
Do you believe in re-birth?

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Do you believe in re-birth?




  1. yes.

  2. i dont

  3. there are a few cases, depends on you to believe it or not.

    abraham lincoln's rebirth was john f. kennedy because they both were born at the same time, they both died at the same time, and they both had many other similarities. many people believe this is the truth.

    ashoka the great's rebirth was akbar the great. they both conquered same places, and many other similaritoes.

    69% of the world population believes in rebirth.

    and i am one of them.

    maybe, you are a rebirth of.................

  4. I am undecided on this matter. However, the work of Ian Stevenson does offer some interesting cases.

    Michael John Weaver, M.S.

  5. sorta

  6. no i don't

  7. this spiritual...

  8. undecided but hope the is

  9. i dont want to but yes

  10. lol...I think u r only born once 4 reasons

  11. That seems to me to be a matter of religious faith. I don't see how science can offer any insight into that question.

  12. Yes.  As with a persons religious beliefs, being reborn, not only in a religious sense, is an individual phenom that is not definable but present when we know it to be.  Just like God

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