
Do you believe in science or religion?

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reasons why you believe in either?




  1. Being a deist, I do not believe in any religion but feel that there must be some power that regulates this universe…something that triggered our existence. but science is something which I know happens and exists…so I believe more in the big bang than the genesis.

    Now, it is hard to decide which is better- science or religion

    Think of the medieval witch hunting, human sacrifices in the south American civilizations, the holy war that is going on at present- all in the name of religion because religion can make fanatics of men. But religion has also produced mother Teresa, father Damien and countless other good Samaritans whose sole driving force has been there faith in god.

    Science has also been destructive, if you really think. Nukes are of course the easiest example. But there is global warming and the fact that technology makes terrorists a h**l of a lot smarter than they should be. But without science- to put it simply- I would not have been typing this answer presently.

    Bottom line is, both have got their own pros and cons. The rest is up to us- what we make of what we have and what we do with what we make of it.

  2. religion is a load of BS made up by the authorities to control us!

    however, sciences theories also confuse me, ok yeah, the big bang created the universe, but what on earth (well, maybe not on earth) created the elements that caused the big bang? and what the h**l is the universe expanding into?!

  3. religion though i do not belong to any religion. well an example is one day i was watching t.v. and there was this program about how dogs can sence cancer in there owners. they then had a very intellegent scientist who never did a study to prove his theory and said that "scientificly" it is impossible for dogs to be able to do such a thing. and i dont beleive that we evolved from monkeys because if we did there would not be any monkeys.  

  4. im a deist which bassicly puts out the argument that there is a god but one that doesnt mettle in with stupid human affairs we also believe in evolution that god created life let it grow itself and stumbled apon early humans or Neanderthals and had them grow and sharpen up to the species he wanted us to be which in turn gave us the ability to reason and think unlike animals we believe all this beacuse its hard to believe that all this matter came from nothing when SCIENTIFICALLY you cant create matter without matter already there so yea its a good mix between science and religion.  

  5. I believe in both. Science is tangible while religion is intangible, it is the foundation of ones belief to God.

  6. god told adam and eve to REPLENISH the earth, think about it, could that mean something was there before? why can't you believe both to an extent?

  7. There exist questions which science will never be able to answer.  Ever.  Not even in theory.  Because science has very sharp limits.  To even ask something like "What is the meaning of life?" in science is a non-sequitur.  And let's not forget Godel's Incompleteness Theorem.

    So what do we do with all those questions?  Ignore them?  Or choose some other means to answer them?  That is, after all, the purpose of philosophy, and its distinction from science which is just a subset of it.  It is why you asked that question here.

    A good religion cannot contradict with science because it doesn't even try to tackle scientific questions.  A good scientist knows better than to pursue questions which science is completely incapable of solving.  There is no necessary contradiction between the two.  And the best of them inform one another.  As someone much smarter than me once said:

    "Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind."

    - Albert Einstein

  8. I believe in science and Darwins theory on evolution because the alternative just does not make sense.  

  9. I believe in science, but unless there is proof that there is not God I won't say that I don't believe in religion.

  10. Science because I can see it.

    Religion because I feel it.

  11. science - doubled human lifespan in 200 years - proper miracle

    religion - kills people for stupid reasons - no miracles

    i believe in science

  12. Well, I believe in a little bit of both. I believe in (some parts of) evolution and things like that, but ultimately that the earth was created by God. However, I believe that after God created the earth, he left us to ourselves, allowing scientific processes to happen and things. I believe that God no longer cares about this world and science is the supreme ruler now.

  13. First there was religion and out of religion came science. Science is its own religion. Science text can be misinterpreted and proved wrong just like any religious text. Science came out of the evolution of religion. Just because science says a torando is a natural phenomenon doesn't mean that it still wont be considered an act of God. There is no difference between the two. They are one in the same, stating the same thing, but in different words. Praying to science or praying to God is the same thing, praying. So who is right? Neither one is right. True truth is hidden everywhere. In the end, reality is only what we believe it to be, with or without science/religion.

