
Do you believe in self self conscious our GOD..??

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i believe in GOD.but from some days 1 thought is haunting me is that is our self conscious our GOD.sometimes when i am about to do or doing a wrong thing something or someone from inside tells me that this is wrong....(i hope you understood what i meant to say)...

is that inner voice is GOD or self conscious.sometimes i think that there is no self conscious.but sometimes i feel it is there....

i am confused....??




  1. It depends on your belief in God. Good for you for actually being one of the few to truly take the time to understand what God is rather than taking some dictionary or other book definition.

    I think you're talking about your conscience that tells you that something might not seem right. A lot of that has to do with what your essential values are in life. If you don't think something seems right, it will nag you in the back of your mind.

    Is that God?

    That kind of depends, like I said, on what God is to you. Some people believe that God is within ourselves. As in, we are all a small energy component of a much larger being that we call God. If you believe that, then perhaps your conscience is a small portion of God. If you're trying to figure out whether or not there is some large man sitting in the sky and talking to you when you do things wrong, it's unlikely but again, it really depends on how you view God. If you always see God as a part of you and as a part of your energy, then perhaps I can say that it is kind of God talking to you.

    Does this make any sense?

  2. You are seriously confused and you need to learn to speak. You're talking about a CONSCIENCE not a 'self conscious'. I wouldn't say that it is God but I agree that there is something spiritual about a moral compass.

  3. i think our conciousness is a gift from god. and we should use it wisely.  

  4. I don't think your self conscience is god for two reasons, one being I don't like to believe in a god and two being that people have different outlooks on what is wrong and what is correct, your conscious reacts to your upbringing so its impossible for it to be god

  5. its called your conscience his name is Jimminy.

  6. From what i read in psychology, metaphysics and religion--whatever goes on in our conscious or  subconscious mind, is due to the manifestations of an Ultimate Spirit, or God, if you like. Infact Everything, from the smallest atomic sub-particle or wave of energy,to the most distant galaxy, is somehow God-made/influenced. And no human being, no matter how supremely endowed, can explain the makings of God.

    The self-conscious person is only someone who is too conscious of how he speaks and acts when infront of others, who blushes easily, get unduly nervous and usually under-performs. To attain more knowledge, pride and mastery of the essential skill/s is to give him more confidence and conviction in his behaviour, and he will become less self-conscious. Frequent  discussions on interesting or controversial topics,  or listening to great speeches will often give you a high level of confidence of knowing what is right, wrong, ideal, true, etc.  

    Also read established magazines with articles that are thought-provoking, like Time, Newsweek, Scientific American, New Scientist, Reader's Digest in addition to your religious reading. Be balanced and objective, that's the most ideal way. Cheers! Hope these clear up certain doubts you have..   :-))  

  7. Some things I know and some things I don't know.

  8. Yes...I understand what you trying to tell.I myself believe in self conscious.It can punished us.It will haunt us.You can say it is our God,but I believe God's punishment is even more terrifing than this.

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