
Do you believe in the apocalypse on 12/12/12?

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I don't - I'll be seventeen ):





  2. Oh sure, I'll be 22 then. lol, no, not really. I'll be in my 4th year of college!  

  3. if its that one thing were people say the worlds gonna end i don't believe it

  4. Your thinking of Dec. 21, 2012. It's fairly complex, but an absolute scientific fact that the earth will be at the EXACT center of the Milky Way galaxy on that date. The magnetic poles of the earth could shift, we know that because it's done it before. There will be a powerful magnetic pull toward us on that date. It only happens every 28,000 years or so, as a result, no records tell us much about it. But there are specials on the History channel, and on the National Geographic channel that seem quite comprehensive. The Mayans predicted this particular date as the end of time centuries ago. But I'm not gonna sweat it. After all, what the h**l can I do about it anyway? Thanks, and have a good evening!  

  5. No I don't believe it. How can they just magically have the date? It's not in the Bible. So, yeah. If it was really going to happen, no one would have the date. I'll be 25.  

  6. haha no but i think itll be a fun day.

  7. No.

  8. About like I believed in an apocalypse on Y2K.  

  9. idk but to tell you this if god put that to happen on dec.12, 2012 then something might happen god said in the bible that this will be a world with NO END! and if u were to die then it was for a reason that god only knows. just keep believing in god ! he created u. he loves u. so he will try to lead us into the right path. no im not crazy its cuz my mom has a friend that is major with god sort of like a priest and yeah its pretty cool and she tells me !!!!!!

  10. I don't think it will be an apocalypse, but something revolutionary is going to happen. Something that will cause a big change.

    Mother nature's way out of balance, and I think somethings gonna happen to put it back in.

  11. I try not to worry about these things ;D

    If I die then I won't have to listen to racism, idiots, politics, etc anymore.  

  12. I wouldn't worry were I you. It is just a symmetrical number. Won't mean a thing.

    Oh, and IMO, "BO$$..." is a fool. This date has nothing to do with any Christian sect - it is the end of the Mayan calendar.

  13. First of all it is December 21, 2012. So to answer the apocalypse on 12/12/12...No. But something will happen on December 21, 2012. Im not sure what, but there are too many theories to knock of the possibility.

  14. it is 12/21/2012. the Mayan prophecy. not unless nuclear war breaks out in 2009. if that Mayan prophecy comes to pass then so will 2012. until then,no.

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