
Do you believe in spirits, ghosts or supernatural?

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Have you ever had any kind of supernatural experience. If so what was it like?




  1. I don't recall ever having an experience that has required anything but a normal explanation.

    If you aren't satisfied with this answer I suggest you search for old answers, as this question comes up a lot.

  2. yes. almost every day I have an paranormal experience.

    the most common I see is a ghost at school nearly every day. He loves to p**s off the teachers

  3. i dont belive  i know this things hapen

    also there is no such thing as supernatural, that terms is used

    but those who dont understand the reason behinfd them

    there are ghost aliens spirits etc orbs, all those are entities energy forms etc interacting in part in the visible sprectrum

  4. Yes, yes and yes.

    Ooooh, where should I start. - maybe just one of each.

    Spirits = sentient hauntings able to interact. Found the spirit of a young girl in a pub cellar - she was very upset and kept messing about with the taps - moving them about. I didn't see her, but experienced her presence.

    Ghosts  = visible aparitions. - only the once when I was younger - which kind of started my interest. - Floated in through my bedroom wall- so slowly I was able to get real close - then floated through the opposite wall.

    Supernatural. -  unexplained events/ energy. Yes I can dowse for lost/hidden objects - even locate stuff by directing my palm now (great when you can 'feel' where your keys or glasses are - and know if they're hidden, high or low) Use 'remote viewing' ,sense changes in temperature at a distance.

    Be aware of auric fields (life force) and sense them.

    - All stuff most people could do with practice.

  5. I believe in all of them.  It's my opinion that spirits are mischevious little joksters.  Have you ever looked everywhere for something you've set down for a second and then turned around and found it sitting there right in front of you?  They play games because they know they can get away with it.

  6. Yes, I believe.  I've had many paranormal experiences; but then, I look for them!  Sometimes, it's a little scary, but mostly, it's quite intriguing.

  7. yes i do

  8. It's funny why we believe in the paranormal and supernatural. Most of what we are taught in religion is based on the belief of things we cannot understand because of our mortality. This goes back to even before pagan beliefs and actual science. Over the centuries we have absorbed these "unknowns" to be fact, even atheists can't de-program themselves from saying "God bless you" when someone sneezes.

    Religion tried to dispel science as "evil", science tried to dispel religion as "rubbish", so who is right?

    Science had to use the paranormal in the beginning just to get a jump start, because organized religion wouldn't allow belief in anything but the paranormal as evidence, but slowly science separated from religion after proof of otherwise, and has had to shake the guise of the paranormal from all of it's literature and teachings.

    We're still caught in this battle between the known, and the spiritual - is this actually proof of yin and yang?

    I personally believe in the paranormal, and I hold science to be credible - but I don't turn a blind eye to either one.

  9. most defintely i am a paranormal investigator, many experiences are on our site  here was my first :) i love sharing this one but people on Y/A have prolly heard this 1000 time lol!!!

    was six and lived in Trenton , MI . When the family and I were sitting on the living room couch watching TV, they all of the sudden heard a loud crash that sounded like glass breaking. We ran down stairs to find the remains a light bulb in swept into a dust pan with a broom standing next to it , between that experience many things happened in that home such as things flying across the TV stand onto the floor was one creepy experience.Another is when my mother one day was doing laundry and something screamed boo in her ear . What ever was there in the home struck me in the back with a shoving almost like a smack when i was sitting down and watching tv and shortly after My mom had told me at night she would hear footsteps around her bed at night on a daily basis.”

    Ryan ~Paranormal Investigator/Researcher~

  10. Jesus drove out deamons and sprits.  They are real.

  11. I've had conscious OBEs (out of body experiences) a few times that I could recall. Although, I truly believe that everyone has had OBEs on a regular basis and not even know it. I think perhaps it is sometimes necessary for all of us to periodically have them for our own survival. Perhaps a natural reprieve to rest and recuperate our energy. And oh, it feels very refeshing to be rid of the physical body. Imagine flying free and liberated of all your pains and sufferings. One weekend, I had attended my first Reiki training session. The master Reiki teacher had opened up my crown chakra as part of my initiation. I felt a slight pinching at the top of my head and a sudden warmth came over me. It was nothing like any warmed one would feel by the fire but rather an inner warmth that seemed a part of me and around me. It was then that I felt the most peaceful I've ever felt. The feeling lasted into the night. That's when I had experienced my first conscious OBE. It was weird. I saw what appeared to me my translucent body just floating above my physical body. I then thought "door" and I just glided to my front door and out. There had been more strange things ever since.

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