
Do you believe in natural healing?

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Do you believe in natural healing? Why or why not? Can you share your experience good or bad relating to natural healing methods? Thanks!




  1. I have had better experience with "alternative" medicine than conventional.  I have had a migraine since the first day of my second trimester of pregnancy.  My first child is now 26 years old.  I went to lots of doctors, naturopaths and all sorts of stuff.  Until 2006 I did not get much relief. I found a good acupuncturist then and he has helped me a lot.  I have had , too, since a car accident in 1994.  He relieved a lot of that pain, too.

    I also take supplements and use herbs and essential oils, but the acupuncture has been the best for me.

    This is the site the National Institute of Health set up to test alternative/complementary treatments:

    Never take herbs without learning about them first!

  2. I do believe in natural healing. The body is self-healing in many ways...from how it closes cuts on its own to how it increases the absorption rate of certain vitamins/minerals if the body is experiencing a particular deficiency. Conventional medicine never truly worked for me. Here's one experience. I used to use Midol to alleviate menstrual cramps, and sometimes it would help (within a half hour to an hour) and other times I would still be in pain.

    Recently my mom bought be this tea for PMS symptoms, it contains a medley of herbs in it (I would tell you the name but I'm not home right now, if you wanna know just send me a message). I drank two mug-fuls when my cramps were extremely painful and within fifteen minutes they subsided. Gone, just like that. I don't know if it was the tea or just mere coincidence that my cramps went down...But as of now I am convinced that it was the tea. I have yet to try it another time, and see if I get the same results.

    I also took St. John's Wort for social anxiety when I was taking a drama course. I don't know if it was the herb itself that helped me overcome my fears of the stage or if it was just a placebo effect...but either way I performed feeling less anxious after that. If this supposedly natural healing herb  had not worked, then it was my mind that did. Just because I thought the herb was intended to get rid of my anxiety, it DID. Your mind is  very, very powerful in self-healing, as it is in self-harm. As you probably already know, people who are under mental stress have higher risks of developing certain illnesses (Your immune system weakens if you are mentally stressed, therefore making you more vulnerable to getting physically sick).

    I believe that, if you keep a positive mindset and listen to your body's needs, then you can enable your body to naturally heal itself.

    Hope my answer helped.

  3. I believe in turning back to nature and doing things the organic way, since I cut out a lot of processed foods and cooked healthy, eating a lot of vegetables and drinking juices from fruit i have been feeling way better.

  4. Yes.  Healing is always natural.  The word itself means that.  The rest all are suppression or aid to healing process.  Killing a germ is not healing. It can at the most be a prevention of its proliferation or multiplication.  The body not receiving germs is also not healing.  There the natural forces in the body are so powerful that the invader finds it impossible to settle and multiply or degenerate the body to putrification.   In other words there the body do not receive aliens.   These situations are natural and conducive to homeostasis.  The body is in harmony with itself and its surroundings.  

    I hope this helps.  

  5. Yes,I do believe in natural healing. I was suffering with sciatica and I went to an acupuncturist whose treatment took away my pain.  

  6. I  believe in natural healing

  7. not natural healing, but spiritual devine healing and miracles!

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