
Do you believe in the New World Order? If so what are your thoughts.?

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Do you believe in the New World Order? If so what are your thoughts.?




  1. No... I don't subscribe to conspiracy theories at all.  Why bother?

  2. I'll never comply with the NWO.

  3. It is happening.  It has been happening slowly for generations, but the pace is accelerating.

    Is it conspiracy, or is it coincidence?  Who knows for sure?  What is true is that we see greater integration of countries  and greater control of countries by corporate influence - here and around the globe.

    And it will affect you sooner than you think.  North American union is part of the new world order agenda.  Don't listen to  North American union is happening. State legislatures are resisting - but Bush & Co. are winning.  Google "Jerome Corsi Security Prosperity Partnership" to learn more.

  4. No. I live in reality, not a paranoid dream world.

  5. I can't say, they are already watching me, reading everything I type. Oh God, THEY'RE COMING FOR ME RIGHT NOW HELP HELP SEND HELP IAHSUFDHA UGFJDNS FVB B

  6. There's no question that some aspects of society are being controlled by small groups.  That's still a far cry from a single New World Order.  History has shown us time and time again that attempts to wield that kind of power always wind up collapsing in on themselves.  I think it would be too difficult for any single group to gain and maintain control over the entire world.  There are simply too many variables to control.

    The concept does make for some pretty realistic sounding fiction though.

  7. W.T.F new world order

  8. In the past I thought it just a wacky idea.  HOWEVER, the older I become, and the more I see happening with our Politicians and what they won't do for the good of our country, YES.............I do believe we are headed in that direction.  Especially with the secret meetings conducted under the guise of SPP (I think they have already changed that name) and the NAU, the AMERO, etc.  With Obama's Global Poverty Bill, if this should pass, my God, our Nation looses it's sovereignty to the UN, the CORRUPT UN.  How despicable is that!!!!! I think there are many sinister people in this World who have "ego problems", "power problems", thinking what they believe is the best for whom???  It will not be the best for we the fact we will end up "pawns" for the elite of the World.  Might not happen in my life time...............but will no doubt in my grandkids life time.  I can't imagine that this country would loose its' sovereignty, the American Dream (which is already happening), our rights freedoms and liberties.  God help us if this becomes real anytime in the future.

  9. China will rule the world soon. Lord knows we're giving them all the help we can, too. They're financing the Iraq War and will be financing the Iran War too if we're stupid enough to put McCain in. Does anyone think being in debt to China is a good thing?

  10. no

  11. America will be the world leader in a long run.

  12. A New World Order (NWO) does not fall into the category of conspiracy. The reality is that it exists in many forms today, and that it is increasing every year.

    Many of the International laws that exist take precedence over our country's laws. That means that if our government passes a law, and the International court disagrees, then that law must be stopped.  This is not a conspiracy, but a fact that exists today.

    With international trade agreements that usurp our law there is an in road from that direction today.  As one example, trucks entering the U.S. from Mexico do not have to follow our laws in regard to safety rules placed upon trucks. So an American trucker could be ticketed, but a Mexican trucker could not for the same violation.

  13. A year ago I would have thought that you were crazy to even think of something so insane. After all, who would go through such lengths to do these things right?

    But I've seen evidence of the workings of the NWO and I cannot deny the truth any longer. YES I believe in the New World Order, and that it's symbolism is everywhere. Do you know the game that Doritos has right now? The Quest? It is FULL of Illuminati symbolism. Especially the ad. Watch carefully as the three symbols line up. All three are the all seeing eye inside a pyramid... much like the one behind the US 1 dollar bill.

    Wake up people! The signs are all around you!

  14. Yes.

    The NWO is a luciferian agenda sponsored by the Illuminati to slave the masses. The agenda includes:

    - one world government

    - one religion (Baphomet)

    - one currency

    These agendas normally take 10-20-or more years to implement.  For example, the European Union was faonded in 1957 and look what we got now.

    My 2 cents.

  15. Is your question "do you believe in the conspiracy" or is it "Do you believe its a good thing" ???

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