
Do you believe in recycling?

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Do you believe in recycling?




  1. It only makes sense. The earth has a finite amount of resources and a human population who collectively believe that progress = growth, in population and in affluence. This is a contridiction, unless you recycle and/or limit population.

  2. In UK - I have three different bins - Brown - Blue and Grey - Garden refuse - bottles and plastics - and then other rubbish in that order - also green sack for paper.

    Go to local rubbish tip and everything is in different containers from Batteries to shoes/clothes/cardboard etc.,

  3. Yes, but not at the expense of having to shell out money out of my pocket as a recycling fee if the Provincial Government takes my taxes at the same time and uses that for that reason. And that it is illegal in Canada when they called it a fee which is not a tax with out the due representation of the Democratic system. They can't charge a fee but must go through 3 bill proceedings before it can become a tax not a fee. I don't have a problem with recycling because it does save a lot of junk from filling the landfills and pollution too.

  4. more than i believe in  a God sitting in the sky watching over us

  5. yes I do believe in recycling

  6. yes, everyone should do it for sure... i saw in an open arp magazine at my dad's that we have used more resources since ww2 then through all of history combined.. that is crazy. we only have one earth, might as well make the best of it what we can.

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