
Do you believe in paranormal and hauntings?

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Do you believe in paranormal and hauntings?




  1. Yes. I think that to not even accept the POSSIBILITY of there being some truth in paranormal stories is very naive. Then again, so is blindly accepting every campfire ghost story and cheesy myth.


    I have been around the paranormal my whole life.My entire family has experienced the paranormal and we're all believers now.

  3. The answer for me is YES.  I have been around the Paranormal since I was 5 years old and that is when I was taught more about the 2 subjects you asked about.

         It's all real and many of us have great gifts to help others.  We have I believe have learn ed to shout out the nasty remarks about us.  Everyone has a choice to believe in what we want yet we don't go around to slam and make nasty, childish remarks about us.

        Cameron, I had noticed that also.  I think they have nothing better to do with their selves so they turn very childish act like Morons.

  4. heck yes I believe.

  5. I am a Paranormal Investigator i do believe in paranormal activity and believe there are spirits here many things have happened in my life that i cannot explain and have seen spirits of different types in different locations. I will continue this day forward like i have been doing , to continuously help those in need of paranormal guidance just like alot of people in this paranormal field are here to help one another :) but i still stand the same i believe in paranormal occurrences and ghosts/spirits. When Spirits are through with their business in this world i believe they cross over. i also believe when you pass on you have free will to travel back and fourth at will! but yet some spirits are sometimes decide to stay because of unfinished business etc. or they are comfortable here.

    you can read many experiences of our team on our site here was my first :) i love sharing this one but people on Y/A have prolly heard this 1000 time lol!!!

    was six and lived in Trenton , MI . When the family and I were sitting on the living room couch watching TV, they all of the sudden heard a loud crash that sounded like glass breaking. We ran down stairs to find the remains a light bulb in swept into a dust pan with a broom standing next to it , between that experience many things happened in that home such as things flying across the TV stand onto the floor was one creepy experience.Another is when my mother one day was doing laundry and something screamed boo in her ear . What ever was there in the home struck me in the back with a shoving almost like a smack when i was sitting down and watching tv and shortly after My mom had told me at night she would hear footsteps around her bed at night on a daily basis.”

    Ryan ~Paranormal Investigator/Researcher~

  6. Despite a strong (initial) desire to I have never experienced anything that has required a paranormal explanation.

  7. I don't believe IN  them....but I believe ABOUT them. I believe that some of the things people report are true..some of the reports are their imaginations or they misunderstand etc..some are false reports because they lie. I realize that a lot of the reports can be science etc...but there are a lot that can't be explained. I believe that  most people who say they had  paranormal experiences are telling the truth. I believe a lot of people are called mentally ill  because of telling their experiences to the wrong psychiatrists..who don't believe about the paranormal.

    I also believe that a lot more people are getting into astral travel and can "visit" you..and you can mistake them for a spirit/ghost.

  8. Yes, and now actively go looking for it.

    More people believe in ghosts than God, so,....... yes.

  9. anyone who has ever jumped from a plane successfully, would have to believe in paranormal....and anyone who has been married for any length of time....must believe in and may even enjoy....hauntings

  10. Yes, I have experienced paranormal & hountings. I have it till today. See if I'm pissed of and I wish someone bad luck then it comes true. So I have to allways stay calm and remember to not say anything like that becouse I can hurt someone, not even trying to... oh, and hountings?, well that's another looooong story...

  11. I won't know until s-omeone l-onesome  dies in this house and start haunting it.

    Don't mind the someone lonesome,  just hit me how similar the two words are.... onelsome... if you look at the L it could just be seperating "one some",..... weird

    Sleep deprivation;)

  12. yes, i believe greatly. i am very interested in the subjects, but its hard to seperate fact from fiction with all the nut jobs around and the other people who make fun of people who have actual legitimate stories.

  13. yes

  14. No.

  15. of course i do.

  16. Yes i do coinkidink

  17. Why yes I do!  I just visited a nice haunted house the other day.  

    that was an easy two points

  18. I definitely believe!  I am a paranormal investigator with many personal experiences.  I have also collected quite a few EVP's.  Check it all out on my website.

  19. yes i do

    my brother is crazier about it than i am

  20. not hauntings, but there is definitely something to paranormal

  21. WELL yes i do...But that doesnt mean i belive in every lil story which ppl tell me or i see in t.v is a True fact...sometimes ppl are just saying so to get famous...

    but i definately belive in these 2 things..

  22. Yes...

  23. yep

  24. Yes, but I couldn't care less on the subject.

  25. Yes.


  26. of course.. In this world, there's a lot of things that we cannot reach with our mind/ thinking.. But paranormal and hauntings are two different things.

    Paranormal - things that we cannot see/touch. Just with our sense we can feel it..(haha)

    Hauntings - i don't know how to explain but what i can say is just a feeling ( scare and the others). Eg: If you scare with ghost (but you never see) the feel(scare) is haunting you.. Got it..

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