
Do you believe in re- incarnation?

by Guest21147  |  earlier

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haha my sister says before she was a human she was a platypus and her bff was a kangaroo.

what do you think you were/ will be?




  1. first i was a morman, then i became a Turkish farm boy, then me, then in my future life i am killed by a pill

  2. I have thought of that. But I rather keep it a mystery. Imagine being hypnotized and when waking up I've been told that I said, while under hypnosis, that I was one of the Bugs Moran's gangters killed in the "St. Valentine Massacre" by Al Capone in 1929 Chicago, or one of the SS n**i officers in Auschwitz or Buchenwald. Or that I was Josef Stalin in the other life  No thanks.

    P.D.: Of course I would love it if the hypnotist told me I said, under hypnosis, I was Leonardo Da Vinci [Renaissance scientist and artist], William Shakespeare, Ludwig van Beethoven or Richard Wagner in my other life [see wikipedia for these guys mentioned]. But what are the possiblities? Who knows, and I won't take the chance.

  3. There's no evidence for it. There's no life of any kind after we die. That's the end period.

  4. Yes I do believe.  I was a Civil War soldier in a past life.  I have no idea about the future.

  5. Re-incarnation is more probable than a god existing. So do you believe in god?

    And your sister is messed up in the head....

    And if re-incarnation does exist, we could become animals in the next life, all species are created equal... Not really but I am a vegitarian.

  6. theres no possible way she is an animal. we werent created animals

  7. humans were not and cannot be animals. its two different souls...and yes it exists. I've been many things; a druid, a tailor, a french boy, a croatian. you only progress, never regress i.e you can't become an animal

  8. oh yes,to remember everything in this life is called a photogrophic memory.

    but to remember everything in all your lives is called ididic memory......also way back when,horses with identical pactches of colour,on either side were thought to be human.

    its the only instance of human souls in animals

    but i believe that time is past.

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