
Do you believe in paranormal things? I didn't until just recently.....?

by Guest32847  |  earlier

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I went into the bathroom where the fish tank is. I looked at my fish he is so cute. I went to the bathroom, and suddendly got very blurry vision, which never happened to me before. I washed my hands. I then looked at my fish and he was dead! I am really creeped out!




  1. I believe fully in paranormal, I do a lot of research in the field and have for some time.

    However, like others said, I don't think this is paranormal phenomenon.  I am sorry to disappoint you.

    You can look around at some paranormal forums though and see if you can find anything similar which may prove us wrong.

  2. yea i do. was what color was the flash though? you may have experienced an attack from a ghost or some sort of spiritual reaction telling you that one very closed to you has died.

  3. Assuming this happened as you indicated, what makes you think what happened to you is a paranormal event?  Making such leaps can be dangerous.  What if you have a carbon monoxide leak?  You'd never know because, hey, it's just paranormal.  That's all there is to it.  No need to explore the world or increase your level of understanding of the universe--if something happens that you can't immediately explain, just chalk it up as paranormal.

  4. Yes, I believe strongly in paranormal things taking place and my belief has been strengthened over the years by numerous unexplained events happening to me.

  5. I do believe in paranormal activity, but this really doesn't sound paranormal to me.  I would pass this off as coincidence.

  6. There is no such thing as coincidence, and that is very very strange. Wow...

  7. That happened to me one time with a bee. It dropped dead right in the air...and fell. IDK (I'm serious...I'm not "making fun" of you or kidding.) I've always wondered about it.

  8. I believe in the paranormal. I think that not all spirits go to heaven and some stay back for a certain reason.

    And I am baffaled by people who believe that someone created this earth in 7 days but dont believe in something more logical then the paranormal.

  9. That's strange, but strange things happen every day. There doesn't seem to be anything paranormal about this.

  10. wow, i can believe it. sometimes, the link between life and death is scary, isn't it? i believe in ghosts, have my whole life. my brother and i, we both believe in aliens and ghosts. we're not weird, its what we think. you have proof, use it, honey. believe in ghosts and the paranormal for the rest of your life. your one of the many [but still, seemingly few in comparison to the rest] that have wittnessed or felt a paranormal event. you are special.

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