
Do you believe in stopping animal abuse around the world?

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Do you believe in stopping animal abuse around the world?




  1. Yes.

  2. yes i do believe in stopping animal abuse.

    peta is trying to stop it.

  3. there's no point.

    i can't stop anything. i don't have control of the entire world, as no one will ever have that power either.

  4. we need to focus on stopping human abuse before we can even think about animal abuse

  5. nope. Animals are animals..they don't know they are being should we determine what animal abuse is??

    Eg, doing scientific research and soforth to try and cure diseases....we SHOULD be doing a h**l of a lotr more than that.

  6. You will not be effective until you quite torturing, mutilating and murdering babies in the womb. No animal rights group means a thing unless they get THAT straight.

    Treat Humans right and animals will be treated right. s***w humans.. and... guess what...

  7. Yes, I own 3 dogs and I foster dogs to save them from puppy mills and abusive homes.

  8. I believe in stopping the abuse of all living things: humans, animals and environment (tree deforesting).  Abuse needs to stop

  9. why have an animal if your not gonna take care of it yes i do belive in stopping animal abuse around the world

  10. Nope because whose looking out for the humans around the world!?

  11. yes. i think no one should abuse animals. I just don't like it when people focus too much on animals and forget about people starving in Africa etc. that should be our first prorities.  Just my opinion.

  12. Yes, I firmly believe in this. Humans are a dominant and more intelligent organism, so we should live up to it and put an end to harming/abusing the fellow creatures that live among us.

  13. lets work on human right first

  14. definatly--people dont realize that animals have feelings just like humans--they need to be loved and cared for just as much as any human

  15. No, I think we should have a worldwide marketing blitz to promote and encourage the spread of animal abuse.

  16. No. I like hot dogs. If "abuse" stopped, I might have to make do with some kind of tofu substitute, and that just won't cut it.

  17. Yes, but it will take a lot of work.

  18. I wish we could, but there are so many types I doubt it is gonna happen.

  19. YES! it would be hard too but reasonable! i mean come on....why to we need to abuse animals! seriously?

  20. Absolutely.  However because of different religious/cultural differences, it may be impossible to do according to my definition of animal abuse.  Some religions/cultures have different feelings towards the value of say a dog for instance than I do here living in the states and therefore, it would be wrong for me to assume I'm 'right' and they are 'wrong' . Interesting question.

  21. maybe AFTER we get human rights in place...

    sorry, but a starving baby has more value than a goat

  22. Nope

    cuz its never going to

    happen :(

  23. No

  24. Yes, I do, but there will always be cruel and carless people who will still abuse animals. Though you could always raise awareness for it.

  25. Yes, animals are alive too.

  26. I believe in stopping any kind of abuse anywhere...

  27. Nah, I'm good.

  28. no - why should i send my sons and daughters around the world to bring down governments to save animals from being mistreated?

  29. Yes, we should try to do somthing to stop it.

  30. Yes.  But you run into issues of what is considered "abuse" in different cultures.  Sometimes you need the change to come within that culture and cannot impose your views on others because they will resist the encroachment.

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