
Do you believe in the idea of meritocracy?

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A social system that rewards people in direct proportion to thier merits (skills, abilities, intelligence)




  1. that flies in the face of cronyism, so it would never work.

  2. Dawn, I could not have said it better. I do not think we all get what we think we deserve. Any many get much more than they deserve.

    Along with the sunshine, must come a little rain.

    And it rains on the just and unjust. Many may make it on this earth but not get into the gates of heaven

    Our world is not blessed by its own merits. If that were true, non of us would be here. Non of us deserve to be alive.

    Most people to not make it by themselves. You may be born smart or talented or you may be born without an ability to reason and be mentally impaired. But we have all paid a price and contributed to what the world is today.

    As they say "no man is an island"

  3. Within reason.

    First, it's tragic that character and ethics aren't on the list at all. Second, those less capable shouldn't starve, or be oppressed. Every human has rights.

    But, with those previsos, then, yes, meritocracy wouldn't suck.

    Of course, there's that tricky question of how to determine ability, etc.

  4. I think your a little to vague with the question here. Are you asking if we believe or approve of the idea in principle or that we believe that we currently live in a world based on meritocracies. I think most americans or people influenced by western ways of thinking are likely to embrace the idea of a meritocracy. It represents a relatively recent invention in terms of human history, and one that has the potential to be viewed as a very positive thing.

    I dont actually believe such things exist on a large scale however. You probably could find things that are much closer than other examples, but true meritocracies like most other things are something of an ideal type. Humans seem to lack the objectivity in perception in order to make such a system work consistently.

  5. Please define.


    Okay, I looked it up.  This sounds like a false religion in the making.  Religion in its very nature tells us what we must do to save ourselves from destruction.

    To what end does this Meritocracy prevail?  Look around, status, money, education, position does not equal happiness or satisfaction.  If it were so, there would be no wars.  Is it not the wealthy and educated who never have enough?

    No, I believe in God and His Son Jesus who is the atonement for the sinful nature of mankind.

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