
Do you believe in psychics? Why or why not?

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I hear different views about psychics. Some people say:

"Come on, psychics? How can someone predict the future? It's a bunch of c**p!" Well think about it. If you believe in the power of God, the ability to walk upon water, heal people, and bring souls to a holy paradise then why is it so hard to believe in this? And please no one get mad at me for expressing my opinion. i don't like getting yelled at




  1. I too believe in the power of God, and miracles, and a live after death, but I do not believe in psychics.  I don't believe anyone can predict the future accurately 100% of the time, and that is what I believe a psychic should be able to do.  Many of those who call themselves psychics actually fish for answers from their subjects in the questions they ask.  Once people start agreeing with the psychic the psychic looks good because it appears he or she is predicting something or telling the person something but in truth the person is feeding them all the information they want to know.

  2. only the psychological believe in psychics as normal people do not  

  3. I believe in psychics because I have had a few excellent readings.

    However, the future is plastic and malleable. The further into the future the psychic predicts, the less reliable it gets.

    Also, what a psychic predicts is not locked n stone. If you totally don't want the events he or she predicts to come true, you can change the future.

    All a good psychic does is pick up on the future you are creating for yourself. It's your future. You're in control.

  4. no because the empirical proof you can test is lacking, but i do not 100%  dismiss it

  5. No evidence. There is a million dollars for the first one that can prove this ability. Ten years and waiting.

    It seems clear that psychics can be explained in one of three ways: (1) they truly are psychic; (2) they are frauds, taking advantage of people's gullibility and weaknesses; or (3) they're deluded and self-deceived. Of the three options, the least probable is option number one.

    When it comes to any Bible prophecy, it is only in the Bible that it comes to pass. There is no independent confirmation of any prophecies outside the Bible. Some clearly never happened, such as the Nile river drying up. That was predicted in the Bible too.

  6. i believe in them 100%

  7. Hi,

    I am psychic. My psychic ability wasn't developed until I made it stronger, and that's what you have to do in order to be psychic. Everyone has psychic potential in them, it just depends on if you want to make that ability stronger, through practice. I practiced mine through tarot cards & meditation. Yes, I do believe in psychics because I believe that my readings are genuine. I get "visions" about that person, and I go with my gut feelings. You will get many different opinions about this question because many people are still skeptic. If you believe in psychic power, potential will only get stronger. God gave everyone a psychic gift, but you have to exercise it to make it stronger.

    I hope this has helped you understand better. Take care, Hon.  

  8. Yes. Its one of the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit.

    If God's prophets could forsee the future, why cant we?

    Dont worry what other people say about your opinions. If they cant accept it, thats their problem. Them getting mad or shooting petty personal attacks are signs of their intimidation of your question as well as immaturity.  

  9. God didn't create us, we created God.

    I believe that yes, there are people in this world who can be in tune with the other side, with a much greater force.  

  10. Well, I'm not going to "yell", simply because I hate being yelled at too...

    I don't believe in them. I'm a strong believer in making your own future. Cliche yes, but true. I mean, if you wanted to, you could grow up and become a doctor and be GREAT at it, where as a psychic might tell you not too. Hard work and determination are important to me. I think astrology is fun, but I never rely on it.

    I LIKE the fact that I have the power to change my future. Not my parents. Not my friends. Not my teachers. And certainly not physics. I'm going to be who I want to be. Whether or not a physic predicts it or not

    Hehe, I probably look preachy

  11. Psychic ability is not really so unusual. it's just being more sensitive than the average person to information and incoming stimulus. I love the fact that I have been able to prove over and over again, that we are capable literally of obtaining info. "out of the blue". Personally I don't care what the sceptics say. my track record over a long time is too good. the sceptics are the ones out of touch, not psychics. I have spent many years trying to understand this phenomenon. It is very challenging, difficult but extremely rewarding. I don't believe the human race would have survived if we were not inherently intuitive and sensitive, and thank God these days, there is enough info. around, that we can persist in exploring this arena, in  really interesting ways. Everyone should try it!

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