
Do you believe in "life after death" please read on?

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If you do, what form do you think it takes?

Are we just on an ego trip: thinking that the spark that makes us "unique" as human beings has to live on somehow?




  1. We have aspirit

    It is eternal and slips from one level of consciousness to another and then when iits rested it returns into another life form one that we can enrich our spirtual awareness from

  2. Read 'journey of souls' by Dr Micael Newton. That will totally answer your question

  3. Perhaps a better question would be:

    If there is life after "death," what is death?

    Most would define it as the "end" of life...  

    BUT if life continues...

    Perhaps you should ask:  What do you believe death is?

  4. Life after death can neither be proved nor disproved.  This is because one would have to undergo  physical death in order to prove or disprove it (and by its very nature, disproving it would not be possible).  This is in contrast to something like astrology where one could undertake a study of people born at the same time and evaluate their personality traits and life outcomes at a later time to see if there is any correlation with time of birth.

  5. I don't see how life after death can exist for us and not for other life forms, having said that though, that doesn't mean I don't hope that life is just one part of the journey.

  6. I do believe our spirit lives on after death of our bodies. What is the consciousness at that point? I think it depends on the individual. I believe that the spirit world is so vast and amazing that we can do whatever our consciousness wants to do or experience. I think that is why there are so many beliefs and so many religions, as the other side will accommodate any perception. I don't think it matters what happens after we die as much as that we know we are all connected to the source and eachother.

    Hows that for esoteric :)?

  7. The concept of life after death is nothing more than theoretical speculation.  Since no one has ever died and returned to tell about it, then how can *any* person have a concept of it unless the idea was invented from whole cloth?

    Of course no one wants to die, so different cultures explain a different version of how we get to live forever (i.e. reincarnation, heaven, h**l, etc.)

  8. yes i do believe in life after death, i believe that each existance is to learn all different aspects of life, rich poor, black white, healthy not healthy,  long life short life,  etc., etc.,

  9. Even the religions that believe in reincarnation are deluding themselves. If they truly felt they were coming back, they would campaign to take better care of the earth, not worry about stepping on a bug that may have been their grandfather.

  10. yes

  11. I am a devout biologist and constantly look for scientific proof to explain the world around us; however, I find it hard to look into the eyes of any living thing, or observe the amazing phenomena I have experienced on Earth and not sense that there is more to all of this than molecules and chemical responses.  It really is not so hard to believe that we are all souls and our bodies are simply vessels we use while on Earth.  I cannot rule out life after death.  Maybe our time here is a learning experience and we keep coming back until we have met our objectives.

  12. life and death are just an elaborate illusion.

    True death is death of the spirit, not the body. The body does not define who we are. (cut off my arm, and I am still the same person.)

    This world is a test, and if you pass you can go into the new world.

    I has a professor in college who told us at the end of one class, "You have no assignment, but I urge you to check out the class website." The website had one entry "The class will be given a quiz, and the answer is 'pigeon'. "

    The next class the teacher gave everyone a quiz with one question. "What is the secret word?" Only one person knew the answer.

    The professor was testing how dedicated we were to the subject. This is what God wants to know. Will we listen with our hearts, read the Bible, understand it, and devote ourselves to Him. We maybe have 60-90 years to do get it right.

    The question is, will you listen to the Word?

  13. Life created the universe.

    The physical universe didn't create life.

    Since life exists separate from the physical, death in a real sense cannot occur.

    The details are what is uncertain. When you figure out how it applies to you, let me know.

    Everyone has their own understanding of how it works, just don't go into denial about reality and don't buy into someone else's view of reality.

    Maybe someday we will all find out the TRUTH for sure. Until then, have fun with it.

  14. No not at all, when the brain and body dies thats it, simply a lump of bone and flesh that is no longer a living thing and no such thing as a soul 'living' on somewhere else, total c**p if you ask me, live life to the full while you can and try to leave your mark on the world.

  15. honestly no but i still have a sliver of hope there is life after death but deep down i think death is the end

  16. There is no "life after death". Your personality will die when you do. Nothing lives on that can be called "you".

    You do live on however, in the memories of those who knew and loved you, and in the records of your deeds and achievements. And, of course, the atoms and molecules that made up your body still exist, but they contain nothing of you.

  17. Well I do, but not in the way I think you'd probably expect.

    Your atoms will live on eternally and become parts of other things, so when I die and I'm buried I will rot and feed the soil, then the plants and insects, then on and on up the chain. So I've always been here and I'll never leave. It makes me completely OK with death.

  18. Certainly!.

    What form would you like it to take?.

    We are not unique, the spark of life is general, the spirituality that attaches itself to the spark is what is derived from any cognisant being.

    The form we take now is not our true form, the us is the spirit as one. A spark is sent or given for experience.

    The spirit/spark is the truth, we are the dream, and in some cases the nightmare.

  19. If I hadn't discovered my past life, and my husband's, I would probably agree.  I don't think our ego lives on but the essence of who we are - what we love - does apparently reincarnate.  There is definitely a causality involved, maybe karma, but perhaps no more than our multidimensional reality responding to consciousness.  Haven't you ever met a person you would swear had to be a cactus last time?

  20. Life after death.

    living; we have lifeforce energy (ch'i). Energy can never be created or destroyed; so that energy has to go somewhere.

    About life after death and what form it takes is another large mystery along with the mystery "Why are we here?"

  21. how would you explain then what makes you you and why the belief or reincarnation is shared by so many religion for thousands of years

  22. yes i do,what form does it takes?free-form

  23. In my belief system, I believe in life and death does not exist and we are destined to live on.  If we make a transition from this place to another I believe our form stays the same, though we may appear younger and happier for most of us.  If you notice things in nature nothing changes its form.  If you plant tomatoes, you get tomatoes.  If an acorn falls from the oak tree and takes root, you get an oak tree.

    It is not ego at all, it is a feeling we have about being.  That gut instinct that comes from the soul.  Can you remember being born?  The feeling is--that--we always have been and always will be.  We are beings labeled human.

    We are unique in the way we think and the way we feel. Our thinking and feeling influences the whole population and perhaps the universe.

    We are here to gain knowledge and grow spiritually.  I could go on and on.  If you have some knowledge of the subject try this link for more information.

  24. I believe in life after death, as we are energy and energy cannot be 'dissolved' but only transformed into another energy..... heat, sound, light, kinetic etc etc.

    I personally believe in karma, and that we create our own internal 'type' of energy eg. i believe in Karma so the more good Karma that is created or the less bad karma i create the more i will become 'good' energy, i hope that i achieve this before my death so i can become 'good' energy, and after i die, i can either reincarnate into a charmed life to do good for others, or to be able to be part of a larger 'good' energy force.

    Some people might think I'm wacko for writing this, but this belief makes me feel more comfortable in life and helps give me direction, and by not inflicting pain/suffering on others and by doing good; even if what i believe isn't forthcoming then what wrong could i have done?

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