
Do you believe in mandatory HIV testing for kids participating in sports?

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I am representing a client concerning testing....just want opinions




  1. Why not? I expect it to be required before starting preschool soon. What if another 3 year old bit your Child? Would you not be concerned? Now think about contact sports and the blood.. Yes, I have no problem with testing them. They random drug tested my Girls for cheer leading..

  2. That is against HIPPA laws. It is confidential info between a patient and a doctor.(In this case, patient is a minor so  parent or gaurdian also gets that information) It is up to that patient to disclose the info to whom he/she chooses....and hopfully they choose people who need to know.

  3. Only if the doctor already draws blood for the physical. If not, then I believe that an HIV test would be too invasive.

  4. No.

  5. No!

  6. No.  There are so many reasons why this should never be acceptable.  The HIV status of a school aged athlete has no relevance to anything.  If medics are following the proper procedures when there is an open wound, then there is no danger to anyone.

    BTW, HIV dies within an hour of coming in contact with air, usually within the first few minutes.  It is incredibly hard to contract HIV without having direct blood, s***n or vaginal fluid to fluid contact with a carrier.  

    Fonz- the only way HIV can be transmitted from a child biting another child is if the child who is biting has an open sore inside his mouth and he draws blood from the child he is biting.  Saliva cannot transmit HIV.

  7. No, I do not believe in mandatory testing for HIV, it's not only against the law, it's a violation of personal rights to privacy.

  8. Sports leagues take the blood rule seriously--if you are bleeding, you have to leave the field until the ref can't see blood.  A person who knows they have HIV would be doubly conscious of this.  I don't think you need to worry about HIV hurting your kid this way, and it would be an awful thing to do to the very few kids who have HIV, just so that your unwarranted fears can go away.

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