
Do you believe in the flood?

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In 1978, a couple of guys searching for fossils and arrowheads stumbled upon a treasure of bones sticking out of a creek bed near Waco, Texas. It was later discovered that what they found was a family of Columbian mammoths, along with camels, saber-toothed tigers, and a variety of animals yet to be uncovered.

For thirty years it’s been questioned what brought this variety of animals so close together in one site. Today, paleontologists suggest the herd was in the midst of disaster -- “trapped by flood waters and entombed by a mudslide.” They say the placement of the bones show that adults were trying to “lift juveniles up out of the muck when the wall around them collapsed.” Creationists call this even more evidence for God’s Word and the Flood in the days of Noah.




  1. It is likely that the flood in the Bible has some historical basis, though it was widely exaggerated and had no impact on biology as a whole (and did not involve extinct prehistoric animals). Most credible historians concede that the story is based on events recorded by Babylonians concerning a natural disaster, which were later assimilated by the Hebrews.

    Science is about developing firm, yet contingent, approximations concerning the mechanical processes at work in natural phenomena. Theories in science are considered tenable when they offer solid predictions, but they are never absolute dogma.

    Science is not about trying to slant evidence in favor of what you want to believe (or what you are forced to believe). Ideas which represent absolute dogma belong in the academic sphere of theology only. It is unfortunate that the person who posted the original statement is unable to appreciate that distinction.

  2. The massive meteor that wiped out the dinosaurs fell into the Yucatan peninsula, if that's close.

  3. Maybe Fred Flinstones and Barney Rubbles were there hunting with Dino. Obviously.

  4. According to some myths in many religions and common folklore, there was a flood, the Egyptians believed that the world flipped from south to north and vice versa, so, the water's movement could have created a flood.

    I do believe that there was such a thing, just look at the sphinx, it has water damage on it... how could that have happened if not from a flood?

  5. Do I believe that an old man packed over 300 million different species, including the ones from different continents, onto a big boat and saved them all from dying?


    Question:  How did all the trees and plants survive being under salt water for such a long time?

  6. How many dinosaurs and trilobites did they find in there with the mammoths and saber tooths?

  7. the hopi describe the 4 worlds.

    1st world destroyed my ice

    2nd world destroyed by fire

    3rd world destroyed by water

    4th world(our world)destroyed by a combination of the

    2nd and 3rd world, -rain-

    meteor hits the southern usa,

    volcanoes erupt,too much ash in the air,the pacific ring of fire erupts

    earth cleanses herself,with a profound rain for

    4 mass changes,people migrate.

    the hopi said when the 3rd world ended they were taken into the earth by the ant people...and reemerged after..

  8. Part of all the world is filled with water- more than there is land. Was there a flood? Yes.  

  9. Yes i believe in the flood, because the bible isnt the only place where it is mentioned. In fact all of the great ancient civilizations mentions a great flood, and they even mention that it will happen again, in the next 6 years if you want to make a guess.

  10. I beleive there was a flood and it says so in the Book of Mormon and every other bible but god also promised he would never destroy the earth like that ever again.  

  11. yes! its in the bible...

  12. well there was this period in history Called the Ice age .  where did the water come from to freeze and what happens when it melts ....flood

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