
Do you believe in the myth of the Bermuda Triangle?

by Guest59054  |  earlier

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I myself have traveled into the Bermuda Triangle by ship, and I slept there for 2 nights and nothing happened, I am still alive. The only thing that went wrong was our compass it went crazy, but other than that everything was great. So my question is, do you believe in the myth about the Bermuda Triangle?




  1. no, it doesn't exist

  2. i do...

    a very paranormal site...

  3. I live in it sailed cruised it many times nothing has happened >yet<?? Tomorrows another day>

  4. Maybe only certain people can die there

  5. One day, science will be able to explain what happens in the Bermuda Triangle.

    Until that day, I've heard the stories and read the reports -- missing ships/planes, compasses that go haywire, strange phenomena that has no rational explanation.  Therefore I'll keep an open mind until someone finds out whatever is going on there.

  6. i dont think it exists cause i read a book about bermuda triangle and the scientists say theres natural causes and some other answers are maybe from Extra-Terrestrial things or Aliens. im not entirely sure if the book i read was right but it did tell stories to the people that died there. And one story said that some people survived there. Maybe in the future we will know what and why causes the bermuda triangle to be strange......

  7. The insurance firm Lloyd's of London did a comparison of other areas the size of the Bermuda Triangle.

    They found that all the comparable locations had as many or more unexplained disappearances and disasters throughout history as did the triangle.

    The only difference is that events within the triangle gets more publicity, just because of the myths about the triangle.

  8. I don't believe that the area is cursed, haunted, or the like.  I believe that there is a rational explanation for the unusual disappearances and sinkings in the area; one of the most likely I have heard is the notion that pockets of frozen methane under the sea-bed may, as they melt and release their gas, be responsible for the missing ships and aircraft...

  9. Iv'e seen an episode on the Discovery channel that explained the myth.  It had some thing to do with rogue waves that come up very suddenly, and very large.  It is related to the form of the bottom of the ocean there, and also the wind currents.

  10. I believe in it. once i went there with my uncle and we saw a light in the sky. then a strange looking cloud went around it and started to spin. Then we saw the uss cyclops, but with no crew on it. then i looked in the sky the light was gone i looked down the ship was gone.  

  11. i think something is wrong with that place.  

  12. btvs.witch's is correct!

    the chemical is actually liquid methane as a gas phopherous substrate

  13. UNda the sea! Unda the sea!

    hmhmmhmhmmhmhmhmhmh hmmmmmmmmmmm!

    GOt it stuck in my hed sorry, Um... I really think that u can come out dead or alive u luckky man!

  14. It isn't really a myth anymore.Apparently, scientist have discovered a substance, some sort of chemical that, when released in large bursts, changes the density of the water and air,causing ships to sink and planes to fall.The gas is always released, but in small quantities, posing no threat, but when it really bursts is the problem.

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