
Do you believe in the Law of Attraction? Why or Why not?

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How is it possible to control what comes your way? Are we really all energy vibrating to what we think?

I partly agree with this law, but also partly skeptical. How can people attract accidents or murders? it's not like they want it.

And how can you use your thoughts to attract what you want? I'm kind of confused as how to do that.




  1. Not the way "The Secret" explained, I think their version of the Law of Attraction is too much simplified and formed the way they want it to be.

    I mean yes, we're all consist of and formed by energies, atom, protons and electrons (whatever). So in the most basic level we're connected to this universe. Which means I believe it is quite logical that our mind can affect the outcome of everything.

    But we should remember that our mind is not the only force that working in this giant mass of electrons, protons, etc. Other people have their own mind. And even the nature, the universe have their own law.

    By saying that our mind could moved the entire universe to work for us is ridiculous.

    Ancient people thought that everything resolve around our earth (sun, stars, etc. with earth as its centre). Today we found how wrong it is, yet now we try to say that the universe resolve around ? What? Me? The big capital "I"? I guess its just part of today mindset where everything is about me, me and me.

    I believe ancient Chinese is better in their understanding about this law. It is by living our life according to the law of the universe that we'll find the harmony in our life. Instead of forcing the universe to live out our little, selfish, egomaniac, petty wish.

    Indeed for some people their action seems to be supported by all these force of the universe, but don't you think, that is happened because he/she is act in harmony with the universe? Ie, those who try to free this world from slavery. It works, one man could move and change the old tradition of this world, but why? Because the idea behind his/her works is in harmony with the spirit of that age, it moved the same spirit inside other people of that age, etc. Because he act according to the higher more transcendental mind.

  2. I think that, if a person learns to control their thoughts and focus on what they want, they will begin to subconsciously look for chances to get what they want in everyday life.  Conversely, if someone thinks of bad things, they will notice bad things in everyday life.  In short, for the most part, I don't think it's as much about actually controlling what happens as about being optimistic or pessimistic.

    However, if one is able to use this skill effectively, it's certainly possible that one might subconsciously set up opportunities for what they want/don't want.  And we have to keep in mind, every single electrical impulse that happens in our brains affects the universe around us.  Can this be used to our advantage?  I don't know, but it's not scientifically inconceivable.

  3. There is chance, things happen, opportunities exist and some will cross your path regardless what thoughts you had...  Success is what happens when preparation and acceptance,  meet with opportunity.  So, having positive, success-accepting thoughts and attitudes, plus some knowledge or skill increases our results at success in your life, when opportunity comes your way.  So people think it was some "Law of Attraction".    I've seen some great opportunities come my way, and I didn't have the attitude and positive thinking to let success take root and grow.  It wasn't my thoughts that brought opportunity, but there was an issue about my effectiveness to profit from it.  

    A corollory of that, the concept of Law of Attraction can do people great social injustice if people blame or ridicule people for unfortunate events that happen to them, its not necessarily because their thoughts vibrated and attracted their negative incidents, don't automatically blame the victim.

  4. I like it, but i would not say it is valid.

    I think the whole "law of attraction" thing's goal was to plant positive thinking to people.

    If you look at the "bright-side", all the negative things happening around you will seem less frustrating, depressing. This is one of the many reasons why psychologists tells their depressed patients to have positive attitude.

    String theory suggest small vibration of strings are made up of energy, some suggest that we could change the vibrations with our thoughts, therefore altering outcomes. String theory is still at an infant stage, and i believe this "controlling-vibrations" is a wishful thinking. When i first heard about law of attraction, i quickly equated with string theory and found this "connection". But i am almost positive that this also is a wishful thinking.

    I also partly agree with the "law". Positive attitudes will attract positive people, and positive mind will percieve more positive things happening in your life.

    I do not think law of attraction works. But who knows if it actually does work and we only lack evidence to support it? If you like the theory, try it yourself. Attempting will never hurt.

  5. I don't know if there is an answer to that.

    I tend to be places when someone dies. And i am gifted at being there for them as they cross to the spiritual world. Does my aura attract death or am I a person who isn't afraid to visit a dying person and it is in my nature to stay there with them? Maybe it is a bit of both.

    A couple of years ago my daughter called to say that my X mother in law had taken a turn for the worse. I set out to visit her, then i figured no, i don't want to drive that far, i will another day. I felt pushed out the door like i had no choice. When i got there, being a retired nurse, i realized she probably wouldn't be alive for long. I canceled my day and spent 9 hours with her. The last hour my daughter showed up with her new born. It was a spiritual experience to hold her hand as she passed away. She would of died alone had not I gone.

    If I didn't have that personal spot in my heart that has the gift to handel death and dying, I probably wouldn't of even tried to visit her.

    When my bf and I visited his dying aunt if i didn't have the gift I maybe would of told him to pick me up after his visit to her, instead we were with her as she passed.

