
Do you believe in?

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Do you believe in spankings or not??

if you do then why do you believe in them???

If not then Whynot???




  1. Spanking should NEVER be done when you are angry. That is the biggest key. If you cannot maintain control then you should not spank. Otherwise, it is an effective means of discipline. If you are training your children correctly and effectively, you will not need to spank much but only as a last resort.

    To further answer your question, I believe in them b/c the Bible, God's Word, gives parents the authority to use corporal punishment.

    Unfortunately and all too often, spanking parents are depicted as ravaging, angry, out of control monsters. The parent must maintain emotional control at all times.

  2. your starting a HUGE debate!!

    I think its fine as long as your not leaving bruises.

    I was spanked by my mother & I dont resent it or think she did anything wrong.

    Also lightly smaking fingers when a younger child picks up something that can really hurt them, teaches them fastest then trying to have a "talk" with a 1 year old.

    youner children are not going to sit & listen to you lecture them, you need to get their attention & a light smack is the best way!

  3. yes i do but not to often and whenyou plan on whooping your child let the little stuff pile up and tell them why you are whooping them

  4. yes, i spank my children.  a couple of swats on the butt.  I tried timeout only to find that it did not work.  if they don't do something when i tell them the first time, i start counting to 3. by the time i hit 2, they're up and doing it because they know that once i get to 3, it means a spanking.  that's all it takes for me.  start counting and it gets it done.

  5. yes cause the time out in the corner dont work with my kids they laugh at me and run

  6. Yes, a pop on the bottom, before they are old enough to reason with, can keep them from getting hurt, or developing a bad habit, like biting.

    But, I'm talking about getting their attention, NOT beating on them or leaving marks.

  7. If it is the only way to discipline a child, then yes, i am for them.

    But not too hard, or too often.

    I turned out fine and I got the occasional bum smacking when I'd do bad stuff

  8. Yes, only once. not too hard, not too soft. Don't leave marks, or hurt them really bad.

    My mom used to spank me when i did bad things. It made me think about what i did and since she hit me just right, it made me not want to do it again. Nobody likes get spanked right?

  9. I believe in spanking as a last resort.

    I think there are plenty of other things that need to be tried first (time out, no tv, no toys), but in an emergency situation (like if your toddler keep running out into the street) I believe spanking has it's place.

  10. I believe in spankings (a swat on the bottom, not a beating) every once in awhile, yes. Or a light smack on the hand.

    I got in trouble for biting at the daycare several times so my mom bit me on the arm-not hard, but enough to hurt and asked "How do you like it?". I stopped. I don't think there's anything wrong with it. It is not abuse. Sometimes it's what kids need. When you start leaving marks, then there's a problem.

  11. im going with no. bc spanking isnt really a bad punishment, because it happens so fast. and most kids would rather get spanken then be grounded for a while.

    but i really dont belive a child should be spanken, that is kinda harsh.

  12. Yes I do believe in spanking. It is an acceptable form of punishment. Children need to learn that there are uncomfortable consequences to bad behavior. It also depends on the child and what it did. I got my but spanked several times when I grew up and it taught me not to do the behavior. You of course can go overboard on it too. If it leaves lasting marks (such as bruises) then it is abuse. I do not say every child has to be spanked. I met kids who never got spanked and were well behaved. But most kids who don't get spanked don't show respect.

  13. I believe in spanking but I do not believe in beating. There is a big difference. I believe that each problem should determine the punishment. I do not believe in jerking a kid up and busting there butt because they might have forgotten to do something or made a mistake. My son will be 3 at the end of the month. I have a new born baby and he smaked her square in the face the other night twice and you better believe he got popped on the bottom. It was not the first time he has done that but I was tryingot make it the last.

    I believe in spanking because time out is good for some things but not everyhting. I think it is the parents choice not anyone elses. Especially the government or law makers!!
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