
Do you believe in the Force...?

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Do believe that anything like the Force that is in Star Wars really exists?




  1. to some degree, I believe in prana, chi....etc...

    however, I think our ability to tap into naturally muted....

  2. One of my favorite movies. It really made you wish that something like The Force existed. Alas, there's no indication that it does.

  3. Many New Agers believe in it, even if they would never admit it.

  4. I think that the force is the same thing as faith. 100% faith can transcend even the physical limits that we impose upon ourselves. I have experienced it but 100% faith is difficult to attain and even more difficult to sustain. Seek and you will find this perfection of mind, body and soul.

  5. Yes I do.I confess I'm a spiritual person.Thats as far as I will go there.There is I believe Forces all around we are just now understanding,descovering,And possibly ones we are not aware of yet.Such is the wounder of the universe.

  6. im watching star wars now as im typing....i met a girl a little while ago and she was born on may the 4th....i thought that was pretty kool........

  7. I believe in the farce!    May the farce be with you!     LOL!

  8. ABSOLUTELY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Cultures all over the world has discovered that force, and has called it by dozens or even hundreds of different names.

    Here are a few of the more common names.

    Ch'i, Ki, Itaki, mana, manitou, orgone, akasha, prana, nuwati,

  9. Yeah, I do.

    Here's some info that might be useful for you as well:

    Sit vis vobiscum. [That's latin for may the force be with you]

  10. I believe that .... no let me start over, I KNOW for a fact that the the "force" is completely 100% fictional.

    How do I know?

    Come back to me when you can move your remote control using only your mind, not simply picking it up.

    Hey, go tire yourself out

  11. These aren't the answers you're looking for. You can go about your business. Move along.

  12. Hey PD, I LOVE STAR WARS!!!

    Yeah, I guess my love for the occult/spirituality has coincided with my love FOR STAR WARS!

    bOOHOOhoo - I'm a loser....

  13. I dont know but Michael Jackson does.....( the begining of "Working day and night ")

    "The force ... It's got alot of power...

    It makes you feel like.....It makes you feel like....



  14. Thankfully no.

  15. YES. I think that the Force is a realistic description for whatever created, often using evolution, all of the creatures and universe around us. Maybe This Force  just exists within Nature.

    I think our human brains are very limited when it comes to detailing and describing cosmic forces. The "Force" concept just acknowledges this real fact.

    We all tend to believe what we want to or need to believe, and that is fine if it does no harm.

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