
Do you believe in...?

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World Peace




  1. yes

  2. Everything except bigfoot......

  3. Yes  

  4. i believe in ghosts ,spirits n souls

    world peace,i think its a far cry with all the nuclear weapons (sob...)

  5. no to all of them

  6. i believe in ghosts, spirits and souls. but theyre basically the same thing.

  7. Yes I do. do you?

  8. i believe in spirits. :)

  9. Ghosts - Yes, I've heard about them to much from family and have seen/felt a few.

    Bigfoot - There is probably something that looks strange but if there was really a Bigfoot I think someone woulda killed it by now.

    Spirits - Same as ghosts.

    Souls - I think everyone has a soul but if you mean in the etheral sense then a soul is like a spirit to me.


    World Peace - Not while people are still living on the world.

  10. ghosts ----> yes but i don't believe every story i hear.

    bigfoot-----> no

    spirits------> yes

    souls-------> yes

    World Peace------> u r joking right ?

  11. Ghosts  and souls - if you believe in God, then you'd have to believe in these two.  Ghosts are spirits and are considered evil, but then again, if there is a god, then there are spirits and other things demonic as well as angelic.

    Bigfoot - How LONG has this been going on?  Is this the bigfoot sighted years ago?  How long could it possiblly live?  No, I do not believe it.  It's just a conspiracy.  

    World Peace - No.  peace is only found in oneself whether through the love of family, a dog, friends, or God, it is found within yourself by sacrificing your own self for these things.  It can never be made on a massive, universal scale, because humans are too complex with different ideas, values, views, and culture which will continually separate us.  What one culture sees as mundane or silly may be important to another culture.  For example, women here in the States may see the veil as a symbol of imprisonment that infringes on their own right to dress as they want to, but in other countries, the veil is seen as a protection from dangerous men, yet fact is, it doesn't stop a particular man from, well, you know.  It's also like the reason why prayer was taken out of school.  People wouldn't have respect for others' religion, would they?  In order for world peace to happen, all would have to agree on a certain path for all to follow and people are too different from one another to agree.  This is why you have diversity but diversity also create conflict.    

  12. I believe in all of the above but I also believe that BIGFOOT is questionable.  As far as Bigfoot. I need some more proof that it exists I guess.
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