
Do you believe in other dimensions of time and space? If so, what would it be like?

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Do you believe in other dimensions of time and space? If so, what would it be like?




  1. Yes, I also believe that aliens are in a different dimension than us. Sometimes they get to ours and that mabey why only few people have seen them. Not too sure, though!

  2. I believe in the 13 dimensions.  We live in the 3rd.  4th is time, 5th is creativity, 6th is wholeness, etc.  Peace and love.

  3. i believe in different dimensions. anything real or weird or paranormal, i believe them. becayse weird and paranormal stuffs r really interesting and cool and i believe them. now back to ur quetion, go to:

  4. Yep, and alot of scientific evidence to support it.

  5. 1.

    We live in a three-dimensional world. Things have height and width and length.

    In a two-dimensional world, life is different……………………….

    If you remove a dimension from your world, what would it look like?

    How would sports be different?

    If there were no up or down, what would pineapple upside down cake taste like?


    As for the dimensions according to common perception there are just three,

    length, width and depth. Einstein added fourth dimension viz. time. later

    one by one dimensions were added according to various theories. Latest

    is 13 dimensions proposed by String theory. But this string theory itself

    raisis many questions and who knows some day more dimensions

    would be added....


    Dimensions indeed are human interpretations


    My opinion.

    It began in 1905 when Einstein created SRT,

    (theory of photon/electron’s behaviour).

    Minkowski, tried to understand SRT using 4D space.

    Poor young Einstein, reading Minkowski’s interpretation,

    said, that now he couldn’t understand his own theory.

    “ Einstein, you are right, it is difficult to understand SRT

    using 4D space. But it is possible using my 5D space”

    - said Kaluza in 1921.

    This theory was tested and found insufficient.

    “Well”, said another mathematicians, - “maybe 6D, 7D,

    8D, 9D spaces will explain it”. And they had done it.

    But the doubts still remain.

    “OK”,they say, “we have only one way to solve this problem.

    We must create more complex D spaces”.

    And they do it, they use all their power, all their super intellects

    to solve this problem.

    Glory to these mathematicians !!!!


    But there is one problem.

    To create new D space, mathematicians must add a new parameter.

    It is impossible to create new D space without a new parameter.

    And the mathematicians take this parameter arbitrarily

    (it fixed according to his opinion, not by objective rules).

    The physicist, R. Lipin explained this situation in such way:

    “Give me three parameters and I can fit an elephant.

    With four I can make him wiggle his trunk…”

    To this Lipin’s opinion it is possible to add:

    “with one more parameter the elephant will fly.”

    The mathematicians sell and we buy these theories.

    Where are our brains?

    Please remember, many D spaces were born as a wish

    to understand SRT (theory of photon/electron’s behaviour).

    But if someone wants to understand, for example, a bird

    (photon/electron)itself and for this he studies only

    its surroundings, will he be successful?



    I read what string theory acts in 11- D space.

    But if we don't know what 1+1 = 2

    how can we know what 5+4 = 9 ?

    And if we don't know what is 4-D negative space

    ( 4-D positive Mincowski space )

    how can we understand 11-D space ( string theory) ?


    If I were a king, I would publish a law:

    every mathematician who takes part in the creation

    of 4D space and higher is to be awarded a medal

    “To the winner over common sense”.


    Because they have won us over using the

    absurd ideas of Minkowski and Kaluza.


    I think this 4-D negative space is a real one.  

    I think this space is Vacuum.


    1.“ Minkowski space “ has no gravity field, but has negative parameter.

    2. Only  pure Vacuum space has no gravity

    but has negative parameter : T= - 273= 0K.

    3. The negative parameter is united with space/ time , which are

    joined  together absolutely and this unit we can see in Vacuum .

    4. And the second  SRT postulate tells about constant moving

    light quanta in Vacuum.

    5. It is impossible SRT to be the right theory

    and space around SRT to be an abstract theory.

    6. If in our brain abstract and real ideas are mixed together

    then the interpretation of physics must be paradoxical.


    Now mathematics goes ahead of science and physics follows it.

    Mathematicians carry the posters

    “Forward to abstraction”, “Forward to the absurd”

    and we all follow them. We march bravely on the dinosaur’s path.


    Best wishes.

  6. According to string theory, there are 11 different dimensions...try posting this question on the Physics page in Science& Mathematics!

  7. This may be why we see ghosts, because they are in another time dimension.

    And then the question poses, do ghosts see ghosts?

    My good friend travels a lot and he has experienced ghosts from the 1300's era (going by their clothing), to ghosts from WWII.

    And maybe when we die, we go into another dimension and start a new life over and over.

  8. no.  

  9. Yep, 11. string theory was actually though up by 3 scientists that were traveling to France by train funny enough.

    A great source of info is an Australian Guy called Dr Karl Kruszelnicki and he does shows over in the USA on radio I think in Texas and a few other states so search for him on the net. He will be able to tell you lots about this subject and anything else you may have to ask as well.

    Hope this helps



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