
Do you believe in the Law of attraction?

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Just curious because I have been studying the law of attraction for a while now. Maybe you heard of" The secret" and the "Ask and it's Given". Anyways,

Any techniques that worked better for you? let me know!




  1. We all know the effects of the law of attraction and how does this one helps us in our daily life, but let me be sincere to you, since i knew about something called The SGR Program Home Study Course my life in my past 2 months has been different in a totality, and i don´t lie respecting this.

    I´ll tell you my brief story. My name is Juan Francisco an I’m a 25 year old person. I’m not inferring I’m rich, but I have a wealthy life certainly, I accede a university, I have my girlfriend named Laura, I live with both of my parents, and I don´t deny I live in exceptional conditions, but I’m not mentioning i have benefits like cars, or a house of 1000m2, nor a club. But everything changed 2 months ago; this e}when a friend of mine, who´s a big fan of the secret, follows Bob Proctons ideas and puts in practice everything told me about The SGR Program Home Study Course. At the beginning i didn´t gave much attention to it, but then i realized the effects of this one, and how did it work. I evidently bought it, and certainly things have changed for me. Before acquiring the SGR Program Home Study Course i certainly frequented the secret for everything which meant health, wealth and personal life, but after acquiring The SGR Program Home Study Course I don’t know how to explain the changes occurring.

    • In first matters, certainly focused using The SGR Program Home Study Course for wealth, and focused most of all in my monthly abundance. I continually used The SGR Program Home Study Course and in 8 days after using this one, my monthly profit increased almost 3 TIMES THAN USUAL. This thus my father works and earns a fix monthly profit, which allow me and my sister studies, alimentation and spare money. But to be serious his income wasn’t much, and the work was harsh and hard enough for anybody to arrive daily in bad mood. But by the law of attraction destiny, was promoted, consequently increasing my month profit which was in $1,100,000 Colombian pesos ($700 US), to $4,000,000 Colombian pesos ($2500 US), I couldn´t believe this, at the beginning I thought he had done something out of bounds, but then I got to know he was evidently promoted, and i couldn´t state my happiness.

    • In secondary matters, I desired to acquire even better electronics, in my case, a 3g cell phone and a laptop computer. I had in my mind saving money to acquire this, bu t my studies required me a new pc, thus the capacity of my pc was already fulfilled with enough lab reports, medical scientific studies, and evaluations, which occupied the capacity in almost a 100%, and as my hobbies had been tennis for almost 7 years, I subscribed in a tournament held in my friends club, with hopes enough ti win it. My tennis play had certainly improved, but when I played this tournament I was amazed, my forehand was a missile launcher, and my backhand was no different than the one from Roger Federer. Since I had acquired  The SGR Program Home Study Course, I had focussed in my sport too, but I didn’t gave this one major importance thus it didn’t made major influence on my life, AND EVEN, I DIDN´T FOCCUSED ON THIS ONE IN A 100%, AND I WON THIS TOURNAMENT The final result was 6-3 4-6 6-1. But what impressed me, that hi didn´t knew, was the winning price, i won a bonus of $5,000,000 Colombian pesos ($3000 US) in stores. With this money i bought me my ultimate HP pc, with 250 gb, 3.2GHZ processor, and 4gb ram memory. And in cell phone area, I bought me a Nokia n95 and with the spare money, i bought myself an iPod classic 160gb. With $500 US remaining

    • All this had been happening to 3 weeks after buying the product, and to my surprise i was so focused on the program, that i didn’t knew what something else to desire, thus thanks to The SGR Program Home Study Course i had my recent desires. But everything came to a family issue. My uncle in Medellin was discovered a Tumour in his neck, his physical conditions were not the most properly wanted by anybody, and he was examined; he was diagnosed metastasis, and that the central Tumour wasn´t able to be located. To prevent things getting worse, the tumour in the neck was extirpated. He was suited to radiotherapy. Days passed, and i used The SGR Program Home Study Course to desire health for him, all this, until my mother told him to examine himself with another doctor, one friend of my mother and recognized in Colombia, named Leon Jairo Londoño. He was exanimate again and by unknown means, he didn’t have metastasis. He did have cancer, but as he had the central rumour extirpated from his neck, the only action remaining to take was radiotherapy. Now his conditions are almost perfect, and in matter of days I estimate, his cancer would finish affecting his health and my moral stability, thus it has not affected his body and the doctor predicts it will be over in a phew time.

    If you want to acquire it enter:

  2. You live with the law of attraction whether you believe or not. Energy follows thought. Whatever you give your thoughts and attention to is what is your reality. I'm slowly building a website about my experiences and life in the LOA if you're interested. It's at and I have a blog at

    Through my personal growth, it's helped me a lot to hear about other people's personal experiences. I also highly recommend the yahoo group LawofAttraction. They're a great bunch of people.

  3. I've watched the movie and read the book. I quickly found I had no problem with the small stuff (parking spaces, long lines etc.) it was the "bigger" desire that took a bit of work on my part.

    what I learned:

    #1 rule:  Believe in your desire and have FAITH that it will manifest. (FAITH is a real biggie!)

    #2 rule: Stop thinking about it (this can be a sign of doubt).  If you've asked, visualized and believe it's yours, have faith that it will manifest into reality..... pretend like you've already received and MOVE ON with life!!  In order to "allow" or "receive" you must simply "let go", relax, and allow the creation process to unfold exactly as it will. If you feel inspired to act, act. If not, just trust that the universe has your highest good in mind.

    Best Wishes!

  4. I truly believe and work with the Law of Attraction.

    Another thing that works with the law of attraction is the Great Law and the Seven Natural Laws.

    Great Law:

    Everything is Energy

    ( All things move at molecular level, even your own physical body.)

    7 Natural Laws:

    1. The Law of Vibration and Attraction

    ( everything vibrates and moves)

    2. Law of Polarity

    ( everything can be extremely negative or positive.)

    3. The Law of Rhythm

    ( everything moves in rhythm and in perfect speed.)

    4. The Law of Relativity

    ( all things are relative according to your perception.)

    5. The Law of Cause and Effect

    ( every effect has a cause and every cause has a effect )

    6. The Law of Gender  

    ( both male and female are needed for creation)

    7. Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy.

    ( Energy moves in and out of forms.)

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