    I have also come across accidents and have helped people. Does the universe keep tabs on me being in the right place at the right time?

    If we consider our lives as meerly chemical brain actions and reactions then we are creatures with no freedom of choice. We would lack creativity.

    Can we attract what we want? I keep wondering why I keep attracting the wrong sort of men. Why?

    If i want quality men i need to hang out in quality places? I tried and it didn't work.

    i think that the law of attraction is just the theory of attraction.

  6. Last question responded to first: All attraction is based on desire(s). When you learn to replace wants and needs with desire(s), you (begin to) learn how attraction works. You can tell yourself you want (or don't want) something and it can come to you, but this is because The Law "knows even before you ask." The Law doesn't work at the level of want and need, because those thoughts do not create.

    I am convinced, and I realize it is controversial to believe this, that people (includes me) do "want" accidents and murders. It goes back to another form of the Law which is "as you sow, so shall you reap." Meaning, if you are okay with murder in some cases (i.e. killing of animals okay, or killing of characters in stories okay), then you are telling yourself it is okay, thus the Law provides you with what you are desiring, even while you lie to yourself and say, "I do not want this."

    The best ways that I have found to "control" what comes our way is to appreciate and allow. Appreciate what you have around you in your life, and allow more of the same. To the doubting mind, this is tough to swallow, because it means you allow (and accept) what you don't want. But you can allow in such a way that you realize, this too shall pass. Meaning you allow it, let it go, and align awareness with what is (truly) desired.

    First question last: Yes, I believe in the Law of Attraction. Why?



  7. uhh...i have no idea abt the questions u asked...i just know u attract some things that r n ur control ....dunno abt the rest of the i'm attracted to u ;)

  8. Absolutely not. For what rational person believes they control their destiny when in a instant the world can turn upside down. Remember Shri Lanka?

  9. It's not about "control." You put your intention out there and the universe gives you the best possible result. EXAMPLE: You really want to be with a guy. You force a relationship. He turns out to be an abuser. You LET GO and your REAL knight in shining armor "magically" shows up!

    ATTRACTING ACCIDENTS: Our subconscious stores what we accept as beliefs. Children are very susceptible. Maybe mommy says "You're a loser! You'll never amount to anything!" How does this play out in a child's actions as he grows into adulthood?

    Use your thinking to create new beliefs. Focus on what you want & believe you deserve it. Your thinking needs to be accepted by your subconscious. This is done best in a relaxed environment & thru repetition.

    Taking action is key, but don't attach to a specific outcome. Let things flow.

    I'm still experimenting with all of this, but I hope you can MAKE THINGS HAPPEN. Best Wishes!!!

  10. I think you put yourself in those positions when you are negative.

  11. This is no doubt a tough question to answer. Yes! I do believe in the law of attraction, but not so much in the way it's been commercialized and sold to the general public. Just look around in coffee shops and malls and notice the groups of people that hang out with each other. Many are dressed in similar fashion, or have tattoos or hairstyles that match. And, in my experience, theology geeks, and science geeks tend to repel each other, though there's a flip side to that in that they are attracted to each other through arguing sometimes, the need to argue being what they have in common.

      There's a difference between magical thinking, and being completely honest about the deep rooted feelings that are held in our hearts. My experience is that my head can think of all sorts of wonderful THINGS that I might like to have, and I've been able to achieve goals in this arena, that I had prior to viewing "the secret", thought impossible. But I was dismayed when My marriage fell apart in the process, and the THINGS couldn't save it.

    Oil and water don't mix. They vibrate at a different frequency. Certain levels of consciousness have a vibrational frequency as well. Though I can't prove that, I have some 40 years of personal circumstantial evidence.

    Having studied many an idea in the realm of the evolution of human consciousness over the past 30 years, I think that the idea of the "Law of attraction" is great and am happy to see it getting wide exposure. But there are other Laws that work with it, such as: cause and effect, polarity, transmutation of energy, just to name a few. It can be as complicated or as simple as you like.

    Very simply speaking, I Love Eckhart Tolle's take on what he calls "the pain body" in his now very popular books (see sources) and have no doubt that the reason why many people don't live a more satisfying life lies in understanding the deeper vibes that we carry around, but normally don't want to look at, or sweep under the rug.

    Ironically, now that I don't have as many things and have simplified my living situation, I am much more content on a deeper level than I ever have been, and have time to write and do what is in line with a much deeper aspect of my being. And in doing so, people are coming out  of the wood work, and opportunities are at every turn.

    So in short, I don't believe that the "Law of attraction" has much to do with anything that goes on in our heads. But if you open yourself to it, you might not like what you see at first, and life might get flipped up-side down for a while, but I believe that a deeper vibration is yearning to expand though each and every one of us in a completely individual way. And I've learned that it isn't about the getting, as much as it is about Giving. Giving of our deepest gifts.



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