
Do you believe in phsychic mediums??

by  |  earlier

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I guess I should of said that I don't believe in it but I am just curious as to how many people really do believe in it.....Thanks :)




  1. yes. Everyone has psychic abilities including you. to strengthen them it's good to meditate. good luck!

  2. Well the way I see it is that if they were really psychic, they'd call me and tell me my future.  They'd already have my phone number.

  3. No, I don't. There are certainly people about who claim such powers, but to date absolutely none of them have been able to demonstrate them.

  4. Look into Remote Viewing > I remember doing this when I was much younger as well. I believe there may be those who are "chosen" to receive and talk about certain subjects. Some are and were probably used as mediums,mouthpieces,messiahs or messengers throughout history,especially global events such as natural disasters and wars. Nostradamus and Edgar Cayce as two examples. Some information can also be misleading or even an alternate reality such as  prophecy/warning. Having previous knowledge of events can mean subtle or permanent alternate realities. Our involvement in the current middle east war could be one example of an alternate reality or just a glitch by interfering with an inevitability such as Islam taking over the middle east as a theocracy. Do an investigation of this following link. This may become your reality as well.

  5. i DO believe in medium psychics however...

  6. I believe in the power of ESP. And, the power of love. You know I was going to say that.

  7. yes i do. if you read in the bible, their are a few people mentioned in there. the word psychic and mediums were not used though.

  8. No, I don't. Perhaps if the dead were available for communication, it could be possible that they were real. However, I am pretty confident that the dead do not linger around on earth.

    In the Bible Job 7 states that one who has died will never come back to dwell in his house, or walk amongst the living.

    In Leviticus 19:31 amounst other things that Moses tells his peole he warns against mediums. In context he also warns people not to sell thier daughters into slavery, not to read undercooked meat..... all practical advice.

    I believe the warnings Moses gave to his people about mediums were for the same reasons I am about to warn you.


    Mediums are fakes, they take advantage of the fact the someone has recently lost a loved one and is hurt and vulnerable and desperate to say a last word to that person.

    They use a technique called cold reading, in which they make general statements and watch the subjects reactions and facial clues. As they prod around, they are getting more and more specific. Before long, they make statements that the person is jumping up and down saying, "yes, thats my mother....what is she saying?"

    I personally find this form of psychic to be particularly evil, as they take advantage of people who are hurting. They are liars and charlatans, and should not be trusted.

    Anyone who claims to be able to talk to the dead is either a liar, deluded, or talking to something else.

  9. I think that most are fakes, but some are dead on 99% of the time.  It's one of the easiest thing to con people with.  The only ones I would trust are the ones that work with no contact, like with the police departments.  Any one who works for money is most likely a fake.

  10. Since you can't prove a negative I must say I'm officially agnostic when it comes to psychic media.  However, given the fact that no evidence has ever been produced in support of such a phenomenon,  I believe the probability of such phenomena existing approaches zero.

  11. i am a medium.  i talk to the dead, their spirits.  the messages are usually to their loved ones.

  12. i personelly belive in phsychics

  13. No,and you shouldn't either.They are all phonies.

  14. yes I do I enjoy listening psychic sylvia browne & john edward.

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