
Do you believe in the ALLEGATIONS OF THE ROYALTY trying to kill Princess Diana?

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Do you really believe these statements that were made....have you done alot of investigations to put the puzzle together. Have you watched the fim ' THE QUEEN' . Do you really think the ROYALITY COULD BE SO EVIL TO DO THIS? Or does AL FAYED'S revenge on the Royal family to destroy them? Or do you think there is evidence in what he says? Don't you think that the PAPPARAZI had mostly to blame? What are your views and do you have proof?? I just think we all need to search for the truth from the events that occured and not speculate from peoples EMOTIONS AND MAKE ACCUSATIONS.....would you like to be accused of someone that you loved dearly that you murdered them and it wasn't true?? BUT if you have facts well then share them but give me the sources that you got your information or otherwise do not share anything that would incriminate anyone.....THANK YOU AND ONLY SINCERE AND HONEST RESPONSES PLEASE.!! OTHERWISE IT WILL BE REPORTED




  1. Good Lord, I dread to read this question every time I log on Yahoo Answers.

    Have you ever bothered to read the Operation Paget?

    Have you ever read credible sources, not sources bribed by Al Fayed?

    All the evidence suggests it was just an accident: think, if she were just wearing a seatbelt, she would have almost cetainly survived!

    BUT if it were not an accident, there was only 1 person who had the means, though no reasons, to organize it: Al Fayed.

    It was HIS can and HIS last-minute plan with leaving Ritz. It was HIS ridiculous idea with the second car, it was HIS drunken employee that eventually caused the deaths of Diana and Dodi, it was HIS people that would listen to all of Dodi's and Diana's conversations (not the secret service, as is believed).

    If you ask me, I would say that Al Fayed has alunched that ridiculous campaign solely for 3 reasons: 1) as a revenge for the British Government, who denied him citizenship numerous times, 2) to remain in the spotlight 3) and most importandly, to deflect his share of responsibilty and guilt.

    And finally, why, why on Earth would the Royal Family want to kill Diana? She was a pain all right, but what reasons did they have? Here are a couple of popular believes:

    1) Diana and Dodi were engaged and the Royal Family didn't want mother of the future King marry a Muslim. WRONG. Before dating Dodi, Diana was dating another Muslin, Hasnat Khan. Their relationshps were very serious and Diana reportedly wanted to marry him. Hasnat wasn't killed and is currently alive. AND, every single person, who was close to Diana denies Dodi was every anything more then a summer fling.

    And frankly, do you think Diana would consider engagement with anyone at all, without telling her SONS (and they have testified for numerous times that Diana told nothing to them, even though they talked a day before).

    2) Diana hinted at the prospect of marriage by declaring to the paparazzi 'you will hear something big soon'. WRONG. Diana was going to announce about the establishment of the Worldwide Diana foundation, that was supposed to be her big news.

    So, what do we have, no MOTIVES and no POSSIBILITY (there is no way anyone would have managed to come up with a plan in the short period of time after Al Fayed told his son to leave hotel).

    And really, blaiming the Queen and Prince Philip is so ridiculous. What do you think Philip did, called Blair and said, 'Hi Tony, how are you? Hope wife and kids are ok. Listen, could you please arrange the murder of my former daughter-in-law? No, not Sarah, although we might think of it later, I mean Diana. Settled? Thanks a lot, we expect you for dinner tomorrow!"

    And finally, let's just imagine the MI5 DID plot the murder: do you think they would be so stupid and imature to organize SUCH accident? For Heaven's sake, if Diana were wearing a seatbelt, she WOULD HAVE SURVIVED!

  2. I don't think they are that evil.

  3. I think it could be a possibility.

    If you look at history, powerful people eliminate threats to themselves.  

    ex:  Joan of Arc.  Henry the 8th.  Hitler.  Alexander the Great.

    Many people in history have been murdered or assassinated because someone wanted them out of the way.

  4. Look this question has been answered many many times

    I happen to believe She was murdered after viewing a great deal of evidence that is freely available on You Tube on these pages If you care to look in the Archives using your search engine there is a great deal of evidence their too

    typing the question into Y/A Was Princess Diane Murdered It says there is over 39.000 items


    Google... Princess Diane Murdered

    193.000 entries

                   Was Princess Diane Murdered 127.000 entries

                    How did Princess Diane die 672.000 entries

                    Evidence relating to the death of Princess Diane 395.000 entries

    Shouldn't you have check some basic facts before forming Your question  These aren't the only source There are many thousands of others

    Where is your proof this Lady wasn't murdered

  5. Maybe people will now suggest that British Royalty were responsible for the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.

    This whole conspiracy plot regarding the death of Lady Di is getting a bit ludicrous.

  6. No, I don't.  Al Fayed lost his son which is something that no parent should ever have to endure.  His obsession with the Royal family is past ridiculous.  He needs therapy.

