
Do you believe in the existence of Aliens?

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Do you believe in the existence of Aliens?




  1. well my answer will be "i dont know"

    i cant say yes there are aliens or no there are no aliens,how should I know that?!

  2. no

    وما خلقت الجن والانس الا ليعبدون

  3. The only Aliens in this life are actually humans, who behave and act differently and don't want to be part of the community. You cannot predict what they do or want and you really feel they are not the same as you, the more you try to help them the more they alianate themsleves.


  4. yes i do

  5. Am an Alien !!


    @ Fraspa

    hehehehe, hohohohoh, hahahaha, hihihihihi

  6. i believe in jinn , angels , and devils .

    it was reported in the US and Australia that they found  Aliens .

    i dont have proof to believe or disbelieve them.

    i have to wait till i know for sure in this world or the hereafter .

  7. ...i don't think so....? you?

  8. Sometimes I wonder if they exist.  There is an alien here like Eman G said... her.  But she is a special alien because this alien changes every three days... especially her hairstyle and sometimes her eyes and lately she's "shaky".  But don't worry everybody, she won't do anything bad to you.  

    But seriously, if they do exist, I don't ever want to see them.


    @ Eman - Thanks to you... I cannot get that song from Samo out of my head, even when I woke up this morning.  :-)

  9. Yeah ... i believe in their existence

    Why ??

    Check my answer in this question;...

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