  14. I Do believe in religion. I'm not saying I don't believe in science, but most of the people including me believe that there's God who created everything on Earth, so if you do believe, you came up from a monkey ok go ahead. I'd rather be a God's child than a monkeybone.

  15. Science has helped me to understand why some things happen in life. Religion hasn't helped me understand anything.  

  16. Well, both.

    Science explores physical reality.

    Religion explores our cause of existence and our relationship to creation.

  17. I believe the 2 are mutually inclusive.

    -Science is simply the search for truth. It does not contradict anything. It is open to learning new things.

    - Religion is totally faith based yet no one has said EXACTLY how GOD did all this

  18. religion because science is mostly man made... Also there is proof of religion such as a giant ark found which can be the proof of noah's ark. Also life seems so pointless and aimless if we just die and nothing happens. I believe we are part of a bigger picture. I mean what would be the point of life?

    Think about it... how was our world created? It is way to big and intricate to have been made by one 'big bang'. We are part of a bigger plan by God.

    Also think about this, if there was no religion or God... how do we know what is good or bad? How do we know that showing respect is better than being rude? Or if we should follow laws? If we only believe in science, we have nothing to follow...

    We are all part of a bigger plan

  19. Science nad metaphysics meeting halfway. M.

  20. Religion... or should I say Jesus Christ.....I grew up in a very unstable home no God talk no nothing to believe in.  In college I was searching for something.....little did I know that my life was going to turn on a dime when I became a christian.  It is undescriable the peace of mind and fulfillment you get from being a christian. I think some people are badly mistaken and think that God is this fairy and you ask what you want and you get it.....then they get mad a God....there is so much more to it then that.

  21. I believe in science if it does not corrupt with religion. This is because I am a catholic and science argues about how the universe started. So, in a sense, I believe in both.

  22. Science because it is about the real world, not the fantasy world of religion.

  23. Science because theories mostly have supporting evidence, Religion on the other hand requires 'blind faith'.

  24. religion it is  a sets of belief and a complete systemm for human life ,while science is a discovery for God's creation or using his creation to do something for creation..(hope u get what i mean)

    anyways, i am a believer and i have no problem with science but it is is't a religion to me though...

  25. i had just finished Yr 9 in my school and we had to take a Religious Studies exam and this question was in the paper. i put 'I believe science in some respects and then i believe in God in others. for every thing in life there are always different views even science but one thing is for sure if everything could be proved by science then life would be VERY boring.

  26. Science neither requires 'belief' nor has any particular use for it, except as a subject to study.

  27. I believe in common sense, which both religion and science lack.

    What? You don't like the truth? Heh, nobody does.

  28. science because its testable, transparent, provable, disprovable, debatable, reasonable and useful

  29. science beacuse we can see the proof the only proof we have of religion is storys that have been past down through the years and we all know how chinnese whispers work and books that have been translated it not such a great way  

  30. Both, to an extent.

    I am Christian, and I believe God completely.

    Science has discovered many wonderful things about God's creative works. There is, however, a very unscientific "branch" (don't know what to call it) that begins with the pre-conceived belief that God does not exist.

    The fact is, science needs to touch, examine material, duplicate, test. And this they cannot do in the spiritual realm. They therefore regard it as being non-existent.

    So while I believe God, I can also believe the scientific discoveries, but only if they do not contradict what the Bible, God's word, has said.

  31. Science because it is a discipline of actively going out to seek the truth  rtaher than staying with a fixed point that needs constantly  defending.

    I like the idea of fluidity - moving  -and a rolling capacity to understand  the current truth that is at the edge of awareness rather than fixity.  

    The arguements within science go somewhere - not round in a circle.

    I am not a scientist - have a degree in social science and have researched relationships, I like  the change that come about from researching your own truths.  

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