  7. No - it was just a tragic accident .

    A mixture of alcohol , speed and carelessness.

    Al Fayed's grief is driving him - there has to be a reason for loss or you go insane by the pure uselessness of the event.

  8. Yes.  You very smart person. Just like me.

  9. "Trying to kill Her"

    Aren't you keep up with events

    They succeeded more than ten years ago


  10. yes

  11. wrong Akkita, it was already proven that Paul was indeed NOT intoxicated at all.  So it wasn't true, I do in some ways believe that Diana was murdered, example witnesses stated that they have seen a white car hit Diana's car, and clearly when investigators found the vehicle, and tracked down the real owner, he was locked in a car and burned to death, so bad the only way they could Identify him was by dental records.

  12. Yes

    -SS (:-Smiling Star-:)

  13. The response of Diana Tais was excellent...and definitive.

  14. I think what Diana Tais says makes a good deal of sense. I think if MI5 or whatever were really going to murder her they'd have used a different method that was less "iffy", less dependent on her putting on a seatbelt, less chance of witnesses.

    Sure, Diana was very annoying to the Royal Family but was it worth murdering her? I just dont think so. OK,  I can just imagine Prince Philip saying rather plaintively "Can't we just get rid of the b***** woman?" but not SERIOUSLY. And no I DON"T think Elizabeth would be so evil as that, no matter how annoying she found her.

    But looking at it more practically, I also do not think that Elizabeth is that much of a risk taker. And she's not naive enough to think there was 100% security it would never be found out.  She has a great sense of responsibility and tradition and I don't think she would be involved in anything that if discovered would be the thing that did destroy the monarchy.  

    And what's the motive? As has been said here by DT she already had had another Muslim lover before and he's still around.   I dont think she WAS going to marry Dodi which is the big motive Mr. Al Fayed claims. I don't think she'd be going to get married and not tell the boys anything about it, she was very close to her kids.AND I don't think that if she HAD told them they'd have consistently lied about it. OR  if they believed there was a chance their grandparents - -or their Dad for that matter - -had ordered the murder of their Mum, I don't believe they would both totally keep their mouths shut about it.  

    I feel very bad for Mr. Al Fayad, I can't even imagine what it must be like to lose my son and who knows, maybe I would go a bit nuts overboard and blame other people too.

    There do seem to be some odd things about it but I don't think he has hit on the right idea.

    Of course, another theory has it that some arms manufacturers had her killed because of her participation in the campaign against land-mines.  I don't know if they'd bother, but I would believe  that before believing that the Queen had it done.  Still, if that were true, it didn't work out well,  because it was after her death that Tony Blair said he would sign the ban. (then of course some of the major countries did not support it anyway- -which anyone really high up would have known that was the likely eventual outcome anyway)

    I do not find it that unusual if someone in another car was involved in a crash for the person not to come forward - -some people would just not want the blame and the notoriety

  15. Yes. I thought so immediately I heard that she had died and how she had died.  In the last few days it has been reported that the circumstances of her death exactly mirrored those of an MI5 plot to murder some other political figure.  I believe some important people wanted Diana dead and thought life would be more inclined to go their way if they could achieve this. They were wrong.

  16. I dont believe the allegations.  Al Fayed changes his story every time he is interviewed, and says things that have absolutely no ring of truth to them. There isn't any evidence that supports fayeds allegations - Some of the things he comes out with are out and out lies and this is plain to see. If you watch any of his interviews from the time of the crash until now you will see just how his stories have developed over time and the inquest has already unravelled some instances where his staff lied on his behalf.  Read Rees-Jones account and you will see what a domineering figure he (al Fayed) is, and how he (al fayed) manipulated the facts to his advantage.  The PRincess and her protection officers were experienced in dealing with the paparrazzi, but Dodi and his staff were not, - I'd say that Dodi and his staff were more responisble for the crash than the Paps.  (interviews with Ken Lennox, Athur Edwards and Ken Wharfe)  

    I also strongly believe that if it was a persons job to kill the PRincess of Wales they would have opted for a senario that ensured that the job was done properly.  A car accident is just too hit and miss, it might kill her, it might not... I mean if you are employed to do a job you would want to make sure you were doing it well.  The side of the car where the Princess was sitting was hardly damaged, and if she had been wearing a seat belt it is likely she would have survivied - its also possible that she would have survivied if she had got to hospital sooner.  There were just too many oppurtunities for the hit to go wrong.. I don't believe a professional would have taken that chance.

    Furthermore, suggestion that the Queen and the royal family were threatened by Dianas power is ridiculous, because I believe the royal family did not fully comprehend Dianas Power until after her death- and then it was a huge shock to them.

  17. I have not followed it too closely but I would say that being human and protecting their own interests, it is not beyond belief.  They put their pants on one leg at a time just like the rest of the world.



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