
Do you believe in something strongly? What is it?

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Do you believe in something strongly? What is it?




  1. I strongly believe that you have to open anything like food thats in a packet the right way up.

    Otherwise i dont eat them.

    Or sellotape it back together and open it properly :)

  2. G-d and acting

  3. Animal rights.

  4. The practice of not eating meat!

  5. ghosts,spirits,umm vampires? and god

  6. I believe in Jesus Christ.  And that He was the son of God and He walked this earth for 33 yrs before He was crucified on a cross for all of our sins.  

  7. I strongly believe that any two adult people that are in love have the right to get married, whether they are the opposite s*x or the same s*x.

  8. yes, i believe that everyone can make there own choices nad can plan their own life. People always blame, for example, the parents when a kid murders someone. it is the kids choice and not the parents.

    I also believe that life is too short. we need to live life long. Not waste all the time we have.

    I also believe in same s*x marriage, animal rights, global warming, karma and much more.



  9. Non-violence.

  10. Yes, God.  

  11. Yes.  The United States of America and the principles she was founded on.  We are not perfect and it does not matter what party any of us vote from.  But we are a collection of people from every country in this world which in turn, brings out the best in us as a country of the world.  I do believe we are the best country in the world today but we are far from perfect.  I love my country and the idea behind my country.  

  12. Death it comes to us all

  13. Paranormal & Extraterrestrial

  14. God, faith, hope, peace, joy, happiness, going to heaven when you die, all animals have souls, world peace, enjoyment

  15. Karma

    I strongly believe everything and anything you do comes back to you eventually..........

  16. Yes, animal rights and same s*x marriage.

  17. Yes, a stiff drink.

  18. yea,God

  19. People are about as happy as they make up their minds to be.

  20. karma!

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