
Do you believe in the old adage "it take a village" regarding parenting....?

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If so, is your village made up of people who think like you concerning life and child rearing or do you have "villagers" who have a different take on parenting?

My village is made up of so many different views, lifestyles, religions and ideas. I find it helps my kids ask questions and get a broader view of the world around them, it opens them up to a world that is not set in stone, that is not black and white, one that has some wiggle room.




  1. Absolutely!  Our village is made up of many different kinds of people and I love the idea that Bradley is getting a broad perspective of the world.  His father and I discussed this very subject this weekend and we believe this will help him grow to be a well rounded young man.

  2. Absolutely. My village has homosexuals and heterosexuals, Catholics, Lutherans, Methodists, Jews, Jehovah's Witnesses.  There are young and old people completely across the age spectrum and a vareity of ethnic backgrounds as well.

  3. My village consists of a variety of people. There are people who have the same morals and beliefs as I do, and they help me instill them in my children. There are also people with very different views and beliefs and I believe that letting my kids listen to these people and even explore into what they believe will help them grow and eventually turn them into their own person.

  4. um how does the village take care of my kids?  i take care of them and feed them and clothe them and bathe them.  the village just sits and waits for the kid to do something wrong and then complains.

  5. I believe it in it with all my heart.

    My village consists of anybody who sees my kids doing wrong and corrects them politely. I would never react negatively to someone correcting my child, as long as they were nice about it and not screaming and yelling at my kids.

  6. Well, I'm with my kids all the time and even during school I volunteer a lot, eat lunch with them frequently etc... so far they haven't needed a *village* to help raise them. That said, they have learned a lot through other family members and teachers and activity instructors that I can't offer them. They learn so much from their father and I that others can't offer- so in a sense , I think the village thing holds some truth. It's beneficial if everyone in the community takes an active role in children's lives.

    I have met other children in their school that NEED a village to pitch in. Children with not a lot of opportunities and attention and I definitely see parents and myself stepping up when we are around to help, comfort, be silly and offer attention to those kids. some kids benefit more from teachers, school, other parents and their neighborhood than they do at home. That might be sad and unfair- but it is what it is.

    The world would be better if everyone helped each other out. all you can do is your own part and hope others do the same.

  7. I do, but I know that, in the end, I am responsible for my kids, so I stay involved with how they're interacting with the village & who makes it up.  

    I know that my point of view on things is, necessarily, limited to what I have the time & capacity to know and what experiences have lead me to my beliefs.  So, other people who have other experiences & expertise are welcome to share or act as resources for my kids.  My kids are encouraged to do their own research & think for themselves.

    But, then, they come right back to the touchstone of home, parents, family, where we all share, discuss, test & filter ideas through the simple value system of 'do no harm'.

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