
Do you believe in the paranormal?? And Why do you?

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Do you believe in the paranormal?? And Why do you?




  1. Because I am the paranormal......Weird and wonderful things  happen when I'm around....

  2. I believe in the paranormal because I know I can use reiki on a person and make their pain go away, among other things. (that's energy healing, for those of you not familiar with the word). People who are used to that might not classify it as paranormal, but it still seems a bit like that to me...something we don't thoroughly understand, although it happens to be real.

    I also know a lot of other folks that have had experiences that are so out of the norm that they couldn't be made up. (One gal in particular was so lacking in imagination there's no way she couldn't have been telling the truth about her visions and communications.) And I trust those people not to be liars, as they have no reason to be.

  3. Only the tooth fairy.  

    It used to leave me money, and I saw it's shadow enter my room one night.

    So there definitely is a tooth fairy.  I have experienced it.  

    Been there done that, so I know it's true.

    Some call me a kook and skeptics won't believe me, but I know what I saw.

  4. Yes, personal experiences all of my life.

  5. No,I don't believe.Any claim I've checked out has always fallen apart.I mean no offense to folks who believe they've experienced the paranormal.The honest folk,I think are mistaken.Then again maybe they're not.The dishonest are fabricating stories.When we chose a side and refuse be open-minded.It's hard to tell the difference,In other words if you believe,you should study a claim with just as many questions as a skeptic.Separating actual honest claims from the silly,made up tales.Should be something we all want.

  6. at first when i was young I belived in god because I believed that it was the right thing to do and because it was expected of me, when I realised this, I contemplated the alternative, which really is kinda dull and pointless and so I then 'desired' to believe and as I began to expect the unexpected, day sha vu, and dreams become more vivid, contemplation on reality evolved it into a structured multidimensional tapestry of  time imagination expectation desire and acceptance, things happen, seeping through dimensions of time and space. the trouble is that when you are there, and bombarded with an infinity of stimulie, the mind has trouble forming organised thoughts kinda like listening to the radio inside a tornado.

  7. I do...   my grandparents own a historical home/bldg owned a long time ago by a Shaker community. The home is 6 floors and has more rooms imaginable.. much of the home is  sealed off to their main home area because it is just big... at any rate.. when my mom and her bro/sis/cousins were playin an area of home when they were little they looked up to stairwell and saw who they thought was a priest looking down at them he was standing at the top. Everyone of them saw it and there were 6 kids in total. they ran down the stairs and told their mom (my grandmother) and they called the police... there was nowhere there..  to exit the person had to go  through the hallway in their home...  When they were shown pics of the shaker community everyone of them said that was what the man looked like.  I had asked my Grandmother as an adult about the house and asked her point blank do you thing there are spirits in the home.. and she said "yes I have lived here for 78 yrs and I do know they are here but I never felt threatened or scared and they don't bother me"...  I don't know about some but my Grandmom does not tell tales... There are so many stories that came from this home but it would take me too long to share all...  So yes... I do believe, however I am not sure if I would have if this home wasn't a part of my life... I just have never known any different.

  8. I see it all the time and wonder why other people don't.  I have all my life and I guess I just never wanted to change, even with all the people trying to tell me I was wrong.  It's like there is a whole other world out there and only a few of  us can see it.  Some times it's hard to see, other times it's as clear as the rest of things.

  9. I do def.. and I do because I have had my own experiences that really can't be explained . And also because I am a spiritual person  and have always been since I was little. I believe that your loved ones watch over you. ANd I no some of mine do just by what little signs they make for me to no they are....

  10. I have never experienced anything that has required a paranormal explanation.

  11. Yes, because I have had some experiences.

  12. I have been there.  Do you believe it's possible to die and come back alive again?  Been there, done that.  You see, you are really a spiritual being, having a bodily experience.

    It's NOT the other way around.  The body is just a machine for the spirit (soul) to use.  What you call paranormal is really the norm and what you call the norm is really the paranomal.  Never thought of that did you?  You have to learn to think a different way.  Think differently, you will see differently.

  13. I grew up in a church that believed in paranormal things. They didn't say they did...they believed they were experiences from God..(unless they happened to YOU!!)  I "believed" but thought they were only for holy people. Then...they happened to me. I went to the church and told them. They called me a "kook". So...sometimes it's better to keep it to yourself. It's ok to come here with these things one knows you.The skeptics will debunk every thing you/we say...but they've never had any  paranormal experiences.

  14. first of all, because there is prove that it exsists.. and second because i have experienced paranormal activity

  15. James C's answer just robbed my macho.  His answer says everything I wish I'd said.

    Edit:  Thought of something.

    Be grateful the money ain't there

    For science to study or care:

    With two-headed Asians

    And stunted caucasians

    They'd prove that it works with a flair.

  16. I was raised in a scientific, 'rational' home with no religion or belief in anything outside the senses, but dammit if the darndest things didn't start popping up that convinced me that there's a lot more going on in life than can be explained in a laboratory. I'm 52 and above average I.Q. Honesty and integrity carry a lot of weight. If I say I saw a ghost, take it to the bank. (I have). Explain it? I can't. My take on life is we're just beginners here, and we only have a few years to make sense of things--then all will be revealed in the next life. Yes, there's a next life. Keep your eyes and mind open and enjoy the ride. No fear!

  17. I believe in the paranormal because of personal experiences that I have had in the past - unexplainable contact from relatives that warned me of things that I was able to avoid and such.

    I believe so greatly that I joined a paranormal investigation group to help people who are afraid of what is going on in their homes and lives to understand what is going on.

    I have seen a LOT of strange and unexplainable things, but I have seen a lot of things I have been able to explain.  it's a balance.

  18. Yes, I have experienced things I can't explain.  But I have never thought that any of my relatives that have passed are near me.  I believe it happens to other people, but I'm just kinda sad that MY relatives have stood me up.  It figures. lol

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