reverse it, but Stop burning fossil fuels is the biggest.

    I currently own 2 converted h2 vehicles which run on 100% hydrogen and 1 EV (electric vehicle), not to mention our home is completely off the grid, using alternative energy (solar, wind, etc)

    If you interested I offer several DIY alternative guides to walk you step by step threw Greener living, how to run your car on alternative fuels and being self-sufficient, at agua-luna com or

    Hope this helped, feel free to contact me personally if you have any questions if you’d like assistance in making your first self sufficient steps, I’m willing to walk you step by step threw the process. I’ve written several how-to DIY guides available at on the subject. I also offer online and on-site workshops, seminars and internships to help others help the environment.

    Dan Martin

    Retired Boeing Engineer now living 100% Off-the-Grid with my family, using Alternative Energy & loving every minute.

    for more info visit agua-luna com or email me at

    Stop Global Warming, Receive a FREE Solar Panels Now!!!

  8. Yes, yes.  (And you?)

    "If you wonder why comments on this blog, the opinions of politicians and columnists, the views of neighbors and co-workers, are so diverse on climate, there’s another reason. A lot of us live in intellectual silos, it seems. A sobering survey of more than 1,700 voters, published by the Pew Research Center for the Public and the Press in January, found that more education, for example, does not shift attitudes, and instead actually hardens them.

    In the survey, Republicans with a college degree were substantially more skeptical about global warming than Republicans without one. Democrats with a college degree were significantly more convinced global warming was a problem than were Democrats who didn’t go to college.

    This is bad news for anyone... who plans to try to win over readers with starkly different attitudes."

  9. No. There is too much evidence against man's contribution.

    Yes. 1958, 1963,

    Then continued study with no further formal degrees.

  10. YES! but im only 12 but why do you think we have globel warming? hello POLUTION

  11. Yes and yes.

    1st BS in 1995, 2nd in 2004 and will have a MS in '09.

  12. No I don't believe in man made global warming.  BSME from UCLA 1976.  Check out "The Great Global Warming Swindle", a BBC movie a little over 1 hour long.

  13. No, I don't think that the science has been able to show that global warming is a man-made creation now or at any time.  I graduated from UCLA in 2000.

  14. No and Yes 1965

  15. Yes  Yes  1970

  16. No.  Its natural which explains cooling and warming trends far before people were around.

    Yes.  2003

  17. Yes.  Yes.  1988

  18. No, Yes 2006, Graduated Highschool in 1984.

  19. yes

    in college

    and yes education level and opinion do correlate

  20. No. Not yet.

    But I'm a Straight-A student in A-Classes(Highest in my High School) and have done extensive studying on the subject.

    I was once a AGW believer till I started doing real research besides watching the news.

    Also... NBC is the most AGW stricken network because they are owned by GE which is making alot of $$$$$$$$ off of this terror. Just think about it. Common Sense.

    AGW is just like the fiber filament. It took Thomas Edison 2000 tries to invent the light bulb. He just needed to find one way that worked and he did.

    It's just like how millions of people can be wrong about something but it only takes one to be right. I believe the skeptics are primarily right and I'm not imposing my beliefs on others but just stating my opinion.

  21. You really can't determine any kind of link from a poll like this.  People who disbelieve AGW and have no college education are unlikely to respond, as doing so would clearly support the hypothesis that doubters are less educated than supporters.

    Here's an interesting poll on the issue from last year:

    FYI - Yes, Yes, 1983

  22. No 1996 and 2001.  

    I don't think there is a corollation with education, but there seems to be with age.  Maybe todays young AGW believers will be less inclined to get on board future scare campaigns after they've seen a few.

  23. No. Yes. 1986

  24. No, and Yes (2007)  

    The earth naturally goes through ups and downs in temperature and rainfall. (Even before mankind had any effect.) It wasn't that long ago that people were worried about global cooling.


    And answer this; what caused the end of the Ice Age before people were driving cars and burning fossil fuels?

  25. Yes, I do believe in massive human-made contributions to global warming. I'm a sophmore in college.

  26. at this time no.. graduated college in 2006... currently working on masters

  27. I'm agnostic on AGW, BS 1972, MS 1975, MBA 1984.

  28. I don't see why we argue about whether or not it is real.  

    If we clean up our emissions the only harm it would do is create a cleaner planet for my future children.

    graduated college chemistry-2005


  29. yes    my degree in  2004

  30. Some say if the time from the "big bang" to the present were compressed into 1year, man would have appeared 10 seconds before New Year's Eve.

    Having said that, I find it hard to believe that "10 seconds" worth of time will influence the earth.

    I also do not believe in global warming because of the lack of credibility with those who claim it is true.

    Here is a well respected weather man's view on global warming:

    I graduated college in 2002.  Graduated high school in 1988.  I had to work part time to get my butt through college.

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