
Do you believe in the existence of witchcraft?

by Guest65345  |  earlier

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Do you believe in the existence of witchcraft?

If so, why? If not, why?

Is witchcraft a matter of the past? Or does it still exists?




  1. Oh its very real hun!  Yes it still exisits but is not as public due to public reaction to it.  This is one witch that I know personally and still helps people in need.

  2. Yes because I have met many many witches or people who like to call themselves such. It is not a matter of the past it still exists. Though I would have to say bout 90% of all the witches I met shouldn't be consider witches at all.

  3. I think at one time there was power in it but the knowledge was lost. These days try and cast a spell on someone or a protection spell on yourself during a fight and you'll probably be going home with a black eye.

  4. Yes, because I practice it.  It can be a very rewarding thing to learn about and I've enjoyed it greatly.

  5. Past or present, just the idea that you or someone else can do magic to manipulate certain things has a very powerful effect. The human mind can do incredible things with the power of suggestion, there is no doubt about that. I like to think that I am not an overly superstitious person but if someone said that they had put a curse on me I might subconsciously do something to make it seem like I were cursed.  One last thing about the past...people were a lot less educated and a lot more superstitious.

  6. Yes I do believe in the existence of Witchcraft. This is because, Wicca, the religion, exists. Wiccans practice a form of witchcraft. I am not a Wiccan. But I have read several books on the subject.

    What I do not believe in, however, is Witchcraft as it's dipicted in films/TV... That of the magic powers that makes things appear/disappear, flying on brooms etc... Wicca is not as it's depicted in film, and neither is Witchcraft. But as long as Wiccans exist, Witchcraft will exist as well.

    Wicca is actually an often misunderstood religion. They do not practice evil, nor are they Satanist (that's what the Church of Satan is for). Wiccans actually worship the Earth, and Gods and Goddesses. They do cast spells. But the spells are geared towards good, and prosperity. This is because Wiccans also believe that "Whatever you do, comes back to you".

    Also, there are many who practice Witchcraft, outside of Wicca. Many Shamans for example refer to what they practice, as "witchcraft".

  7. I am  practicing witch, so yes I believe in it.No, it isn't a matter of the past, sure it has been taking a bit of a break for a while, not as known as it was in the past, but it is still with us.

  8. It exists, as a practice as a way of life.  It exists as a religion in Wicca, though they are the different in many ways, they hold some same principles.  

    It exists in our accountability to the universe as a whole, and the ability of a single person to control their own lives through knowledge, preparation and belief.

    It is in the natural world, an appreciation for that natural world.

    Witchcraft is a matter of the past, one that has shaped many mainstream religions in one form or another.  What you probably consider witchcraft, or paganism is traceable throughout history and in many different cultures.  

    A matter or the present today through practitioners, Wicca, there are organizations that are non-profit religious "churches" for lack of a better term, who practice the craft in one form or another.

    And most likely one of the future as well, since individuals have a tendency to learn, make their own decisions and seek to have a semblance of control over their own lives.

  9. Yes, witchcraft exists, in many different forms, not just Wicca like the uneducated like to think.

    it's a matter of past, of present and future.

    Why do I believe? Experience.

  10. There are thousands of witches all around the world in different countries.

  11. Witchcraft exists.

    Is it effective, you'd have to ask a Wiccan.

    I'm not a practitioner.

  12. Witch craft is an extremely subtle craft. So subtle that only its practitioners can really tell you whether it is working or not. So very, very, very, very, very subtle that no-one else can tell that it has any effect whatsoever.

    A witch works very gently and quietly. Imperceptibly, silently, invisibly - undetectable. To everyone else, the magic is indistinguishable from someone doing nothing at all.

  13. Yes, the Goddess is alive and Magick is afoot

  14. yes it does, and i sugest u dont use it against someone for if you do bad things will happen

  15. still exists

    it creaps the h**l outta do i know???

    i personally know a lady that does spells and i HATE being around her cause im not into that c**p.

    its against GODs word...seriously, its freaky knowin how many ppl still practice it

  16. The religion of Witches and Witchcraft is a religion that celebrates Nature and the spiritual power that it possesses.

    Wicca is a relatively modern interpretation of an ancient religion that is gaining some renewed popularity today, probably because of the increasingly stressful and fast paced lifestyle we live nowadays. Witchcraft is a religion steeped in ancient Pagan Lore.

    There is no central authority or written scriptures and Witches and Pagans can and do vary their worship, beliefs, practices and daily lives to honour nature in the ways of their choosing.

    Witches can either worship in covens or on their own as solitary witches.

    Unlike some religions, rather than being told what you must think, feel and do, with a set of strict rules, laws and commandments to adhere to, Witches have one main rule.

    "An It Harme None, Do As Ye Will."

    A Witch, by definition is a practitioner of Earth and Nature Magic. The popular conception of a witch is a wicked ugly old crone casting spells to cause harm and mischief. This is far removed from the actual nature of witchcraft as the ancients saw it, and modern practitioners view and practice it now. We can cast some blame towards the "Wizard of Oz" and William Shakespeare's "Macbeth" for this image today!

  17. i dunno

    Havent heard much about it recently

  18. that depends how you interpret "witchcraft". Christians consider any practice not of the bible to be "witchcraft".

    herbalism, divination, fortune-telling, ancestor worship, shamanism, paganism are all considered witchcraft.

    yes, i believe in witchcraft and I'm a practitioner of witchcraft and shamanism. why? cuz i grew up in that environment.  

  19. As a practicing witch, I know witchcraft exists. At present, I'm in contact with literally hundreds of others who identify as witches also. We are definitely not a relic of the past but a harbinger of the future.

  20. Witchcraft exists is real. Witches are here on earth and they're people like you and me. They have their own Gods and Godesses, they 're own symbols and their own traditions. They use Witchcraft to cause physical or other change. They can be good or bad, so not all Witches work with evil spirits. Witchcraft is like an unattended fire in the hands of children and vengeful people... Use it wisely.

  21. Witchcraft is very much alive, as is voodoo. I believe it works in subtle and spiritual ways, as opposed to it's practitioners flying on broomsticks or shooting fireballs from their hands.

    I also believe, that what you get out of it depends on how much energy you put into it. Native Americans for example used to have rain dances where they put so much collective energy and thought into something happening that it happens (storm clouds gathering and raining in that case).

    There are probably harmful things you can do with witchcraft but I imagine those practitioners are few and far between and probably don't have a total grasp of their craft as those that do are usually nice people.

  22. no but i beleive in wizards-lore. its sounds better. and yes witchcraft is a huge matter of the past.

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