
Do you believe in organ donation?

by  |  earlier

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If you do, why?

If you do not, why?

What is the single most deciding factor when making your decison? Please be as honest as possible as i need to get as many people to answer this question for a research project i am doing and need to undertsand what motivates people into making their decision on this issue.

Thank you in advance.




  1. It depends on the circumstances, as with a lot of things in life, there are sometimes no clear dividing lines.

    Because say you have someone who has just been in a traffic accident and has suffered terrible head injuries and would be forced to live the rest of their life in a wheelchair with round the clock help. And at the same time there are people waiting for a transplant who could lead a much better life.

    The temptation end one to help the many may just be to much for some people.

    If I was to carry a organ donor card, my family MUST still have the final say in what happens to my body after my death.

  2. Its not a matter of belief,  its a matter of making a choice.  I choose not to be an organ donor or to ever be an organ recipient.  My reason is because I have known several people who received organ transplants.  None of them was healthy after getting their donated organs.  Because of the anti rejection drugs they had to take their immune systems were weakened and they were always getting sick and frequently in the hospital.  In addition to that they never had enough energy to do much and were always tired and out of breath.  Its not how I would want to live and I won't be part of letting anyone else live like that.

  3. "Lord my body, has been a good friend, but I don't need it, when I reach the end."

    Cat Stevens

    They can do what they want with my body.  It is only a vessel that has housed my spirit for this time.


    Life is so simple, but we insist on making it complicated


    551 - 479 BC





  4. Why not? Your not gonna be in need of them when you die!

  5. I would bequeath you my organ, even my piano after I am gone.

  6. Yes. When you have gone, what is the point of letting good organs go to waste! Having looked after people who need organs, it makes me feel good that even after I die, others will benefit and hopefully lead a more normal life.

  7. Yes, I do.  If I'm dead, I'm obviously not using them anymore.  So, why not grant life to another?  Not only is it an incredible gift for someone who has possibly waited YEARS for that organ to continue their lives, but it's a way to live on through another person.

  8. Of course! Why else would i need them?

    I've still to sign up as one but my decision really only came from why when i am dead should someone else miss out on life?

    It's pretty simple.

    There is no need for them- give it up.

  9. Yes, I do.  Saving a life in any way is one of the most respected, honored positions a person can be in.  If I were in an accident and did not survive, but I could save someone where their only chance of survival is to receive an organ?  Yes, definitely.  What an unselfish gift you could give to someone.

  10. I am Christian and God blessed me with a healthy life and organs. When my time on earth is done there are still many people wanting to enjoy life and there families waiting for the gift of life,pass it on. I know there are some religions/cultures that believe the body should be burried whole ,I respect that but am also grateful that I can pass a piece of me on to help another live,Robin

  11. I believe in the program.  It has saved many lives & if your dead, then you sure as heck don't need them any longer, so why not give another person a hand at living a somewhat normal life!  Seems like a winner to me.

  12. Yes, because I feel if I was to die i would like to be able to enable someone else to live, I think my family would take solice in that too.

  13. Yes I would give my organs after death, I'm not religious and I have no qualms with it, although for some reason I don't think I'd like to give away my eyes. I carry a donor card. I think it's up to the individual to decide if they want to donate their organs though, I definitely disagree with it being an automatic thing that you have to opt out of.

  14. yes if it could save someone elses life and wouldnt be used again otherwise its a completly obvious thing for someone to do- having the choice to save another persons life and family even after the doner had died

  15. Absolutely!  When you are no longer using them, give someone the gift of life, rather than let these organs burn or rot.

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