
Do you believe in......?

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Global Warming, because I feel so alone in thinking it is one of the greatest hoaxes of the century. Yes, the planet is changing, and we do need to change our ways, but most people don't realize that before the last ice age, this happened (meaning glaciers melting and all that jazz), and after the ice age, the climate has continued the fluctuate. Do you believe in global warming? If so, or if not, please explain why, I'd really like some other opinions on this.... :0)




  1. The Earth's climate will change whether man is involved in it or not. It has changed dramatically in the past millions of years and will do so again in the future.

    But on the other hand it is irresponsible to pump masses of pollution in to the air. So I think some sort of balance is needed.

    Many workers in this area are jumping on the bandwagon to obtain funding for their "research" and also for political reasons.

  2. Here is an actually scientific paper published in a prestigious scientific journal.  It's a review of the scientific literature written by top Standford scientists.  They go into detail about how humans are contributing to global climate change and cite evidence from ice bubbles and tree cores.  They also mention other things that humans are doing to drastically change the earth's biogeochemical cycles, species composition of whole ecosystems, transforming land, and appropriating primary production (plant growth).  The very first paragraph is a review of the whole paper and very informative.

  3. Whole books have been written about this. one of the best is "The Hot Topic" by David King, Professor of chemistry at Cambridge.  I can also recommend "Global Warming", by John Houghton, Professor of atmospheric science at Oxford.

    Yes, these people have noticed the existence of natural climate change, but put forward what the vast majority of scientists regard as convincing evidence that what is happening now is dangerously different from this.

    There is a whole industry, funded by coal and oil companies, to try to persuade people that there is still a serious scientific controversy, but don't believe them.

  4. I´m with you, this whole global warning hysteria is the abuse of a natural phenomena for social, economics, and political propaganda. Indeed the world turns around but is not like if all people jump at the same time there´s going to be a quake.

    many truths are said because of  the whole GW hoax and that is good but pointing the whole humanity direction via panic for the next generation is just wrong

  5. Yes I do... I also believe you're probably the most narrow minded person on Yahoo!

    Go and watch, "An Inconvenient Truth"... Because obviously, the truth is very inconvenient for you?


    Ok so you think it's a hoax? And um, what exactly would the government, and citizens alike, GLOBALLY, gain by getting everyone to go green and to practice being a little more conscious by the actions we so freely take for granted on a daily basis? Unplugging your cellphone charger when its not in use and by using bath water to water your plants is not benefitting anyone financially or otherwise in the sense they get something out of it, so why would they tell us to do it anyway?

    What would anyone achieve in "pointing the whole humanity direction via panic for the next generation" as some smart individual said? Nothing...  

    Seriously, if it was all a huge hoax, don't you think they'd come up with something more constructive?

    **Edit 2**

    To miyuki & kyojin... Like I said, what would a polititian gain by lying to the public about global warming? They all admit that they themselves also contribute towards it?

  6. well, let's see.  maybe start by comparing science to politics.

    clearly it's warming.  here's how the science works:

    maybe you've noticed that none of the reasonable people who support the idea of AGW are claiming that it hasn't been either warmer or colder before.

    the real problem is that today, something like 7% of all the people who have ever lived, in 200,000 years, are alive today.  they all want to eat, and have clothes.  and a house.

    if you read many of the postings, you'll notice that those who worry about AGW post honest science links.  those that deny it, post stuff like, "i don't believe it".  there is a considerable difference.

    as to your  "I'd really like some other opinions on this" i doubt it.  almost every time someone makes this claim what they want is someone to tell them they're right, and the answer they select is one that says,  "I think you're right."

    have a nice day.

  7. well the world is changing true. I'm trying to become more green and yes the word IS CHANG, but guess what we have priorities and the ice melting is beyond our control.

  8. Of course I believe in global warming, caused by human CO2 emissions.  Facts are facts.  

    Interestingly enough, there is no debate about this in the entire world, except in the United States ... where the corporations are easily able to confuse the stupid American people (the dumbest in the world); particularly the people in the Southern United States, where 1/3 of the people are illiterate.

    But, let me specifically address some of your convoluted and confused thinking.  You say:

    "I TRULY DO care what people think and I could CARE LESS if peple (sic) agree or disagree with my opinion because that is what it is, my personal opinion." [emphasis added]

    That makes no sense at all!  So, which one is it?  Do you care what other people think or not?  Make up your mind.  And, if you don’t care what people think, then don’t ask their opinions on Yahoo!

    Furthermore, you say:

    “You had me going there and the facts where very convincing but your arogance (sic) ruined it.”

    Sure, facts can be very convincing … namely because they are FACTS! (duh!)

    And, since when does the way somebody says something, or their attitude, make a fact either more of a fact or less of a fact?

    Facts are facts, no matter if a person is humble or arrogant when they say it.  The way a person says something has no effect on whether what they say is true of false!  Are you suggesting that if I say something nicely and humbly, then it will more likely be true!?

    Anyway, you’re going to have to decide if you want to find out the facts, based on evidence, or if you’re going to hold on to some ideological views that directly conflict with the evidence.

    The whole world knows the answer to this one.  Wake up.

  9. I do not see any proof of it. There have been many climate changes in the long history of Earth. It is easy to figure out why any politician might lie to the public. One should not blindly believe he is telling the truth. There are many local variations in climate. I have travelled across the USA much the last few years. Some places are amazingly cool for June, so that contradicts the global warming scam.

  10. If it is a hoax why did George Bush just tell India and China that their help is needed to combat global warming? He did this today at the G8 summit in Japan.

    Now we find out that d**k Cheney is censoring CDC health  reports on climate change.

    This administration has lied to us all on the subject of climate change.

  11. Global warming is indeed occurring.  Even though it is short term.  But there is plenty of science to verify the event.  The dispute is over the cause.  Too many people and some scientist are blaming the human race.  There is NO consensus on what is causing global warming and how much mans actives are to blame.  There is noting to believe in, you either accept that global warming is happening or you deny it.

    Here is a link to the source.

  12. > before the last ice age, this happened ... and after the ice age, the climate has continued the fluctuate.

    You're right.  The earth has been both much colder and much hotter than currently, at various times in geological history.

    The difference here is the alarming rate at which it's happening now.  We're seeing a huge spike in temperature change that is faster than at any time in human history.

    Also, it's apparent that past global climate changes--even ones that are SMALLER than the one we're seeing now--have been responsible for ecological and cultural catastrophes.  You can see the problems that drought, floods and hurricanes bring about today.  You can expect these to occur on a much larger scale in the next 100 years.

    When changes like this occur slowly (over the course of tens of thousands of years), various natural systems on the earth often have enough time to adapt and compensate.  But when they happen quickly (over the course of just a few hundred years or less), it's a different story: in fact, rapid changes of just a handful of degrees are believed to have been responsible for large extinction events in the past.

    Nobody believes the human race will go extinct due to global warming--but it's a safe bet that times will be pretty hard.  It's predicted that coastal areas (where a large percentage of the population lives) will be flooded and uninhabitable; Africa will become more of a desert than it is now; temperate zones will migrate north, greatly upsetting crop cycles; insect-borne disease will increase; hurricanes will increase in number and strength; and so on.

    Today, we're not very good at dealing with even ONE of the above problems when it happens.  We're going to be in a big mess if they all start happening at the same time.

    People complain about the "cost" of doing something now to help mitigate global warming.  What they don't realize is that any money we spend now is going to be a drop in the bucket compared to the cost to our grandchildren if we do nothing.

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